June 21, 2023
EPIC Construction Slime Activities for Preschoolers

EPIC Construction Slime Activities for Preschoolers


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Kids will have a blast digging, mixing, and dumpling this amazing  Construction Slime. THis fun 2 ingredient slime recipe is truly outrageously fun kids activity. This construction activities for preschool, toddler, pre k, kindergarten, and first grade students is perfect for not only a sensory activity but to add to a construction theme. So whip up a batch of this EPIC slime activivities.

Kids will have a blast digging, mixing, and dumpling this amazing  Construction Slime. THis fun 2 ingredient slime recipe is truly outrageously fun kids activity. This construction activities for preschool, toddler, pre k, kindergarten, and first grade students is perfect for not only a sensory activity but to add to a construction theme. So whip up a batch of this EPIC slime activivities.

Construction Slime

It’s spring which means…. road construction time! Did I hear a groan? While construction is frustrating to parents and drivers throughout the spring, summer, and fall because of the inconvenience, noise, road closures, and delays… kids love it! Young children are fascinated by these mammoth machines that destroy roads, dump the material into trucks to be hauled away, pour new concrete, and smooth the new road with a roller. This super easy to make Construction Slime is a great way for toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, and grade 1 students to explore with a construction activities for kids.

Kids will have fun exploring construction trucks and their uses as they play with this slime recipe. Use this alongside a C is for Construction or T is for Truck letter of the week theme, a construction theme preschool, or just as a rotational sensory activity. Whether you are a parent, teacher, or homeschooler – you will love this fun summer activity for kids!


Construction activities for kids

Today we decided to use our slime with a fun construction activity for kids that was a hit with all my kids from toddler, preschool, pre k, kindergarten, first grade, and more!

We started by whipping up our favorite 2-ingredient WOW Slime using 2 bottles of this black glitter glue and Sta-Flo.  The consistency of this easy slime recipe is simply amazing and really looks like black asphalt about to be laid. It is perfect for scooping up, oozing out of trucks, and smoothing to make a road.


Slime COnstruction

For our morning of play and fun I laid out our the following materials for our construction activity


Slime activities for toddlers

The kids loved loading up and dumping the road construction slime out of the dump truck. Such a fun slime activity for preschoolers.


Construction truck activities for toddlers

They loved using the roller truck to pave new slime roads. (yep, that’s a beautiful slime wall in the background – this stuff is so much fun many hands like to play at the same time!)


Construction activities for preschoolers

The plow would push the slime over to build more roads.

Slime activities

My toddlers thought it was hilarious how trucks would stick in the stretch slime. This is such a fun tactile experience for kids of all ages.


Construction activities for toddlers

This slime recipe is cinch to whip up and is the best slime recipe ever! It oozes, sheets, slimes, and easily cleans up with not mess!



Construction Books for Kids

Add on to your construction theme with these super cute and fun to read construction books for kids of all ages!

Construction Activities for Kids

Slime Recipes

Looking for more fun-to-make easy slime recipes? You’ve got to try these slime recipes for kids:

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