Kids will have fun learning about the skeletal system for kids with these fun, hands-on skeletal system project suggestions for preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, and 6th graders. Whether you are looking for a skeletal system project for kids made out of Lego bricks, candy human body projects, Playdough human body project ideas or my body printables – we have lots of creative skeletal system project ideas to choose from!
Skeletal System Project
Make learning about the 206 bones in our body with fun and clever skeletal system projects. These skeletal system for kids ideas are perfect for preschoolers, kindergartners, grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4, grade 5, and grade 6 students. Learn about the human body for kids with these creative Skeletal System Projects for Kids. These skeletal system science project ideas range from a flexible human spine model made with pasta and gummy candy to layers of the bone made with Duplo bricks, skeletal system printables and skeletal system worksheets to learn the names of all the bones and bones of the body with playdough mats for early learners too!
How to make a human skeleton for school project grade 5
Whether you are a parent, teacher, or homeschooler these ideas for learning about the human body are sure to engage kids of all ages. Children will be excited to learn about their fascinating bodies and what is under the skin with these skeletal system projects. These are great for science fair, science projects for kids, class projects, anatomy lessons for kids or just a supplemental science experiment for kids.
Skeletal system experiments
- Without the cartilage disks our bones would get chipped (I demonstrated that by rubbing two rigatoni together and they were able to see the wear and tear on the “bone”)
- Without 33 independent bones working together we couldn’t bend and twist like we do (I put a sword down their back to be there solid bone vertebrae and they tried to do simple things like bend over – not so easy!!)
Skeletal system project ideas
To help my kids understand what the spine looks like and how it functions we created this fun spine model. We use the following simple mateials we had on hand to make a really cool and memorable, EASY spine project for kids. Here is how to create a human spine model for a science project:
- Start with a pipe cleaner as the spinal cord
- layers of rigatoni pasta as vertebrae (there should be 33 if you make it to scale)
- in between each vertebrae we put a life saver gummy to represent the cartilage disks
Skeleton project ideas
- red & blue pipe cleaners to represent blood vessels
- red straw to put the pipe cleaners in to represent red bone marrow
- yellow pool noodle to represent the spongy bone
- Lego Duplo to represent the hard smooth compact bone (the part you actually see in a typical skeleton)
- Gauze Wrap to represent the Periosteum (we drew blood vessels in the Periosteum with blue and red markers)
Grade 5 skeleton project
Here is a walk-through of our project. This was such a FUN idea!
Skeleton project grade 5
One of our favorite human body projects of all times to learn about both the human body skeletal system, organs in the body, and more is this EPIC, life-size project. Print the pdf file with the bones and organs for a fun and easy science project for kids!
Skeletal System Worksheets
Grade 5 skeleton project ideas
- Teach kids about human cells for kids with hands on activities, free printable reader, human cell worksheets, and more!
- Kids will love learning about the ear with this Building a model of the ear
- Amazing 5 Senses Kindergarten Unit for kids to explore with hands on activities. or try this jelly bean taste test experiment.
- Grab this free printable 5 senses mini book to explore the senses of sight, taste, sound, smell, and touch
- Kids will be amazed by these eye science experiments
- Even more creative printable science experiments, units, and activities for kids for all ages
- Or see all of our fun, hands on ideas to make learning about the human body for kids FUN
- Human Body human body playdough mats – lots of choices to learn about various systems of the body including simple for preschoolers, skeletal system, organs, muscles, nerves, and more!
Skeletal system model project
- Parts of the Brain for Kids Activity with Playdough Brain Model & Free Brain Worksheets for Kids
- Lungs for Kids Working Model and lesson plan
- Blood for Kids – Actiivty to learn about the Human Body
- Human Heart for Kids: 2 Fun Heart Models plus Worksheets
- How do Hands Work – Human Body Muscles for Kids Project
- How do Muscles Work – Simply Skeletal Muscle Model that works
- Simple, Paper Bag Lung Project for Kids
- Learn the importance of handwashing with this germ experiment for kids!
