January 11, 2024
FREE Printable Life Cycle of a Worm Worksheets for Kids

FREE Printable Life Cycle of a Worm Worksheets for Kids


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Check out these awesome free printable worm life cycle worksheets for kids! Teach your little ones all about the different stages of the life cyle of worms in a fun and interactive way. These worm life cycle printables are perfect for teaching life cycles for kids from first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, and 6th grade students too. Download these free worm worksheets to learn about these garden favorites.

Check out these awesome free printable worm life cycle worksheets for kids! Teach your little ones all about the different stages of the life cyle of worms in a fun and interactive way. These worm life cycle printables are perfect for teaching life cycles for kids from first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, and 6th grade students too. Download these free worm worksheets to learn about these garden favorites.

Worm Life Cycle Worksheets

Explore the fascinating world of slimy worms who give us nice loose, nutriet rich soil with these amazing free printable worm life cycle worksheets for kids! Make learning engaging and interactive as you guide your little ones through the different stages of a worm’s life. These life cycle of a worm resources are perfect for elementary students from grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4, grade 5, and grade 5. Whether you are a parent, teacher, or homeschooler – you will love adding these life cycle worksheets to your study about farm animals, life cycles lesson, or a learning center.

Worm Worksheets

Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> __________ <<. The pdf file will open in a new window for you to save freebie. Then, simply print the pages and you are ready to learn about the life cycle of a worm. You will love that these activities require  NO PREP! These free worksheets are color, and some in black and white.

Worms for Kids

Did you know that worms play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem? They may be small, but their impact is mighty! Let’s dive into their life cycle and discover the wonders of these incredible creatures.

  • Egg Stage: Just like other living creatures, worms start their lives as tiny eggs. These eggs are cocooned in a protective casing, often hidden deep within the soil or decaying matter. Try searching for these hidden treasures during your next nature walk!
  • Hatching: After a few weeks, the eggs hatch and give life to baby worms, also known as “larvae.” These tiny worms are much thinner and shorter than their adult counterparts. Have you ever spotted these little wigglers while gardening? Now you’ll know what they are!
  • Growing Up: As the larvae grow, they shed their skin multiple times in a process called molting. Each time they molt, they become larger, gaining new segments and expanding their size. It’s like a wormy makeover!
  • Maturity: After several stages of shedding and growing, the worms reach maturity. At this point, they have reached their adult size and develop the ability to reproduce. From this moment, they become part of the important workforce tunneling through the soil, improving its structure, and helping plants grow!
  • Reproduction: When worms reach maturity, they seek another worm to mate with. They create a sticky mucus cocoon to protect their eggs and then deposit it in the soil. Inside the cocoon, baby worms develop and grow until they are ready to hatch and continue the life cycle anew.

all about worms worksheets

Worm Printables

There are quite a few activities in this pack including:
  • Vocabulary Cards
  • Life Cycle Poster
  • Write the life cycle
  • Cut and paste the life cycle
  • Draw the life cycle
  • Color the life cycle

Cut, paste and color the life cycle
Color and create a life cycle mini book
Trace and create a life cycle mini book
Life Cycle mini book - write your thoughts
Parts of a Worm 
What I know, what I want to learn
Can, have, are
Vocabulary page

Life Cycle of a Worm

  • Cut, paste and color the life cycle
  • Color and create a life cycle mini book
  • Trace and create a life cycle mini book
  • Life Cycle mini book – write your thoughts
  • Parts of a Worm
  • What I know, what I want to learn
  • Can, have, are
  • Vocabulary page

All About Worms

Worms Come in All Shapes and Sizes: From the tiny thread-like nematodes to the larger earthworms, these squiggly creatures can be found in various sizes. Some worms grow up to several feet long!

  • Worms Have Super Senses: Despite lacking eyes, worms are incredibly perceptive! They use touch-sensitive cells all over their bodies to explore their surroundings and find food. Their senses are so amazing that they can even taste with their skin.
  • Earthworms are Nature’s Soil Engineers: Earthworms are natural gardeners of the earth! As they burrow through the soil, they create tunnels that allow air, water, and nutrients to reach plant roots, promoting healthy growth.
  • Worms Can Regenerate: Ever heard the saying “cut a worm in half, and you’ll have two”? It’s not entirely true, but worms do have an amazing regenerative power. If a worm loses a part of its body, it can grow back!
  • Worms Make a Wonderful Meal: Did you know that some animals, like birds and frogs, consider worms a scrumptious snack? They’re definitely a hit on the menu!
  • Worms Help Our Gardens Thrive: Worm castings, also known as worm poop, are nature’s ultimate fertilizer! Rich in nutrients, they enhance soil health and make plants grow bigger and stronger.
  • Worms Celebrate Worm Parties: When it rains, worms often wiggle up from their burrows to avoid drowning. This alludes to the mesmerizing sight we call a “worm party,” where numerous worms can be seen on the ground!

Life Cycle Reader
Habitat Reading comprehension
Type of animal reading comprehension
Life cycle reading comprehension
Book Report
Animal Report
My Notes 
Some answers included

Earthworm Facts

  • Life Cycle Reader
  • Habitat Reading comprehension
  • Type of animal reading comprehension
  • Life cycle reading comprehension
  • Book Report
  • Animal Report
  • My Notes
  • Some answers included

Life Cycles for Kids

See over 70 Life Cycles for Kids Printable Worksheets and life cycle activities

Spring Activities

Spring Printables

Teach your kids about worm life cycles with these free printable worksheets - perfect for grades 1-6!

Worm Printables

Before you grab your free pack you agree to the following:

  • This set is for personal and classroom use only.
  • This printable set may not be sold, hosted, reproduced, or stored on any other website or electronic retrieval system.
  • Graphics Purchased and used with permission from
  • All material provided on this blog is copyright protected.
> Life Cycle of a Worm Worksheets <<

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