January 25, 2024
Kadinsky Inspired Fall Art Project for Kids

Kadinsky Inspired Fall Art Project for Kids


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Wassily Kandinsky, the abstract expressionist artist, is well-known for his concentric circles. Your child can study the art of Kandinsky, while creating her own artist-inspired painted collages. This is a fun fall art project for kids.

Famous Artists Project! Kids wil have fun leanring about WassilyKadinsky with this Fall Art Project inspired by his work. Fun leaf art project for toddler, preschool, prek, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th grade students.

Kadinsky Inspired Fall Art Project for Kids

Instead of using concentric circles, this kids’ art activity incorporates fall leaves. Not real leaves, but a few leaf shapes that your child will create.


This art exploration doesn’t just cover crafting. It also includes math, science and fine motor skill-building. Your child will:

  • Learn about shapes
  • Create patterns
  • Compare sizes
  • Understand the part-to-whole relationship
  • Problem-solve
  • Connect to this lesson the fall season, weather and plants (leaves). Take a look outside (or go on a nature walk) and talk about what your child sees. Discuss the fall colors and the shapes of the leaves as they fall from the trees.
  • Fine motor abilities – improve dexterity and eye-hand coordination though cutting and painting.


Kandinsky for KidsWassily Kandinsky Farbstudie Quadrate Art Print Poster

Before beginning the actual art-making, take a look at Kandinsky’s concentric circles. Kandinsky created a variety of art during his life-time. This includes woodcuts, landscapes, portraits and

abstract shape-types of art.Ask your child to tell you what she sees when she looks at the circles. Use open-ended questions such as, “What’s going on in this painting?” or, “Why do you think the artist painted this way?”

Here is a great book for kids on Kadinsky and some Kadinsky stickers to enhance your unit:


Kadinsky Art Project for Kids


Now it’s your child’s turn to create her own artwork! You’ll need:

  • card stock paper (white and fall colors)
  • scissors
  • tempera paint (fall colors)
  • paint brush
  • clear-drying school glue
fall art project for kids
Pour the paint onto a palette. Or, use wax paper as an inexpensive alternative. Choose fall colors, such as red, yellow, orange and brown.
using fall colors paint squares on your card stock or canvas
Paint a piece of white card stock paper, creating squares. Your child should fill the entire piece of paper with paint. Avoid sizing the squares too small. It will become a challenge for your child to fit
the leaves into the squares later on.
cut out leaves in fall colors for your fall art project


Cut leaves from the paper. Your child can create oval shapes in different sizes.
glue fall leaves onto painted canvas
Glue a leaf down onto each square.

Famous Artists Project! Kids wil have fun leanring about WassilyKadinsky with this Fall Art Project inspired by his work. Fun leaf art project for toddler, preschool, prek, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th grade students.


Paint another leaf onto each paper leaf. Your child can pick other colors, to give the artwork some contrast.

Now glue another smaller leaf on top of the leaf making concentric leaves. Your child can stop there or she can keep going. She can add as many leaves (as they get progressively smaller in size) as she can fit on the paper!


sample of famous artists report from Jackson Polluck

Grab our artist report to help kids write down what they learn about famous arists and add a picture of their art project to make a fun keepsake of their homeschool art appreciation class.



Famous artists for kids

Fall Activities

Fall Worksheets

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