June 22, 2023
Courage of Sarah Noble Study Guide and Lapbook

Courage of Sarah Noble Study Guide and Lapbook


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Help kids dive into some great literature, ensure reading comprehension, and explore more about early american history with this The Courage of Sarah Noble Study Guide. As children read through the wonderful historical fiction for kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade students, they will learn more about colonial America as well as improve reading skills, learn new vocabulary, and more. This literature study guide includes the courage of sarah noble worksheets and a The Courage of Sarah Noble Lapbook for kids to dive in and make learning fun!

Help kids dive into some great literature, ensure reading comprehension, and explore more about early american history with this The Courage of Sarah Noble Study Guide. As children read through the wonderful historical fiction for kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade students, they will learn more about colonial America as well as improve reading skills, learn new vocabulary, and more. This literature study guide includes the courage of sarah noble worksheets and a The Courage of Sarah Noble Lapbook for kids to dive in and make learning fun!

The Courage of Sarah Noble

The Courage of Sarah Noble is a wonderful historical fiction that helps kindergartners, grade 1, grade 2, and grade 3 students get a glimpse of what life was like in Colonial America.  The story can be read aloud or read independently for second and third graders who can read it themselves. There are some brown, black, and white illustrations throughout to help young readers picture the story. This the courage of sarah noble study guide helps ensure children get the most out of reading this classic literature for lower elementary age students.

The courage of sarah noble book

You will need to purchase or borrow The Courage of Sarah Noble book for the study:

the courage of sarah noble comprehention questions

The courage of sarah noble study guide

Included in this downloadable literature guide are the courage of sarah noble worksheets to ensure children have good reading comprehension. It also has tools for parents, teachers, and homeschoolers to explore themes from the book such as the time period, new vocabulary, american history, and more.

  • Story Synopsis
  • Extension Ideas
  • Vocabulary
  • Timeline
  • the courage of sarah noble comprehension questions by chapter
    The Courage of Sarah Noble Literature Study Guide for Homeschoolers and Lapbook

The Courage of Sarah Noble Lapbook

The courage of sarah noble lapbook is a fun way for children to explore major themes and learn more about things from the time period to make the most out of reading this early american time period book for kids. The elements of this lapbook for kids include:

  • Labeling Original 13 Colonies
  • Colonial Food
  • Quilts
  • Connecticut Forest Animals
  • Mini-book of Trees
  • Life of a Paugusette Native American


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Free Worksheets

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Book recommendations for Kids

Reading Comprehension

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