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If your kids are like mine, anything with dinosaurs is a major hit. These dinosaur printables are a fabulous way to work on ten frame addition for learning basic math facts up to the number 20. This activity is great for pre-k, kindergarten, and first grade students. SImply print pdf file with the kindergarten math printable and you are ready to play and learn!

These dinosaur printables are a fabulous way to work on ten frame addition for learning basic math facts up to the number 20. This activity is great for pre-k, kindergarten, and first grade students. SImply print pdf file with the kindergarten math printable and you are ready to play and learn!

Ten frame addition

Since math is a concrete subject and not abstract, it should be taught in a hands-on manner with lots of manipulatives. Using manipulatives allows us to have a better understanding of what numbers mean so we are better prepared for abstract math concepts like number equations. The hands-on tools are also incredibly beneficial for our tactile learners. This Dinosaur theme ten frame addition is an engaging way to combine hands-on math with abstract equations. This math activity for kindergartners, preschooolers, and grade 1 students is a great way to make learning fun for students.

Dinosaur Printables

Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> _____ <<. The pdf file will open in a new window for you to save the freebie and print the template.

Dinosaur-Addition -to-20

Dinosaur addition

  • Print the FREE Dinosaur Addition Cards below
  • Laminate and cut the Dinosaur Addition Cards
  • Using dry erase marker, write numbers in the circles to create an addition problem, for example, 5+4 =
  • Using the dinosaur pieces to fill in the tens frame to solve the equation
  • Count how many dinosaurs are on the tens frames and write the solution in the equation

Kindergarten Math Printable

  • Make sure the solution to your equation does not exceed 20 as there are only 20 spots on the tens frame
  • I have also included an additional card that only goes up to 10 so you can differentiate based on your child’s needs
  • If your kids are like mine and they like to peel off laminate, you may want to cut, then laminate, then cut again
dinosaur addition cards

Addition Activity for Kindergartners

Looking for more dinosaur activities? Check these out.

dinosaur-color-by-number dinosaur worksheets dinosaur science play

Dinosaur Activities for 2nd Grade

If you are looking for other fun, free dinosaur printables to make learning fun with a dinosaur theme you will love these resources:

dinosaur math worksheets dinosaur math  Do you have a dino fan in your house? Or perhaps you are you planning a dinosaur theme for toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, or 2nd graders? You will love these super creative, fun, and engaging dinosaur theme ideas inluding dinosaur activities for kids, happy dinosaur crafts for kids, yummy Dinosaur Themed Food, and free dinosaur printables! Which ideas will you try first! dinosaur alphabet printables

Turn practicing addition into a fun activity as children get to become detectives with these free printable Addition Crack the Code Worksheets. These are perfect for kindergarten and first grade students working on addition within 20. This clever addition practice has students use a deck of cards and addition worksheets to make practicing math facts FUN! These free addition worksheets are perfect for kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade students. There are 9 seasonal mat hworksheet choices plus the math equations change each and ever time you play. Simply print pdf file with Deck of Cards Addition and you are ready to play and learn to add.   Kids will have fun practicing addition within 10 with this free printable math game - addition tic tac toe. This addition math game is a great way to reinforce and continue practicing addition skills to 10 and 20. We just love using educational math games for hands-on learning with kindergarten, first Grade, and 2nd Grade students!

Addition Games

This is such a fun, hands on math game for kindergartners that helps achieve fluency while having FUN!

ten frame worksheets bee ten frame math 4th of july activities for preschoolers Marshmallow-Ten-Frame-Printable-Activity-663x1024

10 Frame Math

Dinosaur Addition with Ten Frame

Before you grab your sight word printable you agree to the following:

  • This set is for personal and classroom use only.
  • This printable set may not be sold, hosted, reproduced, or stored on any other website or electronic retrieval system.
  • Graphics Purchased and used with permission
  • All material provided on this blog is copyright protected.

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  1. OZGUR Avatar

    Thank you, your website is great!

  2. Sophia Avatar

    Un grand grand merci pour toutes ces activités et feuilles de travail gratuites. Le site est agréable, intéressant et accessible. C’est un travail de fourmi que vous nous partagez et je suis tellement reconnaissante et vous remercie infiniment. Les élèves vont apprendre en s’amusant. Bravo !

  3. eudelia barrea Avatar
    eudelia barrea

    love what i see

  4. Melanie Avatar

    love your dinosaur activities

  5. suzy Avatar

    helps a lot