Looking for a hands-on summer math activity to practice adding? These super cute and clever addition puzzles use free printable addition worksheets to sneak in summer learning with kindergarten, first grade, and 2nd graders too.  These summer worksheets for kindergarten are easy-to-prep and learners can practice addition to 20 while having fun at the same time. Simple print the addition to 20 worksheets and you are ready to go!
Summer Math
I love teaching maths using free printable math puzzles. Its a fun and easy way to practice both puzzle solving as well as maths facts as the same time. I recently created some multiplication puzzles and had so much fun with these that I decided to create these summer math addition puzzles too. These are kind of like summer worksheets for kids that you cut and paste to complete the puzzle while working on addition to twenty. Not only is this math activity for kindergartners are a great way to practice addition up to 20, but it is SELF CHECKING too!  Addition up to 20 worksheets are a great way to practice, but this kindergarten addition game will make your learners enjoy addition and keep asking for more.
Plus don’t miss our summer activities, free summer word searches, fun ice cream in a bag experiment pdf, easy rocket experiment, free ice cream math worksheets
Addition to 20
Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> _____ <<. The free printable addition worksheets pdf file will open in a new window for you to save the freebie and print the template.
Addition to 20 Worksheets
Addition is one of the most fundamental maths concepts that students need to master and be very familiar with. Understanding maths concepts are very important before rote memorization of facts. I love teaching maths in general because it is a subject that can be taught using many visual and hands on aids. These aids can be using manipulatives such as base 10 blocks or hands on math stations and centers. In this post, I will be sharing an interactive hands on printable which can be used to teach addition and can be used in math centers. Hopefully, this printable will help to make teaching addition at your home or classroom more enjoyable.
Summer Worksheets for Kindergarten
These addition to 20 worksheets free are cut to make a clever addition puzzle perfect for summer time! These summer activities for kindergarten are perfect for practicing adding to 20 worksheets concepts for your kinders or review concepts with your 1st graders
- Print the file and laminate (this is recommended, if you are planning to re-use the puzzles)
- Cut apart the puzzle page to separate it into the square puzzle pieces.
- Keep the grid containing the addition equations as is.
Addition up to 20
There are 6 addition puzzles for children to complete including: pool party with kids swimming in floats, sandy beach scene, unicorn pool party, sandcastle building, lightening bugs in the dark, and roasting marshmallow smores over a campfire.
- Choose one of the puzzles to do.
- Present the grid with the addition facts and the corresponding puzzle pieces. The learner will need to solve the addition fact and look for the puzzle piece containing the matching answer. The learner will then place that piece over the addition fact.
- The learner will continue this until the puzzle is solved.
- Learners can carry out this activity independently or in pairs.
Addition Activities
his is such a fun, hands on math game for kindergartners that helps achieve fluency while having FUN! See all our fun addition activities for kids or take a peak at all our thousdans of FREE math worksheets!
- Printable Addition Tic Tac Toe Math Game or Gumball Math – Addition and Subtraction Practice
- Complete the picture Addition Puzzle Math Activity or Sleeping Beauty Color by Addition Math Worksheets, addition math bingo printables, dinosaur color by addition worskheets
- Hands-on Goldfish Addition Practice or Crack the Code Worksheet – Addition Practice
- Rubber Duckie Kindergarten Math activity or Planting Seeds Free Addition Games
- 3 Digit Addition Sums Worksheets or 3 Digit Addition Game
- Free Double DIgit Addition Worksheets or Two Digit Addition Game
- Two Digit Addition Worksheets with regrouping
- Math Addition Worksheets Mini Book – Adding 0-12 and Deck of Cards Free Addition Worksheets, free Addition with pictures worksheets for kindergarten
- Free Addition Worksheets for Kindergarten and cute addition with pictures worksheets
- Disney Princess Flashcards – Addition and Free Addition within 10 Games Printable
- Turkey Addition Thanksgiving Math Worksheets and Apple Addition Coloring Pages
- Free Frog Math – Addition Game for Kids and Gingerbread Addition Math Game
- Free Printable Domino Addition Worksheets and Math Mystery Pack – Solve Addition & Subtraction Word Problems
