Kids will love playing dinosaurs with the added excitement of baking soda and vinegar eruptions with this engaging dinosaur activities for preschoolers. Learn about these fascinating historic animals with this dinosaurs for kids play and learn with the added fun of a dinosaur science activity. From a baking soda and vinegar volcano to silly fizzing feet, this baking soda and vinegar experiment is loads of fun for toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, and first grade students.
Dinosaur science experiments
Young kids will love exploring, playing, and learning about dinosaurs for preschool with this EPIC dinosaur play! In this baking soda and vinegar experiment, toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, and grade 1 students will get to pretend play with dinosaurs in a sensory bin for kids that not only allows for creativity, but includes a fun science activity for preschoolers too! In this dinosaur activities for preschoolers – the volcano can errupt and when the dinosaurs come out of the blue lake, their feet will carry the vinegar to the baking soda sand creating a chemical reaction that creates fun fizzing action for kids!
Dinosaur science experiments for preschoolers
This sensory bin for toddlers was super easy to set-up. I filled a plastic bin with baking soda (which was the sand for the dinosaurs) added dinosaurs, an erupting volcano, and an interactive pond.
- large plastic storage tote (any size can be used, we used one that was 3 feet wide, 1.5 feet deep, and 1 foot tall)
- baking soda – you will need 3 boxes (but dont’ worry you can get them for $0.50 a box at Walmart)
- small plastic food storage (sandwich size)
- 1-2 cups vinegar
- food coloring (red and blue)
- playdough (storebought, clay, paper mache, or our playdough recipe)
- dinosaur figures (such as these dinosaur toob or these larger dinosaur figures)
Dinosaur Science Activities
The volcano was a small water bottle that I filled with warm water and a couple drops of red food coloring until only 2” were empty. Then I added 4-5 drops dish detergent. I put the lid on and placed it in the baking soda and surrounded it with a batch of homemade playdough (here is my recipe).
Volcanoes and dinosaurs preschool
Note: If I had planned ahead more we might have covered it with paper mache or clay so it would have been a harder surface and we would have painted it darker as a contrast, but this worked. I actually sprinkled it with some spices to add some green and a nice smell.
When the kids were ready to make the volcano erupt I removed the lid and added 2-3 tab baking powder and 2 TAB vinegar. The kids were able to make the volcano erupt about 7 times – they loved this part!
Dinosaur experiment preschool
I added a small plastic container filled with vinegar, blue food coloring, and peppermint extract (to mask the vinegar smell) to make the pond. The reason this was so interactive was that when the kids had the dinosaurs go in the pond they got vinegar on their feet which would cause a bubbling scientific reaction when the dinosaurs stood back on the baking soda!
Dinosaur volcano experiment
The footprints were pretty cool too!
Dinosaur science activities for preschoolers
My kids were thoroughly enthralled with the chemical reactions first – wanting to see the volcano erupt over and over and giving each dinosaur extensive baths!
Dinosaur experiments
Then they actually began had more involved play with dinosaurs having families and running from the volcano. It was over 60 minutes of interactive FUN!
Dinosaur science preschool
By the end of their playtime they had created some beautiful rivers and some lovely purple from the mixing of the blue pond and red volcano. I guess we got a lesson in color mixing too!
Preschool dinosaur science activities
I recommend playing in play clothes you don’t mind getting dirty. My kiddos hands were slightly blue after their hour+ of play time, but they were back to normal by the next day. Their clothes also came clean, but again, I recommend play clothes or playing with the bin in the bath time in swimsuits.
Dinosaur experiment
This was just one of the fun things we did for our Dinosaur Unit. See all our dinosaur fun by clicking on the bone below:
Dinosaur Activities
If you are looking for other fun, free dinosaur printables to make learning fun with a dinosaur theme you will love these resources:
- Dinosaur Dinosaur Math
- Color Matching Dinosaur Activity
- Dino Number Recognition Games
- Cute Hand Dinosaur Craft for Toddlers
- Dinosaur Unit 2nd Grade and elementary age students
- Printable Dinosaur Color by Number Worksheets
- D is for Dinosaur
- Find the Letter Dinosaur Alphabet Printables Fun
- Dino Bones Punctuation Game
- Dinosaur Worksheets Preschool
- Dinosaur Printables
- Dinosaur Science Preschool
Dinosaur Printables
- Dinosaur Kindergarten STEM Activities
- Free Dinosaur Math Worksheets or these colorful Dinosaur Math Worksheets
- Hands-on Dinosaur Fossil Activities for Kids with free printables
- Printable Dinosaur Templates for craft projects
- Paleontologist Worksheet Pack
- TONS of Dinosaur Activities for kids of all ages
- Even more ideas to add to your dinosaur theme or dinosaur theme preschool
- Color Matching Dinosaur Activities
- Printable Dinosaur Sight Words Activity
Baking Soda Vinegar Experiment
There are so many fun ways to play and teach kids about chemical reactions using a baking soda and vinegar reaction. Here are some of our favorite baking soda and vinegar experiment ideas:
- 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, BLAST OFF! Rocket Baking Soda and Vinegar Experiment
- Dancing Raisins Experiment
- Look Inside a Volcano Experiment for Kids
- Science Play – Dinosaur Activities for Preschoolers
- Glitter Volcano Pretty Science Experiment
- Science Powered Boats with Baking Soda and Vinegar Experiment
- Rainbow Activities for Preschoolers
Fun Science Experiments
Here are some of our most popular lessons and activities or see all our science for kids conveniently sorted!
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- Grab these free printable solar system coloring pages
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- Life-size Human Body Project with free printable body parts
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- 100 Amazing Food science experiments – arranged by type of science
- Free Printable Human Body for Kids Playdough Mats
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Science Exeriments for Kids
Looking for lots more fun, science experiments for kids? You’ve GOT to try some of these outrageously fun science experiments for kids! We have so many fun, creative and easy science experiments for elementary age children:
- How to Make a Lava Lamp – super easy and SO cool!
- Weather Unit for prek-3rd graders filled with experiments, activities and weather worksheets
- Make it rain and write your observations in these cloud in a jar experiment worksheet
- Learn about our moon with these activities and moon worksheets for 1st grade
- Free Water Cycle Worksheets for kids
- Discover a world of geology with these rock worksheets for kids
- Free printable states of matter activity with clip cards
- Discover what lies below the surface with these free Layers of Earth Worksheets
- Make playdough earth layers with this super cool geology experiment for kids
- LOTS of year-round Science Experiments for Kids
- Kids will love this outrageously fun pipe clean constellations activity
- This look inside a volcano experiment for kids takes learning to a whole new level
- Chromatography Butterflies project for kids
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Easy Science Experiments
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- Amazing Rainbow in a Jar Experiment for Kids
- Epic Baking Soda and Vinegar Rocket Experiment
- Cool Milk and Vinegar Expeirment making plastic!
- Learn about your amazing brain with this activity and brain worksheets
- How do hands work project for kids
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- Bouncy Naked Egg with FREE egg in vinegar experiment worksheet
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- Easy-to-make balloon hoovercraft
- Bouncy Eggs and eggs in vinegar experiment worksheet
- Learn about density for kids with these simple balloon solid, liquid, gas hands-on activities
- Create your own super simple bot
- Beautiful, color changing capillary action experiment with flowers
- WOW your kids with how to make a Newton’s cradle project
- Heat-sensitive, Color Changing Slime is SO COOL!
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