November 12, 2022
Watercolor Resist Easter Egg Crafts for Kids

Watercolor Resist Easter Egg Crafts for Kids


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Children of all ages will love making these super cute easter egg crafts. These easy-to-make, watercolor easter eggs are perfect for decorating your windows for Easter in March and April. The bright colors, pretty patterns, and quick easter craft make this project one we do every year! All you need for this easter kid crafts is a white or yellow crayon and watercolor paints. Get ready to make a gorgeous easter arts and crafts for kids with your toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd graders, and 4th graders.

Children of all ages will love making these super cute easter egg crafts. These easy-to-make, watercolor easter eggs are perfect for decorating your windows for Easter in March and April. The bright colors, pretty patterns, and quick easter craft make this project one we do every year! All you need for this easter kid crafts is a white or yellow crayon and watercolor paints. Get ready to make a gorgeous easter arts and crafts for kids with your toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd graders, and 4th graders.

Easter egg crafts

As soon as spring arrives, my kids start thinking about Easter! It’s like the warmer weather, green grass, and spring flowers make them think of the Easter egg hunts they will soon have. That’s okay with me because I love making Easter Crafts for kids to brighten up the inside of our house too! There are so many fun ideas for decorating Easter eggs, bunny crafts, cross crafts, uses for Peeps, chick crafts and so many more!  Today I wanted to share with you an EASY easter egg crafts that is ideal for younger kids like toddlers, preschoolers, kindergarten, and grade 1 students, but is also fun for older siblings in grade 2, grade 3, grade 4, grade 5, and grade 6 too. You will love this engaging and pretty easter activities for preschoolers!

all you need to make this easy egg craft is paper, white crayon, watercolor paints, brush, scissors, and dish of water

Watercolor easter eggs

I love that you don’t need fancy supplies to make this spring craft, so chances are you already have what you need to make this craft at home. You will need

  • white paper (I like to use heavier paper when using paint, so a cardstock or watercolor paper is ideal, but any printer paper would do)
  • white crayons (you may also want to experiment using other crayons in your paintings as well)
  • watercolor paint (we used this watercolor paint set to have more color choices, but your basic crayola water color set you can get at Target, Walmart, and Amazon works great too)
  • paint brush (your water color paint probably came with a brush)
  • dish of water
  • scissors
  • cardboard – scraps from Amazon boxes, butcher paper, or any other item you like to use to protect your surface

make crayon resist drawings using a white crayon on the white egg

Easter craft ideas

First, use your scissors to cut an egg shape out of your paper. we liked to make ours big and made them the full size of a printer paper size. If you use the watercolor paper we recommend, you can cut to large eggs out per piece of paper.

Now use your white crayon to make a crayon resist on the paper. Encourage children to make anything they like. You can show them pictures of what traditional Easter Eggs look like with their lines, geometric shapes, dots, etc.

Make sure they understand they can hardly see the white crayon show up on the white paper, but that’s okay! The magic part where the lines will reappear is coming next.

use watercolor resist paint technique to make beautifullly decorated easter egg craft for april

Easter egg craft ideas

Show them how you need the water to make it wet – that more water will water down the color so it is less intense, but less water will make a bolder more vibrant color. Explain how they can clean off their brush in the water between colors, and that it is okay fro colors to meet and overlap on their paper to make new color variations!

Make sure each student has a white egg shaped paper ontop of a piece of cardboard and has access to the watercolor paint, a brush, and a small bowl of water. Have children dip their paintbrush in the small dish of water and then into a paint color of their choice. Students will use the paint to decorate their egg.

Easter Crafts for Preschoolers using paint and crayons

Easter Activities for Preschoolers

In this Easter Crafts for Toddlers, children can use any color they like to decorate their egg using their imaginations. Make sure they paint over the crayon to make it pop and go all the way to the edge of their egg to cover the entire surface.

For older students, notice how you can also use your crayon to make other more complicated designs like a bunny, chick, cross, etc.

Easter Egg Craft for toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, first grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade students

Easy Easter Crafts

Abve we used a yellow crayon to make the stripes and star pattern before we painted over it with different, overlapping, strokes of yellow, orange, and red. I think the other lighter crayon colors make a really cool pop in the watercolor, don’t you?

This is uch a fun and easy easter crafts to make

Simply let your craft dry completely and hang it on your walls, windows, and doors using tape or blue tac to brighten your house for easter! This is such a fun Easter decorations to make at home with your kids!

This is uch a fun and easy easter crafts to make  Super cute bunny mason jar craft  Peeps Play dough - such a fun, easy-to-make edible playdough recipe that makes a fun easter activity for toddlers, preschoolers, pre k, kindergarteners, first graders and more. Such a fun play recipe for Easter in April. #peeps #easteractivity #easterplaydough #playdoughrecipes #preschool

Easter Arts and Crafts

Looking for some cute and clever easter crafts? You will love these fun ideas! Plus don’t miss Over 50 Creative Ideas To Fill Easter Eggs , our cute bunny pancakes, or our traditional bunny cake.

FREE Easter Bingo - super cute free printable easter game that helps kids learn the true story of Easter and Jesus, work on visual discrimination, and as a fun easter activity for toddlers, preschoolers, pre k, kindergartners, first graders, 2nd graders, 3rd grders, and 4th graders. #easterprintable #eastergames #sundayschool #preschool #kindergarten suerp cute easter craft that you make by coloring by number Printable Bunny ears template Easter Egg Activity working on visual discrimination

Free Easter Printables

These fun activities use our free easter printables to save you on prep work!

FREE Easter Worksheets for Toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergartners. trace the easter themed picture and trace alphabet letters to strengthen fine motor skills and cordination with this easter activity for kids #easterprintable #eastertracing #easterworksheets #preschool #toddlers  easter worksheet preschoolFREE Color by Number Easter Worksheets - super cute free printable to help toddlers, preschool, pre k, and kindergarten age students work on number recognition and srengthening fine motor skills with a fun easter activity for april #preschool #easterworksheet #easterprintable #prek easter activities for preschoolers

Easter Worksheets

Looking for free Easter worksheets or educational easter activities? Check out these resources and don’t miss our Easter Lesson Plan for Preschool or our Easter Books for PReschoolers

free-easter-parts-of-speech-practice Easter word family worksheets easter color by number hundreds chart Planting Carrots Spring / Easter CVC Words ACtivity

Make learning fun by adding one of these engaging easter activity ideas to your Easter Theme

floating egg experiment egg in a bottle Have you heard of the egg drop challenge? My daughter has been begging to do it for months. I don’t know why we didn’t do it sooner. Well, I do. I thought it was going to make a giant mess that I would end up cleaning up but I was totally wrong. It was basically no mess at all. I will even say this Egg Drop Challenge was so much fun! Try this egg drop project with preschool, pre k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 4th grade students for a fun, hands-on science project for kids. jelly bean stem activity

Easter Science Experiments

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