May 1, 2023
FREE Printable Cat Life Cycle for Kids Worksheets

FREE Printable Cat Life Cycle for Kids Worksheets


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Teach your children about the cat life cycle with these simple, no-pre, free cat worksheets. Whether you are learning about life cycles for kids, interested in cat information, or just explring the life cycle of a cat for kids– you will love these free printables to play and learn with first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th garde, and 5th grade students.

Teach your children about the cat life cycle with these simple, no-pre, free cat worksheets. Whether you are learning about life cycles for kids, interested in cat information, or just explring the life cycle of a cat for kids- you will love these free printables to play and learn with first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th garde, and 5th grade students.

Cat Life Cycle

These cut cat printables are such a fun way for elementary students in grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4, and grade 5 to learn about the life cycle of a cat including cat facts, life cycle of a cat, domestication, habitat, report forms, and more. Whether you are a parent, teacher, daycare, or homeschooler – you will love these no prep worksheets that makes practicing science enjoyable and easy to incorporate!

Cat Worksheets

Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> __________ <<. The pdf file will open in a new window for you to save freebie. Then, simply print the pages and you are ready to learn about the life cycle of a cat. You will love that these activities require  NO PREP! These free worksheets are color, and some in black and white.

Life Cycle of a Cat

Females can have two to three litters per year and can breed for up to ten years. They find the safest place they can and are guided by instinct when delivering their babies. After a gestation period of around 63-67 days, a mother cat gives birth of a live litter of around three to five kittens, though sometimes they can have more. Kittens are born without fur and their eyes are closed until they are about seven to ten days old. They feed on their mother’s milk for the first six to seven weeks of their life. They start to become more independent as they grow and at around twelve months of age, they reach adulthood.

There are quite a few activities in this pack! Answer key included for word bank worksheets and reading coprehension passages.
Cat vocabulary cards - newborns, kitten, adolescent, adult, catnip, yarn
Cat life cycle poster
Label the cat life cycle
Cut and paste the life cycle of a cat 
Draw the stages of the cat life cycle

Life Cycle of a Cat for kids

There are quite a few activities in this pack! Answer key included for word bank worksheets and reading coprehension passages.
  • Cat vocabulary cards – newborns, kitten, adolescent, adult, catnip, yarn
  • Cat life cycle poster
  • Label the cat life cycle
  • Cut and paste the life cycle of a cat
  • Draw the stages of the cat life cycle

Cat life cycle coloring page
Cut and Paste cat stages and coloring sheet
Create a cat life cycle mini book - choose black and white or color option
Fill in what you learned about the life cycle of a cat booklet
Label the parts of cat - ear, ear, nose, whiskers, let, tail
Cat research and writing prompts

Cat information

  • Cat life cycle coloring page
  • Cut and Paste cat stages and coloring sheet
  • Create a cat life cycle mini book – choose black and white or color option
  • Fill in what you learned about the life cycle of a cat booklet
  • Label the parts of cat – ear, ear, nose, whiskers, let, tail
  • Cat research and writing prompts

Cat Worksheets - fill in the bank using word bank: feline, cat, litter, warm-blooded, vertebrate, carnivore, obligate carnivore, purring, catnip, mammal, domestic, clowder
Free Cat Reader
Cat Habitat Worksheet
Domestication Worksheet
Cat Life Cycle Reading Comprehension with passage and follow-up questions
Bibliography worksheet
My book report template
Animal Report form
Cat page with cute cats clipart

Cats for kids

  • Cat Worksheets – fill in the bank using word bank: feline, cat, litter, warm-blooded, vertebrate, carnivore, obligate carnivore, purring, catnip, mammal, domestic, clowder
  • Free Cat Reader
  • Cat Habitat Worksheet
  • Domestication Worksheet
  • Cat Life Cycle Reading Comprehension with passage and follow-up questions
  • Bibliography worksheet
  • My book report template
  • Animal Report form
  • Cat page with cute cats clipart

Life Cycles for Kids

See over 70 Life Cycles for Kids Printable Worksheets and life cycle activities

Animal Activities

Teach children about the cat life cycle with FREE cat worksheets: cat information,habitat, domestication, states of growth, reports, and more!

Cat Printables

Before you grab your free pack you agree to the following:

  • This set is for personal and classroom use only.
  • This printable set may not be sold, hosted, reproduced, or stored on any other website or electronic retrieval system.
  • Graphics Purchased and used with permission from
  • All material provided on this blog is copyright protected.
> Cat Life Cycle Worksheets <<

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  1. Minnie Avatar

    BETH! THIS IS AMAZING! I have a student with autism and he is completely in love with cats! This is so perfect for him! I need some cat math now. 😀 Thank you for you all your hard work and dedication!