January 25, 2024
Easy Impressionism Art Project for Kids

Easy Impressionism Art Project for Kids


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This simple impressionism art easy is a great way to teach children of all ages about impressionism for kids! This impressionism art projects is a quick and easy art project for kids using common materials that helps kids understand impressionist art work. Plus this rain craft uses rain (or a spray bottle) to making this rain art during the spring, summer, or fall seasons when their is rain in the forecast. This impressionism easy art is a must try with preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grdae, 3rd grade, and 4th grade students!

This simple impressionism art easy is a great way to teach children of all ages about impressionism for kids! This impressionism art projects is a quick and easy art project for kids using common materials that helps kids understand impressionist art work. Plus this rain craft uses rain (or a spray bottle) to making this rain art during the spring, summer, or fall seasons when their is rain in the forecast. This impressionism easy art is a must try with preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grdae, 3rd grade, and 4th grade students!

Impressionism for Kids

This fun rain activity is the perfect way to introduce impressionism art for kids. The impressionist style of art is not exact, but rather the blended colors and stroke give the impression of the subject matter, rather than an accurate representation. It helps convey the feeling the artist had when they saw the scene. This  impressionism art project is a must with preschoolers, kindergartners, grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, and grade 4 students! This project allows to learn about impressionist art for kids and them explore famous artists who painted in this style including: Claude Monet, Manet, Renoir, Edgar Degas, Paul Cezanne, Henri Matisse, Pizzaro, Mary Cassatt and others! This is such a fun and easy impressionism art

Whether you are a parent, teacher, homeschooler, or run a classical conversations community – this impressionism kids project is a fun and easy way to explore monet for kids, or renoir for kids or degas for kids, or cezanne for kids, or pizzaro for kids, or cassatt for kids.


Impressionism art projects

I love that this project allows kids to explore making impressionist art with a few simple craft supplies you probably already have at home.



Impressionism art easy

Have your child draw a picture using bold strokes rather than exact lines. Flower, bridges, sunsets, etc. make great subject matters and were favorite things for Impressionist famous artists like these:

claude monet  renoir  paul cezanne  pissaro  mary cassatt  claude monet water lilies  edgar degas

Impressionism for Kids


Impressionist art for kids

We finished our quick stroke impression for kids picture of lupine flowers with markers – making sure to get a variety or greens, purples, and browns in the picture.

This is such a fun rain art project for kids to make

Impressionism art for kids

Now put your impressionism art project for kids in the rain (or use a spray bottle if there is no rain in the forecast). Leave it out just long enough to get the colors to blend – a matter of seconds will do. Now you have a beautiful rain art.

HINT: Don’t leave your artwork in the rain to long or the markers will run off the paper completely.

blot the picture if there are any colors you'd like to stop from running

Impressionism easy art

Bring paper inside and set on a paper towel to dry. Feel free to blot the picture if their is any marker running where you don’t want it to go and then allow the colors to absorb in the paper and dry to “set” the colors.


Impressionism artworks easy

Isn’t that beautiful! The colors blended together to make a lovely dreamlike picture of lupine flowers blowing in summer field.

Rainy Day Craft - this is such a fun rainy day activity that allows kids to create a fun and easy rain craft that will help them explore famous artists like claude monet. Perfect for toddler, preschool, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th grade kids. #craftsforkids #springcraft #raincraft

Rain Craft

This art project looks great with any watercolor picture. My daughter’s rainbow and flower picture was super pretty! This is such a fun rainy day craft.


Flower Activities

Famous artists for kids

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