Help children learn about a turkey life cycle with this HUGE 74+ page, free printable life cycle of a turkey worksheet pack! Your toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 4th grade student will learn about the life cycle of a turkey, key science terms / vocabulary, make a science reader, and practice math & literacy skills at the same time! This turkey theme is perfect for learning with life cycle worksheets in November for a Thanksgiving theme.

Life Cycle of a Turkey
Children are naturally curious about the work around them. When crisp fall weather beings to appear, and colorful leaves fall from trees making giant leaf piles, kids know that Thanksgiving isn’t too far away. Thanksgiving is a fun time of family and friends, being thankful, remembering the first Thanksgiving with Pilgrims and Indians, and most people eat delicious TURKEY! I love expanding on things kids are naturally interested in So fall is a great time to teach kids a little more about the life cycle of a turkey with these free printable Life Cycle of a Turkey Worksheet pack for toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, grade 1, grade 2 and grade 3 students. Whether you are a parent, teacher, or homeschooler, you will love this 74-page Turkey Life Cycle Printable Pack that contains a variety of activities to use in a turkey center, extra learning, homework, fall them, thanksgiving theme, or enrichment for any science curriculum.
Turkey life cycle
You can also learn more by reading this national geographic turkey for kids and watching these turkey videos from national geographic. In our life cycle of a turkey pack of no-prep, free worksheets your child will learn about the turkey life cycle:
- Egg – A female turkey lays between 6 and 18 eggs, averaging 12 eggs.
- Hatching– A turkey egg takes about one month to hatch.
- Chick – Baby turkeys cannot fly for two weeks. Only wild turkeys can fly.
- Poult – As they grow they get more feathers. Adult turkeys have around 3,500 feathers.
- Adult – Full grown turkeys are either called a hen – A female turkey weighs between 7 and 16 pounds and are about 3 feetlong. Or a male turkey is called a tom and weighs between 8 and 24 pounds; are about 4 feet long. Only male turkeys can gobble.
Turkey Worksheet
Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> _____ <<. The pdf file will open in a new window for you to save the pdf file. Now print all the pages you would like to use: there are some in black and white and others in color.
Turkey Worksheet
- What I Know/ Want to Learn about Turkeys – Write what you want to know and then research turkeys and write the answers to your questions.
- Turkey Life Cycle Writing Pages – Research the turkey life cycle and write our what you find.
- Turkey Life Cycle Pages – Place / write the turkey life cycle in the correct order.
- 3 Part Cards – Can be used to match the words to the picture or in games such as memory. These cards can also be used together with the alphabet cards. using the alphabet cards to spell out the words.
- Odd One Out – Circle the object that is different.
- What Comes Next? – Cut out and paste the answer in the correct spot.
- Finish the Patterns – Cut out and paste the answer in the correct spot.
- Coloring Activity – Color in the object using the color listed below.
- Do-A-Dot Letter Activity – Using a dot marker or bingo marker, dot out all of the correct letters.
Turkey life stages
- I Spy – Count the Leaves / Objects – Count the objects.
- Counting Puzzles – Cut out, laminate and use the numbers to place the puzzles back together.
- Counting Cards – Cut out, laminate and use a peg or paperclip to clip or place a pom pom or candy onto the correct answer.
- Addition Cards – Cut out, laminate and use a peg or paperclip to clip or place a pom pom or candy onto the correct answer.
- Subtraction Cards – Cut out, laminate and use a peg or paperclip to clip or place a pom pom or candy onto the correct answer.
Life cycle of a turkey worksheet
- Alphabet Cards – Cut out, laminate and use to match the lower case letters to the uppercase ones. Can also be used to spell words.
- Trace the Letters – Improve handwriting skills while learning to spell.
- Size Sequencing Cards – Cut out, laminate and place in order from largest to smallest or vice versa.
- Dice / Graphing Activity – Cut out the dice and glue together. Roll the dice and graph each object the dice lands on.