- Hands-on Digestive System Experiment
Fun Science Experiments
Here are some of our most popular lessons and activities or see all our science for kids conveniently sorted!
- 30 Simple Machines for Kids Experiments
- Launch this experiment and record your findings with this Coke and mentos experiment worksheet
- Lots of FUN Solar System Project Ideas for kids
- Printable Solar System Worksheets (free) or planet worksheets for kindergarten
- Grab these free printable solar system coloring pages
- Simple pop rocks experiment for kids (with free worksheet)
- Stunning chromatography butterflies
- Life-size Human Body Project with free printable body parts
- Colorful Capillary action science experiment (also known as walking water)
- 100 Amazing Food science experiments – arranged by type of science
- Free Printable Human Body for Kids Playdough Mats
- Leak proof bag fun science experiments
- Older students can dive deeper with these free skeletal system worksheet pages
- Amazing Why do leaves change color experiment
- Learn about seasons with this cool free 4 seasons printables
- Animals and their Babies matching puzzles
- Take a closer look at animals with this free printable animal report for for kids

Science Exeriments for Kids
Looking for lots more fun, science experiments for kids? You’ve GOT to try some of these outrageously fun science experiments for kids! We have so many fun, creative and easy science experiments for elementary age children:
- How to Make a Lava Lamp – super easy and SO cool!
- Weather Unit for prek-3rd graders filled with experiments, activities and weather worksheets
- Make it rain and write your observations in these cloud in a jar experiment worksheet
- Learn about our moon with these activities and moon worksheets for 1st grade
- Free Water Cycle Worksheets for kids
- Discover a world of geology with these rock worksheets for kids
- Free printable states of matter activity with clip cards
- Discover what lies below the surface with these free Layers of Earth Worksheets
- Make playdough earth layers with this super cool geology experiment for kids
- LOTS of year-round Science Experiments for Kids
- Kids will love this outrageously fun pipe clean constellations activity
- This look inside a volcano experiment for kids takes learning to a whole new level
- Chromatography Butterflies project for kids
- Learn about the kingdom Animalia with over 20 Zoo Scavenger Hunt free printables
- Harness the power of fruit with this simple Lemon Clock for kids
- Learn about famous female inventors with this read, color, and learn booklet for kids
- Easy Bernoulli’s principle experiment at home
- Amaze kids with this simple burning candle experiment with free worksheets
Easy Science Experiments
Explore our science projects based on all science for kids, types of free science lessons, or seasonal science experiments.
- Gross and so cool Digestive System Project for kids of all ages
- Amazing Rainbow in a Jar Experiment for Kids
- Epic Baking Soda and Vinegar Rocket Experiment
- Cool Milk and Vinegar Expeirment making plastic!
- Learn about your amazing brain with this activity and brain worksheets
- How do hands work project for kids
- Super cool and easy-to-make, working lego balloon car
- Plants for kids lesson
- Bouncy Naked Egg with FREE egg in vinegar experiment worksheet
- Explore magnets with these EPIC magnet experiments for kids
- Popsicle Stick Catapult for kids – simple STEM project
- Simple light bulb experiment (it actually lights up!)
- Easy-to-make balloon hoovercraft
- Bouncy Eggs and eggs in vinegar experiment worksheet
- Learn about density for kids with these simple balloon solid, liquid, gas hands-on activities
- Create your own super simple bot
- Beautiful, color changing capillary action experiment with flowers
- WOW your kids with how to make a Newton’s cradle project
- Heat-sensitive, Color Changing Slime is SO COOL!
Thank you so much Beth for this wonderful lesson on the skeletal system. It was so well explained and illustrated. We simply loved it.
Hi Raquel! I am happy to help! This post shares several of our ideas we’ve written about more in detail in other posts. You can find them here:
Enjoy!!This stuff is really awesome ! 3rd grade mom
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