November 12, 2022
Scented Pumpkin Rice Activities for Halloween

Scented Pumpkin Rice Activities for Halloween


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Children will have fun creating a jack-o-lantern this October with this rice sensory play. We are always looking for pumpkin activities that are fun, engaging, and sneak in some learning. This pumpkin sensory bin is great for sensory play, tactile activity, strengthening fine motor skills and pincer grasp, and more. You can use this pumpkin activity for toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, and grade 1 students to create a happy pumpkin as halloween activities and even trace spelling words or cvc words in it too.

Children will have fun creating a jack-o-lantern this October with this rice sensory play. We are always looking for pumpkin activities that are fun, engaging, and sneak in some learning. This pumpkin sensory bin is great for sensory play, tactile activity, strengthening fine motor skills and pincer grasp, and more. You can use this pumpkin activity for toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, and grade 1 students to create a happy pumpkin as halloween activities and even trace spelling words or cvc words in it too.

Pumpkin Activities

Get ready for hands-on halloween pumpkin activities that will delight kids of all ages! In this pumpkin activity your child will use the scented pumpkin rice to create a cute jackolantern with common household items. You can create and re-create as children move around the colored rice. This pumpkin activity for preschool, pre-k, toddler, kindergarten, and first graders is perfect for October in pumpkin themes or halloween themes too. Whether you are a parent, teacher, or homeschooler – you will love this simple activity for fall and Autumn.

pumpkin scented rice

Pumpkin Sensory Bin

To make this play material all you need are a few simple materials you probabaly already have on hand:

  • uncooked rice
  • liquid watercolors (orange and black)
  • pumpkin pie spice
  • ziploc bags
  • wax paper
  • cake pan for play

Rice Sensory Play

Pumpkin activity for toddlers

Pour rice and orange watercolor in ziplock bag and shake to coat. Repeat with black.

Pumpkin Sensory Activities

Halloween Pumpkin Activities

Pour on wax paper to dry. Sprinkle with pumpkin pie spice, toss with spoon and allow to dry thoroughly. Repeat with black rice.

Halloween Activities

Halloween Activities

Give children a pie pan and the sensory rice and have them create a border with the rice. This allows them to get their hands in and work on pincer grasp and spreading the delightfully fall scented rice!

Halloween Pumpkin Activities

Pumpkin Sensory Activities

Now use black rice to create a cute jack-o-lantern face. But using a border you can create your own jackolantern activity again and again.

pumpkin sensory bin

Pumpkin Activities for Preschoolers

Another option would be to use the orange rice as a base and use construction paper cut-outs to make and remake the silly pumpkin face.

jack-o-lantern activity for kids

Rice Sensory Play

This would be a great activity to help kids think about feelings. YOu can have them make a happy pumpkin, scarry pumpkin, scared pumpkin, shy pumpkin, etc.

Pumpkin activity for toddlers

Halloween Activities for Preschoolers

This is such a fun, simple activity that will delight early leaners and create and opportunity to play and explore for hours!

leaf watercolor salt painting fall leaf art Fall Craft for Preschoolers Celebrate Autumn with a beautiful fall leaves craft making simple, but stunning leaf crafts using coffee filters to make vibrant suncatchers!

Leaf Crafts for Kids

Looking for more fun fall craft projects? Check out these fun ideas:

super cute, free printable, fall craft for preschoolers - leave, apple, and pumpkin hat crafts beautiful Leaf Wreath Printable Fall Craft to share with you. This Leaf Wreath Craft for Kids is great for toddlers, preschoolers, kindergarteners, grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, and grade 4 students. Use the free leaf template to make your own leaves even before the leaves in your own back yard start changing outside! Fall Leaf Prints with Markers Fall Colored Cereal Tree CraftPin

Fall Crafts for Kids

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Fall Printables

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Fall Activities for Kindergarten

skip counting fall worksheets Free Sticker Addition Math Worksheets If you are looking for a fun, hands-on fall math activity, you are going to love this Candy Corn Math! These free printable Candy Corn Multiplication and candy corn division puzzles make it fun for 3rd and 4th grade students to sneak in some fun math practice during October and November! We love educational activities and free math games to make learning fun! Free Fall Color by Number Worksheets

Fall Math

pumpkin alphabet phonics game parts-of-a-pumpkin-craft-and-free-pumpkin-printables Make practicing reading fun with these super cute, free printable pumpkin Word Family Sliders! Learning to read rhyming words is the first step towards learning to read. This pumpkin printable is perfect for preschool, pre k, kindergarten, and first grade students to make learning fun. Each word family printable has not only the word, but a picture clue too! FREE Pumpkin Math Activity - fun addition math practice for prek, kindergarten, and first graders during October for a pumpkin themed educational activity #pumpkin #addition #kindergarten

Pumpkin Activities for Kids

Apple Browning Experiment apple alphabet do a dot printables  apple slime  You've got to make this cute and fun-to-make paper plate apple craft for kids in Septembe! Perfect for preschoolers and kindergarten!

Apple Activities for Kids

Children will have fun creating a jack-o-lantern this October with this rice sensory play. We are always looking for pumpkin activities that are fun, engaging, and sneak in some learning. This pumpkin sensory bin is great for sensory play, tactile activity, strengthening fine motor skills and pincer grasp, and more. You can use this pumpkin activity for toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, and grade 1 students to create a happy pumpkin as halloween activities and even trace spelling words or cvc words in it too.

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