June 20, 2023
EPIC Homemade Bubble Solution for GIANT Bubbles

EPIC Homemade Bubble Solution for GIANT Bubbles


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One of our favorite summer activities for preschoolers is blowing bubbles. It is a simple, timeless summer activity for kids! We are always on the hunt for a new bubble solution that will give us a giant bubble! Using this homemade bubble solution we will show you how to make bubbles your kids will love making all day long. Use this spring activities for kids from toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade students.

One of our favorite summer activities for preschoolers is blowing bubbles. It is a simple, timeless summer activity for kids! We are always on the hunt for a new bubble solution that will give us a giant bubble! Using this homemade bubble solution we will show you how to make bubbles your kids will love making all day long. Use this spring activities for kids from toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade students.

Homemade Bubble Solution

Spring and summer are here and that means it’s time to play outside! My kids love kicking off their shoes and running through the green grass, rolling down the hill, drawing on the driveway with chalk, making homemade ice cream, swinging for hours, and of course – blowing bubbles. There is just something about a homemade bubble solution that takes us all back to our childhood and those lazy summer days in the sun! Plus, did you know that play with bubbles is great for exploring scientific principles and strengthening oral muscles too! I will show you how to make bubble solution that makes HUGE bubbles! THis is a MUST summer fun to enjoy as a spring activity for preschool and summer activiy for toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, grade 1, grade 2, and grade 3 students.

How to make bubble solution

Kids will have fun with this epic summer activity for kids with homemade bubbles! This amazing bubble solution is summer bucket list worthy activity is sure to be a favorite for years to come. just whip up this simple bubble recipe and have fun making HUGE bubbles all summer long.

homemade bubbles

Homemade Bubbles

Whether you are out of bubbles, looking to avoid chemicals, or just want to see how much better homemade bubbles are… you will love learning how to make bubble solution. These two bubble recipe makes strong bubbles that just go and go and go – way better than store bought bubble solution!

directions and recipe for how to make bubble solution

DIY bubble solution

  • 6 cups distilled water {i read it was better than tap water}
  • 1/2 cup Dawn dish soap (I used ultra concentrated)
  • 1/2 cup cornstarch
  • 1 Tablespoons baking powder
  • 1 Tablespoons glycerin (can get on Amazon or craft store cake isle – helps to make the solution smooth and stretchy)

I dumped all the ingredients in a large bowl. Using a fork I carefully mixed to dissolve the cornstarch and mix in the glycerin that settled to the bottom. My kids used their fingers to mix it too .

amazing DIY Bubble Solution perfect for summer activities with kids

Bubble solution recipe

Our store bought bubbles never got that long and strong! Kids love having competitions to see whose bubble was the biggest, longest, lasted the longest, floated the farthest, or went the highest.


How to Make Bubbles

My other go-to recipe for homemade bubbles uses only 2 ingredients plus water. Which is great because I always have it on hand! Whether you make a big bucketful like we did, or a since batch that fits in a bowl – your kids are going to love playing with these diy giant bubbles for HOURS!

  • 6 cups water
  • 1/2 cup Dawn dish soap (I used ultra concentrated)
  • 1 Tablespoons light corn syrup (don’t skip this)

Simpler recipe, but still great! Allow to sit 30 minutes before using.

DIY Bubble Wands

Best Bubble Solution

You have lots of choices for how you will blow your diy bubbles! You can use wands you have on hand, make your own with rope or pipe cleaners, or any other creative idea your kids have. This is great for some scientific exploration!

We love using pipe cleaners to make our own bubble wands. They worked GREAT! We also used string fed through two straws and tied together to make the large wand for our really big bubbles. I recommend making the string about 24″ long. Any bigger and it is hard to not pop before you make the bubble.

the best homemade bubble solution

Bubble Solution

My toddler had a great time making bubbles with our DIY Bubble Wands. The solution was silkier than the kind in the bottle and even with the smaller wands made some great bubbles!
summer activity for kids

Giant bubble solution

My kids were amazed by the large bubbles we made float throughout the yard. We tried non-traditional bubble wands like a tennis racket – which made TONS of bubbles at one time. You’ve got to try this! We used melon crates, and anything else I could find that made a big bubble wand. It was fun to see the kids get creative in trying anything they could get their hands on. Some worked, and some didn’t.
Giant Bubble Solution

How to Make Homemade Bubbles

But the coolest part of our homemade bubble solution was making a giant bubble.  She stretched the wand open carefully and with a little wind or a light blow . . . .
GIANT bubble

Making bubble solution

Minnie made some GIANT bubbles!


BEST Bubble Solution for a GIANT Bubble - Great summer activity for kids that should be on your bucket list. Try our bubble solution that makes GIANT bubbles in your own backyard. Your kids are going to love it! (kids activities, summer fun, play, best homemade bubble recipe)

Bubble Activities

Fun things to do in the summer

Summer Printable Activities

Summer Activities for Kids

Summer Activities

Looking for more outdoor activities for kids and things to do in the summer? Your toddler, preschool, pre k, kindergarten, and elementary age kids will love these fun ideas to keep them busy all summer long:

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  1. Michelle Rose Avatar
    Michelle Rose

    Can you tell me where you purchased light corn syrup tablets? I have looked up glycerin tablets (constipation suppositories) and baking powder tablets (alka seltzer) but cannot find corn syrup tablets. Do these ingredients need to be purchased in the tablet form?

    1. Beth Gorden Avatar

      I think you misread… it is just light corn syrup (no tablet) – so kitchen isle. The glycerin is also a liquid and if you click the word glycerin it will show you the product you can buy for about $5 conveniently from amazon. ENJOY!

  2. Michelle Rose Avatar
    Michelle Rose

    I apologize for my previous comment…I realize now the TAB means tablespoons, not tablets. Please disregard.

    1. Beth Gorden Avatar

      Sorry for the confusion! Glad you figured it out =) These bubbles are AWESOME!

  3. Donna Gable Avatar
    Donna Gable

    That is great! I love that you are so cool about sharing it and your attempts that didn’t quite make it. I have more of those than anything else. I can’t wait to do this.

  4. Christina Emrick Avatar
    Christina Emrick

    Thanks for the recipes! Looking forward to giant bubbles this holiday weekend with the grandkids…