- Solve and Stamp Addition and Subtraction Worksheets or Addition and Subtration Games Printable within 5
- Gumball Math Addition and subtraction worksheets and Fluency within 5 addition and subtraction fluency games
- Star Wars Math Activities: Addition and Subtraction to 20 and Butterfly Addition and Subtraction Kindergarten
- Kindergarten Free Summer Math Worksheets or Math Cootie Catcher – addition, subtraction, numbers, dubbling
- Free Fact Family Worksheets, hands-on Subitizing Worksheets, or Nocturnal Animals Addition and Subtraction Games
Summer Activities for Kids
- EASY Pool Noodle Race Track for Kids, 30 Homemade Bird Feeders to make, EPIC Water Balloon Painting Activities
- Fun-to-Make DIY Foosball Table, Easy Marshmallow Shooter, 100 Exciting Year-Round Science Experiments for Kids
- Vibrant Sidewalk Chalk Paint, 25+ Water Balloon Games, Outrageously fun Vinegar and Baking Soda Rocket
- Epic Squirt Gun Painting, Grass Head Summer Activity for Kids, Easy Sand Volcano with NO clean-up, and summer fun worksheets
- Strawberry Scented Jello Playdough Recipe, Snake Bubbles, Beautiful Capillary Action Experiment
- 75+ Free Printable Scavenger Hunts for Kids, 100 Amazing Food Science Experiments, cool Puffy Paint Recipes
- Simple and FUN Aluminum Foil Art, epic Mentos and Soda Experiment, Lemon Volcano is a fun Summer Experiment
- How to Make a Lava Lamp – it’s super EASY! and How to Make a Simple Newton’s Cradle Science Experiment
- Kids will no nuts over this simple Pop Rock Experiment, EASY Stained Glass Pasta Art for Kids, and 2 ingredient slime
- Scented Watermelon Playdough Recipe, ocean slime, Pretty Flower Mason Jar Lid Crafts
- Blow GIANT bubbles Homemade Bubble Solution, fun water balloon experiment, Free Zoo Scavenger Hunt
- Mind Blowing Color Changing Playdough, Bleeding Tissue Paper Fireworks Craft or shaving cream fireworks
- Check out June Crafts and June Activities for Kids, July Crafts and July Activities for kids, August Crafts and August Activities for kids, and don’t miss 107+ things to do in the summer
Summer Activities
Looking for more outdoor activities for kids and things to do in the summer? Your toddler, preschool, pre k, kindergarten, and elementary age kids will love these fun ideas to keep them busy all summer long:
- Make a Marshmallow Shooters – go over 30 feet or PVC Marshmallow Blasters, whip up some edible marshmallow playdough, and then add smores free camping math worksheets or camping math activities for preschoolers, finally play some no-prep campfire games
- Play with homemade color changing slime, Sand Slime, or watermelon slime, Kool Aid Playdough , vibrant Sidewalk Chalk Paint for Kids, yummy sandcastle ice cream, or make your own aqua magic sand
- Try some summer projects: balloon hovercraft, DIY scribble bot, foosball summer activity for kids, easy pool noodle race track, flow in the dark fairy jar, GIANT bubbles with this Homemade Bubble Solution, FUN Bubble Painting, must try Lego Zipline, Homemade Chalk Recipe, yummy How to Make Ice Cream in a Bag, I Spy DIY Bottles, epic Squirt Gun Painting, must try rocket experiment, or Water Balloon Games for Kids
- Don’t miss summer science projects: Water Balloon Experiment exploring density, sunscreen experiment for kids, colorful lemon volcano experiment, Exploding Watermelon, Vinegar and Baking Soda Rocket , amazing fireworks in a jar experiment, balloon rocket experiment for preschool, melting sandcastle summer experiment, and lots more summer science experiments
- Get crafty with EASY Stained Glass Pasta Art , Amazing Bubble Painting, Flower Mason Jar Lid Craft, EASY Butterfly Craft for Kids, Silly Bandaid Art Craft for kids, bleeding tissue Paper Fireworks Craft, Tin Foil Art Project, over 100 animal crafts, salt fireworks 4th of July crafts, or First Day of Summer Craft
- Plan a Beach Theme week with Free Beach Worksheets, summer density tower, easy sand volcano, sandcastle letter tracing
- 75+ FUN Scavenger Hunts for Kids including our popular Zoo Scavenger Hunt
- Nothing says summer like Ice Cream! Try our edible ice cream Playdough, make Playdough Patterns, super cool ice cream volcano, puffy paint ice cream
- Grab a free printable like our animal I Spy Printables, free life cycle of a frog worksheet, fun summer color by number, summer word search printables, free preschool coloring pages pdf, or math summer worksheets for kindergarten
- 25+ Water Balloon Games for Kids, water Balloon Painting Activity, Roll & Paint Balloon Painting, Balloon Paint Art Project, Music Activity for Kids, Epic Ideas for Water Balloon Painting
- Find more summer bucket list ideas including: printable summer bucket list BINGO, Ice Cream summer bucket list activities, and over 100 summer activities for kids,
Addition Puzzles
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