June 21, 2023
4th of July Theme with Math, Crafts, Science and Activities

4th of July Theme with Math, Crafts, Science and Activities


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Learn all about America’s independence day with this delightful 4th of july theme. We have lots of fun 4th of july activities for preschoolers, kindergartners, grade 1, and up to make learning fun! We’ve included 4th of july math plus 4th of july science experiments, social studies, and lots of 4th of july crafts for preschoolers.

Learn all about America's independence day with this delightful 4th of july theme. We have lots of fun 4th of july activities for preschoolers, kindergartners, grade 1, and up to make learning fun! We've included 4th of july math plus 4th of july science experiments, social studies, and lots of 4th of july crafts for preschoolers. 

4th of July Theme

Themes are a great way to make learning fun and keep kids engaged as they learn math, grammar, reading, writing, science, history, and crafts with a fun theme. This 4th of July theme includes lots of red, white and blue ideas to keep toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, and 2nd graders learing while having fun this summer. We’ve included fun 4th of July preschool activities and fourth of july science experiments, plus 4th of july math worksheets and of course independence day craft ideas for preschool.  Whether you are a parent, teacher, or homeschooler – you will love these july 4th ideas for kids!

Fourth of July Language Arts Activities

4th of july activities for preschoolers

Improve your children’s fine motor skills with these 4th of july preschool activities to work on fine motor skills, work on letter recognition, and more.

Fourth of July Language Arts Activities

4th of July Math

Kids love themed activities and they will get excited to practice math with these hands-on math activity and 4th of july math worksheets.

Fourth of July Art & Craft Projects

4th of july crafts for preschoolers

We have found so many fun independence day craft ideas for preschool age children!  These playful fourth of july activities for preschoolers are a great way to explore patriotic themes and celebrate the holiday on July 4th

Fourth of July Science Experiments

4th of july science experiments

Looking for some fun, engaging, and colorful

  • Make Clear Glue Slime as a 4th of July science activity! from Little BIns for Little Hands
  • 4th of July Skittles Science Experiment source
  • 4th of July Science Activity and Chemistry for Kids source
  • A Patriotic Spin on the Zoetrope Animation STEAM Project from Share it Science
  • Confetti Fireworks: Engineering for Kids from Schooling a MOnkey
  • Introduce your kids to density with these glow in the dark sensory bottles. From Kc Edventures
  • Don’t forget to make an American Flag using water science experiments. From Engineer to SAHM
Fourth of July Social Studies

Fourth of July Social Studies

Start your 4th of July celebrations with 4th of July Pancakes!

And if you’re still looking for more Fourth of July fun, check out this list of 4th of July Crafts and Kids Activities!

Books to Read

You have two options for using books in your unit study about the Fourth of July:

  • You can read a different book each day of the week, Monday through Friday.
  • Or read your favorite book (s) every day of the week. Remember that kids love repetition, so they won’t get bored!

Pick from these 5 excellent books to learn about the Fourth of July with your kids:


4th of July Activities

Weekly Themes

Whether you use these themed learning kids activities for your lower elementary age students or as preschool weekly themes, we’ve got lots of fun themed eductational activities to make your lesson plan:

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