June 21, 2023
Make Your Own Bomb Pop Popsicle Craft

Make Your Own Bomb Pop Popsicle Craft


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This Independence Day, summer craft is such a unique fun craft for kids of all ages.

Bomb Pop Popsicle Craft - this is such a fun, simple craft for toddler, preschool, prek, and kindergarten craft for summer, independence day, or 4th of July

Summer is all about celebrating fun, food, and if you live in the United States of America!

One of our favorite classic summer treats are Bomb Pops –  the little red, white, and blue popsicles that look just like little rockets. These popsicles are delicious, iconic, and fun for kids to eat.

But if you’d rather not let your kids have that much sugar, why not make your own paper bomb pop popsicles! Use the following directions to make your own bomb pop popsicle craft. 

Use them as decorations, play with them in pretend play, or make them to fill up a lazy summer day! There’s really never a special reason required to make this fun summer craft.


Bomb Pop Popsicle Craft

It’s not hard to make these adorable bomb pom popsicles! They look just like the classic summer treat.

popsicle craft for summer, independence day, 4th of july

You’ll need just a few things to make the bomb pop popsicles:

  • Red cardstock
  • Blue cardstock
  • White cardstock
  • Pencil or marker
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Jumbo craft sticks
4th of july craft for kids

Stack your three papers up with red on top, white in the middle, and blue on the bottom. The bomb pop’s white section is a little larger than the other two, so keep that in mind.

Draw the outline of the bomb pop onto the paper like this.

Cut out the pieces.

Glue the bomb pop pieces together.

popsicle stick craft for summer

Once the paper dries, glue a jumbo craft stick to the bottom, and your bomb pop popsicle craft is done!

If you’re running short on time, try gluing the pieces together with hot glue. Hot glue dries so much faster than other glue, and is wonderful to use when kids don’t want to wait for traditional glues to dry! We often use hot glue in our crafts so that kids can play with their crafts that much faster!


4th of July Activities

Summer Activities for Kids

Summer Activities

Looking for more outdoor activities for kids and things to do in the summer? Your toddler, preschool, pre k, kindergarten, and elementary age kids will love these fun ideas to keep them busy all summer long:

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