June 21, 2023



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Are you traveling soon? Perhaps you have a roadtrip planned this Summer and you are looking for a fun roadtrip game or summer activity for kids. Here is a fun game to make beforehand and keep the kids entertained in the car, on the train/airplane- Tic Tac Toe On-the-Go! This tic tac toe game is perfect for preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd graders.

Are you traveling soon? Perhaps you have a roadtrip planned this Summer and you are looking for a fun roadtrip game or summer activity for kids. Here is a fun game to make beforehand and keep the kids entertained in the car, on the train/airplane- Tic Tac Toe On-the-Go! This tic tac toe game is perfect for preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd graders.

Summer Activity for Kids

Looking for a fun summer activity for kids? How about you make your own simple tic tac toe activity to play with your preschoolers, kindergartners, grade 1, grade 2, and grade 3 students. You will love that this homemade tic tac toe project is quick and easy; our even had a fun Independence Day twist for a cute 4th of July activity. This also makes a great road trip game kids can play in the car.



All you need for this DIY busy bag game are a few simple materials includin:

Supplies needed:
  • A cookie sheet
  • Washi tape(or any other tape)
  • This FREE printable
  • Magnets

4th of July Activity

How to make this game:This game is very easy to make. Tape up the cookie sheet as shown in the picture below. There should be space for 9 tokens, 3×3, up and down.


Homemade tic tac toe game

Laminate the tokens and cut it out. Attach magnets at the back of each token.


DIY Tic Tac Toe

Two players can play at a time. Each choose a picture- heart or star. Take turns to place a token inside a block. The aim of the game is to get three of the same tokens(your tokens) in a row, whether straight or skew, and try to “block” your opponent.

Keep this game in the car and you have something to occupy the kids during a trip, or a restaurant!
A alternative option: there is a printable board in the PDF to use if you do not want to use a cookie sheet. Laminate the board and attach Velcro dots! Easy Peasy! Enjoy!


4th of July Activities

Fun things to do in the summer

Summer Printable Activities

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