November 12, 2022
FUN Bubble Wrap Rain Craft for Spring

FUN Bubble Wrap Rain Craft for Spring


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This outrageously fun Rain Craft is as fun to make as it beautiful! Kids will love the bubble wrap painting tecnique that is not only pretty, but super EASY too!   This bubble wrap rain craft is such a fun spring craft for kids of all ages! Make this umbrella craft with toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, and first grade students.

This outrageously fun Rain Craft is as fun to make as it beautiful! Kids will love the bubble wrap painting tecnique that is not only pretty, but super EASY too!   This bubble wrap rain craft is such a fun spring craft for kids of all ages! Make this umbrella craft with toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, and first grade students.

Rain craft

The long, cold winter is finally over and spring is making it’s presence known. I love seeing the crocous, daffodiles, and tulips peaking up through the snow. The small, new green leaves on the trees, the greening grass, and the warmer days make me HAPPY! It is so nice to finally get outside to play, hear the birds chirping, run on the grass, play at the playground, feel the gentle breeze, and get out of the stuffy house. But…. spring also means lots of rain. Now we need the rain to make everything get green and for flowers to burst forth (I can’t wait for my peonies and lilac bushes to bloom). But the kids are so excited to finally get outside that these rainy days make the kids so sad to be inside. Don’t worry – I have such an adorable rain crafts for your kids will forget they can’t get out an dplay outside.. at least for a little bit. This  rainy day craft is fun for toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, and grade 1 students to make.

Bubble Wrap Rain Craft

This bubble wrap craft couldn’t be cuter or easier to make. Whether you are a parent, teacher, homeschooler, grandparent, or daycare provider – this EASY spring craft for kids is sure to be a hit with your children.

Here are the materials you need to make this simple craft for kids. This engaging craft is truly one of my all-time-favorite-crafts to make with toddlers, prsechoolers, kindergartners, and first graders to welcome spring! Children will love using bubble wrap to make their artwork and it makes such a cool effect!

  • 2 sheets of white printer paper
  • colored construction paper (one color for umbrella and a different one color for the handle)
  • glue (we like using stick glue as I find it less messy)
  • scotch tape
  • bubble wrap (cut to the size of the white paper) – this is a great way to use up (recycle) packing materials that come in your Amazon boxes
  • blue tempura or washable paint
cut out umbrella pieces for rain craft

Rainy Day Craft

First,  cut the pieces needed for this craft. If you are using this as a toddler crafts or preschool crafts, I suggest you cut all the pieces out ahead of time to save on stress as your classroom is making their arts and crafts for April and May.

  • Make the umbrella by using a cup or small bowl and trace a circle onto the colored paper. Then cut it in half in a scalloped pattern to make an umbrella shape. One circle will result in two umbrellas. I used red construction paper in the example.
  • Create the handle, I simply cut a “J” shape out of brown construction paper.
make a cover for the umbrella to guide the bubble wrap to not go under where the umbrella would be covering

Umbrella craft

Next, Make a cover to put over the umbrella before painting. I used the umbrella as a guide to trace onto white paper (you can recycle any paper or cardboard you have laying around for this part). Draw lines straight down, and cut it out.

glue down the umbrella and umbrella stick on white paper

Rain craft preschool

Now you are ready to create your raincraft with your students. First, arrange the umbrella pieces onto the blank second sheet of white paper and affix it with glue. Set your craft aside to let it dry.

paint bubble wrap blue

Bubble wrap painting

Make sure to have children wear a smock so they don’t get their clothes dirty.

Time to paint the bubble wrap! Use a paintbrush or sponge to put blue paint on top of the bubble wrap to make it blue. Some kids may want to use their fingers to feel the bubbles. My kids preferred to use the  brush.

put cover over umbrella on your paper and then press painted bubble wrap on top

Rain crafts for toddlers

Place the smaller white piece of paper on top of the umbrella to cover it. Use tape to lightly hold it down (don’t press too hard on the tape so it doesn’t tear the paper when peel up later).

Put the bubble wrap over the umbrella, paint side down.

press down on the bubble wrap to make a good print - the popping is just for fun!

Bubble wrap activities

Press all over the top of the bubble wrap until the paint is printed onto the white paper. Kids wil love hearing some popping noices as they press on the medium. This is the best part of the craft as it is fun to make, hear, and will produce beautiful results too! I’m telling you, you are going to love this spring craft idea!

pull off the bubble wrap, pull of the white cover

Rain crafts for kids

Slowly peel up the bubble wrap and set it to the side or in a garbage can so it doesn’t make a mess. Now carefully peel up the white paper covering the umbrella (and tape if you used it) and discard the paper too as it will be wet and you don’t want to leave it on a child’s desk or table or they may get wet paint on their arms (or clothes!)

super cute and fun-to-make umbrella crafts for toddlers, preschoolers, pre k, and kindergartners to welcome spring

Umbrella craft preschool

Now you have your umbrella and rain! Let it dry before hanging or putting in students back packs. Make sure kids put their names on their artwork. Once it is dried they can use crayons, markers, colored pencils, or gel pens to decorate their umbrellas more if they would like.

My kids were amazed after their umbrella was revealed. My son wants to draw himself under the umbrella. You can also print a photgraph of your students and put it under the umbrella like they are holding the umbrella – super cute!

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Spring Science Ideas

Spring is the perfect time to study plants for kids! Here are some fun plant experiments to learn more about photosynthesis, pollination, capillary action, and more!

spring-simple-windsock-craft-for-kids You will love this outrageously fun painting with cars activity where kids will make a cheery rainbow painting using hotwheel vehicles. This rainbow painting for kids is a silly rainbow painting ideas that your kids will LOVE! Use this for a rainbow theme, car theme, spring theme, or just a fun play ativity with kids. Try this car activities for kids with toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, and first grade students.  Fun to make Tissue Paper Butterfly Craft Whether you are making a classic pasta necklace craft or creating your own work of art using pretty, colorful pasta as a starting point - let me show you how to dye pasta. After I show you how to color pasta you can whip up a some beautiful pasta to make first grade, kindergarten, toddler, and pasta necklace activity! Making a Preschool necklace craft is just one of those kids activities every child should do. Not only is it fun, but it is great for strengthening hand muscles too!

Spring Crafts for Kids

Whether you want to make colorful spring rainbow crafts, umbrella rain crafts, butterfly crafts, or baby animal craft projects, we’ve got some cute ideas!

If you are looking for a fun unique activity using eggs, you will love this silly egg head craft. This egg shell diy chia pet is cute, simple and silly spring activities for kids. This egg shell craft is fun for toddler, prsechool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, and 2nd graders too! Fun summer activity for bucket list rainy day craft for kids with bleeding tissue paper Amazing Bubble Artwork for Kids - this is such a fun, simple, colorful and FUN summer activity for kids! This kids activities is not only fun to make but makes a beautiful art project too for your summer bucket list. Perfect for toddler, preschool, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, and 6th grade kids.

Spring Craftivities

These fun ideas are a combination of spring crafts and spring activities:

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