July 30, 2024
FREE Counting Bingo Daubers Printable Worksheets and Number Activity Sheets

FREE Counting Bingo Daubers Printable Worksheets and Number Activity Sheets


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Kids will love practicing counting 1-12 with these bingo dauber activity sheets. These super cute number bingo dauber printables allow toddler, preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten age children to work on math with kid-favorite bingo markers, finish the picture as they count to 12, and strengthen hand muscles coloring too. Simply print these free bingo dauber printables to practice math with dot markers while having fun. Kids will love practicing counting 1-12 with these do a dot printables numbers pages. These super cute, bingo dauber printables allow toddler, preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten age children to form numbers with bingo markers, finish the picture as they count to 12, and strengthen hand muscles coloring too. Simply print these bingo dauber worksheets are NO PREP number worksheets perfect for young learners.

Bingo Dauber printables

Whether you call them bingo dauber, bingo markers, do a dot markers, bingo dabbers, bingo pens, bingo stampers, or something else – kids will have fun practicing counting using this fun art supply! These Bingo Dauber Printables are a favorite among toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergartners! So we figured, why not work on counting with a preschool math worksheet using these bingo dauber activity sheets. Whether you are a parent, teacher, or homeschooler – you will love these bingo dauber worksheets to work on number recognition and counting too! Each of the free dauber printables has a cute clipart for kids to dab and count such as two mouse ears, 8 balloons, 5 flower petals, etc.

Plus don’t miss our shape dot marker worksheets, more human body activities for kids, and learn about capillary action for kids with this fun walking water experiment

Do a Dot Numbers Printables

Bingo Dauber Activity Sheets

Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> ____ <<. The do a dot printables pdf file will open in a new window for you to save the freebie and print the template.

Bingo Dauber Printables

Bingo Dauber Worksheets

All you need to complete this quick and easy preschool math activity are:

  • bingo markers in any color you like
  • bingo markers printable (bottom of post)
  • crayons, markers or colored pencils – optional

use Bingo Dauber markers with these free printable, Number Worksheets for preschoolers, kindergartners, and grade 1 math

Bingo dauber Sheets

These free printable math worksheets are a great way for kids to practice counting to 10, making numbers, using a ten block, and finishing a picture while working on strenthing fine motor skills.

Do a dot numbers

Bingo dauber Art Sheets

Kids will have so much fun completing these Number Practice Sheets as homework, extra practice, summer learning, preschool, or for fun.

Free bingo dauber printables

Bingo dauber worksheets free

We completed our bingo dabber worksheets using these bingo dabber worksheets and  bingo markersa favorite school supply in our house!
Bingo Dauber Number Worksheets

Free Dauber Printables

HINT: You can complete these number worksheets with crayons, markers, or colored pencils if you prefer or have them on hand.


Do Marker Printables

Counting 0-10

If you are looking for some more fun, engaging, hands-on, and free printable counting activities for toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergartners – check out these great resources!

Get kids excited about practicing counting 1-12 with adorable, FREE printable bingo dauber worksheets. Downlof fun math activity sheets!

Free bingo dauber printables

Before you grab your free pack you agree to the following:

  • This set is for personal and classroom use only.
  • This printable set may not be sold, hosted, reproduced, or stored on any other website or electronic retrieval system.
  • Graphics Purchased and used with permission from
  • All material provided on this blog is copyright protected.

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    1. Amy Avatar

      Thanks for the free printables. I really appreciate it!

    2. Beth Gorden Avatar

      This is a subscriber freebie. Just scroll to the bottom of the page to sign-up to get our free daily or weekly newsletter. You will immediately receive a welcome email with the link. If you don’t see it within a minute, check your spam folder. Enjoy

    3. Lenka Avatar

      Thank you for free printables. They are so cute 🙂

    4. Runi Avatar

      Thank you!

    5. Lacey Avatar

      Thank you! These are wonderful!

    6. sharmila Avatar

      thank you

    7. Lucija Avatar

      Thank you so much! Your amazing materials help my preschoolers enjoy every lesson.

    8. May July Avatar
      May July

      Thanks for all the fun and wonderful worksheets.

    9. Ashley Casper Avatar
      Ashley Casper
