September 11, 2023
FREE Printable Giraffe Life Cycle Worksheets

FREE Printable Giraffe Life Cycle Worksheets


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Discover the fascinating life cycle of giraffes with these fun and free giraffe worksheets! Giraffes are known for their long necks, perfect for reaching leaves in tall trees. However, they have to kneel to drink water due to their unique body structure. These Giraffe life cycle pages are designed for students in first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th graders. These no prep  animal activities work on reading comprehensions, science of animals from the savannah, writing skills, life cycle of a giraffe, and so much more!

Discover the fascinating life cycle of giraffes with these fun and free giraffe worksheets! Giraffes are known for their long necks, perfect for reaching leaves in tall trees. However, they have to kneel to drink water due to their unique body structure. These Giraffe life cycle pages are designed for students in first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, and 5th graders. These no prep  animal activities work on reading comprehensions, science of animals from the savannah, writing skills, life cycle of a giraffe, and so much more!

Giraffe Life Cycle

Giraffes are fascinating animals that children can learn all about! They are the tallest mammals on Earth, with long necks and towering legs. Kids can discover how they use their unique features to survive in the wild, such as using their long tongues to reach leaves high up in trees. Giraffes also have distinct coat patterns that help them blend in with their surroundings. Let’s introduce our students to these amazing creatures and the giraffe life cycle with these free printable giraffe worksheets! Included is lots of fun facts about giraffes including life cycle worksheets and tons of fascinating information! Simply print the free life cycle printables and you are ready to learn with elementary age studnets from grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4, ane grade 5 students.

Life Cycle Worksheets

Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> __________ <<. The pdf file will open in a new window for you to save freebie. Then, simply print the pages and you are ready to learn about the life cycle of a giraffe. You will love that these activities require  NO PREP! These free worksheets are color, and some in black and white.

Life Cycle of a Giraffe

Giraffes have a fascinating life cycle! They start as tiny calves, standing about six feet tall when born. As they grow, giraffes feed on their mother’s milk for about a year. By the age of two, they can start eating leaves and plants. During this time, they also develop their long necks, allowing them to reach food at greater heights. As they reach sexual maturity around 4-5 years old, male giraffes compete for mates through necking battles. Once a female is impregnated, she carries her calf for around 15 months before giving birth. The cycle then begins again.

Introduce your children to the captivating world of giraffes with these free printable worksheets! Discover how these incredible animals use their long necks and legs to survive in the wild, and learn about their unique coat patterns. Let's dive into the giraffe life cycle and explore tons of fun facts together! These worksheets are perfect for elementary students in grades 1-5. Print the free life cycle printables and let the learning begin!

Giraffe Worksheets

There are over 30 learning activities in this pack including:
  • Giraffe vocabulary cards – newborn, mother and calf, adolescent, adult, eating, grass, acacia leaf, habitat
  • Giraffes life cycle poster
  • Label the giraffe life cycle – adult, calf, newborn, adolescent
  • Cut and paste the life cycle of a girafe
  • Draw the stages of the giraffe life cycle

Fun facts about giraffes

Did you know that giraffes are fascinating creatures with some truly mind-boggling features? Here are some exciting facts about them that’ll leave you amazed!

  1. Towering Heights: Giraffes are the tallest land animals on our planet, reaching dizzying heights of up to 16-20 feet! That’s like having a two-story building walk by, wow!
  2. Necks and Spots: Their long necks consist of the same number of vertebrae as our own, only elongated! And those beautiful spots adorning their coats are like our fingerprints—no two giraffes have the same pattern. How cool is that?!
  3. Super Tongues: Giraffes have incredibly long tongues, about 18-20 inches, which they utilize to reach foliage high in trees. Imagine having a tongue longer than a baseball bat!
  4. Social Butterflies: Despite their gentle demeanor, giraffes are incredibly sociable animals. They live in loose communities and are known to engage in gentle head-butting or necking as a form of communication.
  5. Silent Communicators: While giraffes don’t make much noise, they communicate through infrasonic sounds that are too low for humans to hear. So, they’re sharing secrets we can’t even eavesdrop on!

There are over 30 learning activities in this pack including:
Giraffe vocabulary cards - newborn, mother and calf, adolescent, adult, eating, grass, acacia leaf, habitat
Giraffes life cycle poster
Label the giraffe life cycle - adult, calf, newborn, adolescent
Cut and paste the life cycle of a girafe
Draw the stages of the giraffe life cycle

Giraffe information

  • Giraffe life cycle coloring page
  • Cut and Paste giraffe stages and giraffe coloring sheet
  • Create a giraffe life cycle mini book – choose black and white or color option
  • Fill in what you learned about the life cycle of a giraffe booklet
  • Label the parts of a horse – eye, ear, nostril, neck, horns, tail
  • Giraffe research and writing prompts

Giraffe Habitat

Did you know that giraffes have a unique habitat? These magnificent creatures can be found in various countries in Africa, where they thrive in grasslands, savannas, and open woodlands. As the tallest land animals, giraffes comfortably browse on the tree leaves that other herbivores cannot reach. Their long necks and powerful legs allow them to gracefully move across vast areas in search of food and water. Unfortunately, their habitat is under threat due to human activities such as deforestation and habitat encroachment.

Giraffe life cycle coloring page
Cut and Paste giraffe stages and giraffe coloring sheet
Create a giraffe life cycle mini book - choose black and white or color option
Fill in what you learned about the life cycle of a giraffe booklet
Label the parts of a horse - eye, ear, nostril, neck, horns, tail
Giraffe research and writing prompts

Giraffes for Kids

  • Giraffe Worksheets – fill in the bank using vocabulary from the word bank: ruminant, ossicones, mammal, vulnerable, vertebrate, cud, diurnal, extict, necking, herbivore, herd, camoflage
  • Free Giraffe Reader
  • Giraffe Habitat Worksheet
  • Giraffe Appearance Worksheet
  • Giraffe Life Cycle Reading Comprehension with passage and follow-up questions
  • Bibliography worksheet
  • My book report template
  • Animal Report form
  • Giraffe page with cute clipart pictures

Life Cycles for Kids

See over 70 Life Cycles for Kids Printable Worksheets and life cycle activities

Animal Activities

Learn about the giraffe life cycle with FREE worksheets for elementary students. Include vocabulary, reading comprehension, life cycle, writing skills, and more!

About Giraffes

Before you grab your free pack you agree to the following:

  • This set is for personal and classroom use only.
  • This printable set may not be sold, hosted, reproduced, or stored on any other website or electronic retrieval system.
  • Graphics Purchased and used with permission from
  • All material provided on this blog is copyright protected.
> Giraffe Printables <<

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  1. Ramona Avatar

    Thank you.