- Size Sequencing Cards – Great for practicing order from largest to smallest or the other way round.
- Color by Number – This is a great way to learn colours while revising numbers.
- Nouns or Verbs – Is is a noun or a verb? Place the words the correct column.
- Turkey Word Search – A fun way to practice spelling the words involved in the life cycle of a turkey.
Life Cycle Printables
Looking for more free printables to help you learn about life cycles? You will love these resources:
- 🐜 Ant life cycle for kids printable activity
- 🍎 Apple life cycle printable plus worksheets for working on early literacy and math too
- Spin and learn with this apple life cycle printable
- 🦇 Life cycle of a bat worksheets or these bat life cycle worksheets
- 🐝 life cyle of a bee worksheets
- 🦋 Hatching Butterflies with butterfly life cycle worksheet
- Learn math and literacy along with these butterfly life cycle worksheet free download
- Butterfly worksheets to learn science plus math and literacy skills or try these cute life cycle butterfly crafts
- 🐔 Life cycle of a chicken worksheet, printable, and activity
- 🌼 Lift-the-Flap Flower Life Cycle printable activity
- Learn about the Life Cycle of Frogs for kids and grab the life-cycle wheel
- 🐸 Life cycle of a frog worksheet
- Grab this spinner to learn about the frog life cycle for kids
- Insect life cycle printable book to read, color, and learn
- 🐞 Ladybug life cycle worksheet or use these pages with ladybug life cycle for kids
- 🐼 Panda life cycle worksheets or these panda worksheets
- 🐧 Penguin life cycle worksheet are the perfect addition to you winter theme!
- 🌿 Plant life cycle worksheet or this Plant Life Cycle Printable Lift-the-Flap
- Read, color, and learn with these plant life cycle worksheets
- Plant Life Cycles Printable Emergent Reader and Worksheets
- 🎃 Pumpkin life cycle worksheet pdf – lots of fun activities for learning about pumpkin life cycle
- Cut and Paste Pumpkin Life Cycle Worksheet
- 🐰 Life cycle of a Rabbit worksheet or themed math, literacy and science in these rabbit worksheets
- 🐟 Salmon Life Cycle Worksheet pack with not only life cycle of salmon, but math and literacy activities too
- Plus don’t miss our experiment breeding guppies to learn about life cycles up close!
- 🐢 Sea Turtle Worksheets to make a book to read, color, and learn about their life cycles
- 🕷 Spider life cycle worksheet is a fun way to learn about the life cycle of spiders with an insect theme or during Octoboer
- 🌻 Life cycle of a sunflower worksheet – fun sunflower life cycle printables
- 🦃 Turkey life cycle – is fun to learn about around Thanksgiving
- 🍉Watermelon Life Cycle Printable Spinner
- Worm Life Cycle worksheets and activity
- 💧 Free Water Cycle Worksheets for Kids
Turkey Activities for Kids
- Turkey Activity for Color Matching
- Spin & Cover Turkey Shapes Activity
- Torn Paper Turkey Craft
- Turkey Word Family Activites
- Turkey Life Cycle Cards
- Turkey Subtraction Worksheets
- FREE Thanksgiving Play for Families
Turkey Printables
- Turkey Math Craft
- Sorting Turkey Feathers Activty for Learning COLORS
- FREE Thanksgiving Worksheets for Preschoolers
- 35 Turkey Crafts and Activities for Thanksgiving
- Cute Turkey Snack
- Free Printable Thanskgiving Hats for Kids
- Pumpkin Life Cycle Worksheets
Turkey life cycle for kindergarten
Before you grab your free pack you agree to the following:
- This set is for personal and classroom use only.
- This printable set may not be sold, hosted, reproduced, or stored on any other website or electronic retrieval system.
- Graphics Purchased and used with permission
- All material provided on this blog is copyright protected.
>> Turkey Life Cycle Worksheets <<
Love the life cycle pages! Thanks!
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