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This may just be the best reading tool you’ll find! These free printable reading comprehension bookmarks include a place for your child to write down key facts on the book they are reading (both fiction and non fiction). These comprehension bookmarks are a super simplified book report bookmark perfect for kindergarten, grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4, grade 5, and grade 6 students to show that they are comprehending and retaining what they’ve learned.

FREE Printable Reaidng Comprehension Bookmarks - This may just be the best reading tool you'll find! These FREE Reading Comprehension Bookmarks include a place for your child to write down key facts on the book they are reading (both fiction and non fiction). This book report bookmark is a simple, quick book report template perfect for kindergarten, grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4, grade 5, and grade 6 students to show that they are comprehending and retaining what they've learned.

Reading Comprehension Bookmarks

Any other parent out there wondering “Are my kids really reading the book?” Do your kids know what they just read?  These handy free printable, Reading Comprehension Bookmark are a great way to help kids prepare to write a book report or figure out if kids actually know what they’ve been reading.  These comprehension bookmarks are super handy for kindergartners, first graders, 2nd graders, 3rd graders, 4th graders, 5th graders, and 6th grade students. Whether you are a parent, teacher, or homeschooler – you will love these free worksheets.

Comprehension Bookmarks

How do we help our kids improve reading comprehension, retention, work on taking notes, learn to retain key facts, learn new vocabulary (instead of just breezing past it), or gather information for a report without plagiarizing?  Yes! You are going to love these simple, helpful, no prep reading strategies bookmarks. These comprehension bookmarks will help students work on remembering key facts about what they’ve read – perfect for book reports, learning to take notes, and reading comprehension grade 3.

Reading bookmarks printable

Start by scrolling to the bottom of this post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> _____ <<. The pdf file will open in a new window for you to print and save. Now simply print the pages on plain or colored paper (to give it a little extra pop and to stand out as a bookmark in the book they are reading).
This reading comprehension grade 1 works with any book to help kids remember what they’ve read.
free printable reading comprehension activities for 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, and 6th grade students There are two different choices to work with fiction and non fiction books

Reading comprehension bookmarks free

There are four choices of these reading comprehension grade 4 worksheets:
  • LARGE – these are 1/2 page sheets with bigger space for writing; perfect for Kindergarten, first grade, and second grade kids
  • MEDIUM – these are 1/4 page sheets and fit most books. The spaces are large enough for most 2nd-8th grade students
  • FICTION Reading Comprehension– These are designed for stories where there are main characters and a setting.
  • NON-FICTION Reading Comprehension – These are designed for kids to write down things they learn in subject books, including lines to note the bibliography to help with formulating into a report if desired
book report bookmark that is handy, no prep reading and comprehension printable is a great tool for students, parents, teachers, and homeschoolers

Reading comprehension bookmark

The reading comprehension printable has space for kids to note various different things depending on what grade you are working with. Here are some of the choices you will find on these bookmarks:
  • book title
  • author
  • publishers, city, date (for children writing a book report after reading the book)
  • main characters
  • setting
  • summary (the older student sheets have space for kids to note the beginning, middle, and end of the story)
  • their favorite part of the story
  • note words they don’t know to look up in a dictionary
  • take notes on new concepts / facts they want to learn more about at their next trip to the library
  • Things I learned (for non fiction books)
These bookmarks are handy as well as an easy way for kids to take notes as they read. What a great skill for kids to learn!!
Reading Comprehension Bookmarks

Reading comprehension bookmarks pdf

Here are a few of the concepts and strategies students will work on with this printable:

  • Improve reading comprehension
  • Improve retention
  • Teach kids to take notes
  • Kids will learn which things are key facts to retain
  • Spot for writing down unknown words to look up later so kids will learn new vocabulary (instead of just breezing past it)
  • Fantastic for teaching kids to gather information for a report without plagiarizing
  • Helps teachers and parents ensure kids are actually reading the book
  • Convenient bookmark instead of dog eared pages!
  • Handwriting practice
  • Spot to write down something kids want to learn more about to keep kids engaged and excited about learning!
books to read

Bookmarks for reading

Whether you are a parent, teachers, or homeschooler – you will love these convenient bookmarks that help you work on your students reading comprehension. They work with any book, require no prep, and are a great tool for helping students retain the key parts of the books they read.


Book recommendations for Kids

Reading Comprehension

Free Worksheets

Looking for more great content? We have over 1 million free printable worksheets conveniently arranged by subject or grade: super cute Pre k Worksheets, fun kindergarten worksheets, free 1st grade worksheets, handy 2nd grade worksheets, printable 3rd grade worksheets, 4th grade worksheets, 5th grade worksheets, 6th grade worksheets, and more. Plus see our history lessons for kids, hands-on countries for kids, printable math games, language arts worksheetssight word worksheetsfree alphabet printables, and cvc word activities for kids of all ages!

Learning Activities

Free reading comprehension worksheets

Before you grab your free pack you agree to the following:

  • This set is for personal and classroom use only.
  • This printable set may not be sold, hosted, reproduced, or stored on any other website or electronic retrieval system.
  • Graphics Purchased and used with permission from
  • All material provided on this blog is copyright protected.
> Reading Comprehension Bookmarks <<

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  1. Mary Simmons Avatar
    Mary Simmons

    I can not find this on teachers pay teachers! I want to buy them to use in my classroom and can’t find them! Help!

  2. Teaira Meeks Avatar
    Teaira Meeks

    Thank you so much for this. We are new to homeschool and this is God sent.