August 17, 2023
Apple Ten Frames Math Activity for Preschool and Kindergarten

Apple Ten Frames Math Activity for Preschool and Kindergarten


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Using manipulatives together with ten frames help learners to develop number sense. Making your own manipulatives are just as fun as using it for a fun counting activity!

Apple Ten Frames Activity - this is such a fun learning activity to help toddler, preschool, prek, and kindergarten age kids understands ten frames and counting with a cute back to school, fall themed, apple manipulative.

Apple Math

How to make apple manipulatives: Use our Apple Pie Playdough Recipe and let kids squash the apples as they count or make them permanent by using a salt dough recipe:

  • Make a small batch of salt dough. (We used our left over dough from another project.) Half a cup of flour(all purpose or cake) plus half a cup of salt together with a quarter cup of water. Mixed this together and add a drop of food coloring.
  • Let the kids make small round balls with the dough.
  • Press it a bit at the sides to give it an “apple” shape.
  • Use short green craft sticks as stems. You could add leaves to the stems if you wish. Add a little bit of glue at the end of the sticks and press into the balls.
  • Leave to dry for a few days(or you could bake it in the oven for 3 – 4 hours, 80’C/160’F)

Apple Math Activity

DIY apple manipulatives for ten frame activity

For the counting activity you will want to cut leaf shapes from craft foam or cardboard. Write numbers 1-10 on them. Use a ten frame printable like this one from A Teachable Teacher or make your own.

Put the the apples, leaves, and ten frame together on a Compartment Divided Kids Tray.

apple counting activity for toddler, preschool, prek, kindergarten

The learner takes one leaf at a time, recognize the number and count out the corresponding apples. The apples are added to the ten frame, from left to right(the same direction we write).

Extension Activity:

Use a whiteboard or paper to write on. Choose a leaf. Write the number down. Add the apples to the ten frame. Choose another number. Write it down. Add that number of apples to the frame. How many apples do you have now? Do the written sum. One could do adding and/or subtracting sums.

ten frames activity for prek

A hands-on counting activity, with the fun addition of making your own manipulatives. Would your kids enjoy this activity?



10 Frame Math

We’ve got so many fun preschool alphabet crafts , apple activities, September crafts, September Activities, and free apple printables for you to play and learn with kids this fall!

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