July 29, 2024
Amazing Aluminum Tin Foil Art Project for Kids of all Ages

Amazing Aluminum Tin Foil Art Project for Kids of all Ages


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Get ready to say WOW! You are going to love making this clever and beautiful foil art for kids! This amazing tin foil art uses a simple technique to make a truly stunning work of art from simple flowers to butterflies, crosses to houses, animals to any picture or design you can dream up. Try making aluminum foil art with preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, and elementary age kids in first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 4th graders too. All you need are a few simple materials to make a stunning work of art with this tin foil crafts.

Get ready to say WOW! You and your kids are going to love making this clever and beautiful tin foil art! This Amazing aluminum foil art uses a simple technique to make a truly stunning work of art from simple flowers to butterflies, crosses to houses, animals to any picture or design you can dream up. Try making foil art for kids from toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, and elementary age kids in first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 4th graders too. All you need are a few simple materials to make a stunning work of art with this tin foil crafts. 

Foil Art for Kids

This is tin foil art project is one of my favorite crafts we’ve ever made. Seriously!  This tin foil art is simple to make and lots of fun too. The technique is really easy, but the possibilities are endless.  Kids can use their imaginations to recreate something they love, seasonal image, favorite character, geometric shapes – the  possibilities for creativity really go on and on with this aluminum foil art. And the end results of the tinfoil art are truly breathtaking! Try this aluminum foil crafts with toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4, grade 5, and grade 6 students.

Plus don’t miss our fun lava lamp experiment, 100 fun and easy food experiments for kids, and pop rocks easy science experiments to do at home,

Foil Art for Kids

Tin Foil Art

Whether you are a parent, teacher, homeschooler, art teacher, planning an art day camp, or just filling your summer bucket list filled with epic summer activities for kids – this one-of-a-kind project for kids is not to be missed. All you need are a few simple supplies you probably already have at home:


  • Cardboard – from an Amazon box, cereal box, or for a perfect shape use a cake board
  • glue gun with lots of refills
  • Glue cartridges
  • Liquid glue (white or clear – doesn’t matter)
  • Tin Foil – you will need a roll that is as wide as our cardboard piece
  • sharpies markers

We found using a cake board gave us a sturdy, perfect size! Again, you can make a scene from nature, trace your favorite character like Mickey Mouse from a coloring page, make geometric shapes, or whatever else you like. We did ours as an Easter craft and wanted to make a stained glass window project featuring a cross in the center.

Tin Foil Crafts

Aluminum foil art

Start out by your or your child drawing a picture on cardboard with pen, pencil, marker, or whatever other writing utencil you like – it wont be seen so use whatever you have handy. This helps your child flush out their ideas and tweak anything they want changed.


Depending on the age of your child, either your student or you as the parent will now trace the lines with a hot glue gun.  Now use a glue gun to carefully trace all the lines of your picture. The bigger and more intricate your picture, the more glue you will use and the more time it will take to trace all the lines with glue. Plan that you will need several refills – so plan accordingly.glue gun and cardboard craft for kids

Foil Art

When you finish tracing the lines with glue, you will have a neat looking picture. Once it is cool to the touch, students will enjoy sliding their fingers over the bumpy picture. Tell them to close their eyes and try to see the picture with their fingers. Help them grasp that blind people would see this tin foil crafts with their hands!

HINT: For an extension activity, have students put a piece of plane white printer paper over top and use a crayon to take a rubbing of your aluminum foil art.

Tin Foil Art Projects

Tinfoil art

Now using a cotton ball, thick paper towel, or paint brush spread a thin layer of liquid glue all over the cardboard from edge to edge. You want glue over every square inch of the cardboard. We used elmers white school glue for our project.

Tinfoil Art

Foil art projects

Now it’s time to decorate your foil art.  The next step is to carefully  cover your cardboard with a large sheet of foil. Start pressing down in the middle and smooth out so that the glue gun beads are tight and clearly seen with surrounding areas flush with the cardboard.

Aluminum foil crafts

Aluminum foil crafts

Keep going outwards and tuck remaining 4” on all sides on the back. It already looks so pretty even without the color added!

Hint: If you keep the dull side up it is easier to see the sharpie colors!

Foil crafts

Foil art

Use sharpies markers to color on the foil. Don’t color on the glue lines as they will make it “POP”.

Foil art projects

Tinfoil art

Remember sharpies are permanent markers so cover your table, furniture, and be mindful of your childrens clothes as well.

aluminum foil art for kids

Aluminum foil crafts

Keep designs simple for younger children. This not only makes it more developmentally appropriate, but will also cut down on the mess risk of using sharpies.


Aluminium foil art

My daughter choose to make a Disney inspired tin foil art. Can you see Rapunzel’s tower, her long braided hair, and the floating lanterns. I thought this one came out super cool!

Amazing Tin Foil Craft for Kids - This Tin Foil Art is such a fun to make, beautiful, creative, and unique art project for kids. This kids activities is perfect for preschool, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade all year or as a summer activity. Put this one on your summer bucket list! #craftsforkids #artprojects #tinfoil

Foil Crafts

My son made a stained glass window craft with a cross in the middle. I love the vivid colors in his foil art.  This would be a great Easter Craft for Kids or to use with a Medieval Unit for homeschoolers.

Amazing Tin Foil Art Project for Kids

Foil Craft

This was a really fun kids activities that my kids wanted to make more of very quickly! Besides making beautiful artwork for our home, it makes a great present for grandparents too!

WOW! Easy and beautiful tin foil art project! Amazing aluminum foil craft uses a simple technique to make stunning project for all ages.

Create stunning tin foil art with your kids using a simple technique with aluminum tinfoil to make beautiful designs from flowers to animals.

Crafts Ideas for Kids

Looking for more craft projects for kids? Check out these fun ideas!

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