August 30, 2023
Painting with Edible Marshmallow Paint Recipe for Kids

Painting with Edible Marshmallow Paint Recipe for Kids


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Here is a really fun, unique edible paint recipe that will become a favorite at your house. Not only is this marshmallow paint completely edible, but it has a great texture and sheen for your kids projects too. Whether you choose to use it as edible cookie paint or to paint a picture, this edible paint for kids is quick, easy, and FUN! Try this painting with marshmallows activity with toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first graders, and up!

Here is a really fun, unique edible paint recipe that will become a favorite at your house. Not only is this marshmallow paint completely edible, but it has a great texture and sheen for your kids projects too. Whether you choose to use it as edible cookie paint or to paint a picture, this edible paint for kids is quick, easy, and FUN! Try this painting with marshmallows activity with toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first graders, and up!

Marshmallow Paint

Whether you are worried about your child tasting traditional paint or just looking to mix things up, this marshmallow paint is sure to hit the spot! This edible paint is quick and easy to make with a few common ingredients you already have in your kitchen. We will show you how to make edible paint step-by-step and then you are ready to use this edible food paint on cookies or to draw a pretty picture. Kids of all ages from toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, and grade 1 students will  love this outrageously fun idea of painting with marshmallows!

All you need to make this simple, edible paint recipe are a few things from your pantry: mini marshmallows water corn syrup. food coloring cookies to decorate or paper (we use thicker paper for this project)

Edible Paint

All you need to make this simple, edible paint recipe are a few things from your pantry:

  • mini marshmallows
  • water
  • corn syrup.
  • food coloring
  • cookies to decorate or paper (we use thicker paper for this project)

marshmallow recipes

How to make edible paint

Start by putting  1 cup of mini marshmallows in a microwave safe bowl and microwave them for 30 seconds. This in and of itself will amaze your little artists! Now Add 1/4 cup of water to the bowl and stir.

marshmallow activities

Edible paint for kids

Put the mixture in the microwave again for 30 more seconds. Now add 3 tablespoons of light corn syrup to the mixture and stir well.

edible paint for toddlers

Edible paint recipe

Finally, microwave it again for 30 seconds. Stir it together until every bit of the marshmallows are melted and mixed well with the corn syrup. Let it cool just a little bit  and then separate it into different containers

edible paint recipe

Edible cookie paint

Add food coloring to make whatever colors you like. This is also a great time to teach kids about mixing colors. If you add red and yellow you will get orange. Mix red and blue to get purple, etc.!

edible cookie paint

Edible food paint

I used craft popsicle sticks to stir up our paint colors. Let the marshmallow paint cool for a minute or so before handing them off to you kids. Hot paint can burn little hands! Luckily, it cools quickly.

edible paint for kids

Painting with marshmallows

Paint on paper or on cookies! It leaves a nice glossy finis and is thick enough to not drop all over like some other edible paints we have tried before.

marshmallow activities

Marshmallow activities

This paint is totally edible so it is safe to eat.

Marshmallow crafts

Marshmallow crafts

If you use it on paper, it will dry with the texture of puffy paint.

Quick and EASY edible marshmallow paint recipe for kids! Try this cookie paint for fabulous sheen and a FUN kids activities!

Quick and EASY edible marshmallow paint recipe for kids! Try this cookie paint for fabulous sheen and a FUN kids activities!

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