August 17, 2023
Apples Math Number Bonds Activities

Apples Math Number Bonds Activities


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Make working on addition within 10 fun with apple math! This fun, free printable, number bonds activities is a great way for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten age students to practice visually adding to 10. Use this apple activity for kids in your September apple theme or as extra practice at school or at home. Simply print apple printables and you are ready to play and learn!

Make working on addition within 10 fun with apple math! This fun, free printable, number bonds activities is a great way for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten age students to practice visually adding to 10. Use this apple activity for kids in your September apple theme or as extra practice at school or at home. Simply print apple printables and you are ready to play and learn!

Apple Math

It’s time to practice adding! You can help preschoolers and kindergartners get excited about number bonds practice with an educational activity with a cute apple math printable! This apple math uses hands-on manipulatives help make this number bonds make sense to early learners. Children will add mini erasers, unifix cubes, or other manipulatives to help them visually see how the two sets of numbers together form a number bond. Then they will write the addition equation they made and add figures to the ten frame too. This is such a fun apple activity for kindergartners!

Apple Printables

Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and clicking on the text link that says >> _____<<. The alphabet math activity pdf file will open in a new window for you to save the freebie and print the pages to play this number bond activity.


Number Bonds Activities

Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> Download <<. The pdf file will open in a new window to save the freebie and print the pages. Now  print off the activity sheet with the number bonds on it and laminate. Next, print off the numbers and place them in large learning cubes. Finally grab some apple erasers and a dry erase marker and you are ready to go. To add in some fine motor skills, you can use jumbo fine motor tweezers.

Number Bonds to 10 Activities

Now it is time to practice adding within 10. First, have your little one roll both the large learning cubes. These will be the numbers they will be adding.
Apple Number Bonds Printable

Addition within 10

Let’s say, your child rolled a four. They will pick up four apples and place them in the first circle.
If the other number they rolled is a six, they will then place six apples in the next circle.
Once both circles are filled, the child will count up how many apples they used and write that number in the final circle!
free-apple-ten frames

Apple Activity for Kids

Now we move to the ten frames. The children will simply place four apples in the frame, and then add the other six. Using the ten frame it is easy to see that 6 + 4 = 10.

Apple Activity for Kindergarten

The final step is to put it all together and create an equation. The children will use the numbers they rolled to help them create the equation.
We know that our little one rolled a 4 and a 6, so these are the numbers we are adding. We also know that when we add 6 + 4, we get 10. So ten will go after the equal sign. It is our sum.
This adding within 10 activity is that simple. Children can practice adding over and over in a fun, hands on way.



Number Bonds Activities

We’ve got so many fun preschool alphabet crafts , apple activities, September crafts, September Activities, and free apple printables for you to play and learn with kids this fall!


Apple Number Bonds

Before you grab your free pack you agree to the following:

  • This set is for personal and classroom use only.
  • This printable set may not be sold, hosted, reproduced, or stored on any other website or electronic retrieval system.
  • Graphics Purchased and used with permission from
  • All material provided on this blog is copyright protected.
> Number Bonds Math Activity <<

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