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You and your kids will have fun learning all about Valentine’s Day with this fascinating week-long valentines day themes. We have valentines day rafts, valentines day math, litearcy, valentines day science, activities for valentiens day, free valentines day worksheets, and more. This  Just pick your favorite books and fun educational activities and you’re ready to go. This valentine day theme is perfect for preschoool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 4th grade students.

You and your kids will have fun learning all about Valentine's Day with this fascinating week-long valentines day themes. We have valentines day rafts, valentines day math, litearcy, valentines day science, activities for valentiens day, free valentines day worksheets, and more. This  Just pick your favorite books and fun educational activities and you're ready to go. This valentine day theme is perfect for preschoool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 4th grade students.

Valentines day themes

Get ready for fun and engaging educational valentines day activities in this valentine day theme for toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, and elementary age students in grade 1, grade 2, and grade 3. Have a whole week valentine day theme with all these clever valetnines day ideas, valentines day printables, valentines day math activities, science for valentiens day, and more!

Valentines Day Language Arts Activities

Valentines Day Alphabet

Improve literacy using these fun heart themed ideas to work on alphabet letters, sight words, reading, tracing, poems, and so much more!

Valentines Day Worksheets for Preschoolers valentines-day-alphabet-activity Alphabet valentines day worksheets with conversation hearts

Valentines Day Worksheets

Looking for more way to make learning fun during February? Kids will LOVE these Valentine’s Day themed, educational activities. Plus, all of these are free printables.

Valentines Day Math Activity

Valentines Day Math

Pick a couple of these fun valentiens day math activities to practice counting, number sense, measurement, addition, fractions, and more math activities to enjoy with your kids!

valentines day math with snap cubes Kids of all ages will love this fun Valentines Math with Conversation Hearts! After you play the fun valentines day heart candy game, you use your filled up candy box to complete these fun Valentines Day math worksheets which include candy heart fractions . With math from counting and graphing to conversation heart fractions, this math activity for valentines day is perfect for toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 4th grade students. Simply download pdf file with valentines day worksheets and print the pages with the skills that are appropriate for your kids. color by number valentines day worksheets to practie numbers 1-100 as kids color by code

Valentines Day Math

Looking for some fun valentines day math activities, free Valentines day worksheets, and other ideas to learn in February – check these out!

Valentines Day Crafts for Kids

Valentines Day Crafts

Check out these super cute Valentine’s Day crafts for kids to do with your kids! SO many cute ideas for valentiens day crafts for preschoolers, toddlers, and kindergartners with fun heart themes!

free-printable-heart-fish-craft-for-valentines-day valentines day craft Matisse Valentines Art Projects

Valentines Day Activity

Try these fun, engaging valentiens day activities and crafts for a fun February!

Valentines Day Science Experiments

Valentines Day Science Experiments

Sneak in some fun to try Valentiens Day Science to help kids explore and have fun while still using heart themed science for Valentines Day.

Valentines Day Social Studies Project

Valentines Day Social Studies Project

Show your love to your family and community!

Valentines Day Books

Plus don’t miss these fun Valentines Books to cuddle up and read this February. Plus here are a couple of different options for using books in your Valentine’s Day unit study:

  • Read a different book each day of the week, Monday through Friday.
  • Read your favorite book (s) every day of the week. Don’t worry about your children getting bored as kids love repetition!

Here are 5 excellent books about Valentine’s Day to enjoy with your kids.


pre-writing-worksheets-for-Valentines-Day valentines day activity for preschoolers valentiens day playdough mats


Weekly Themes

Whether you use these themed learning kids activities for your lower elementary age students or as preschool weekly themes, we’ve got lots of fun themed eductational activities to make your lesson plan:

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