March 3, 2023
FREE Printable Monster Counting to 20 with Googly Eyes

FREE Printable Monster Counting to 20 with Googly Eyes


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Kids will have fun practicing counting from 1-20 with these super cute, free printable monster counting mats. All you need is our googly eyes printable and some google eyes for this silly monster math activity. Simply print this printable googly eyes pdf and you are ready to count to 20 with toddler, preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten age children.
Kids will have fun practicing counting from 1-20 with these super cute, free printable monster counting mats. All you need is our googly eyes printable and some google eyes for this silly monster math activity. Simply print this printable googly eyes pdf and you are ready to count to 20 with toddler, preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten age children.

Monster Counting

Young children learn best through play! This free printable, counting activity is a great way to help kids practice counting to 20. Grab the counting mat and a pack of googly eyes and you are ready to play and count! Toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergartens will love this monster counting printable to make practicing counting  0-20 fun. Whether you are a parent, teacher, or homeschooler – you will love this no prep, preschool counting activity! Use this as extra practice, math center in your classroom, in a monster theme, or as a supplement to your math curriculum.

Googly eyes printable

Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> _____ <<. The pdf file will open in a new window for you to save the freebie and print the template.

monster counting activity for toddler, preschool, prek, kindergartenMonster numbers printable

This activity is simple and FUN!

Just print off one of  the monster mats below, get a big bag of googly eyes and the dice template or make your own dice with wood cubes and googly eyes.


Counting Mats

There are several ways to play this game both independently or in a friendly competition to see who can get to 20 eyes on their monster first.

  1. Just roll the googly eye dice and place that number of eyes on the monster. Continue rolling until you get to 20 eyes. Make sure to use math words like “plus”, “more” “add”, etc. to help kids learn the math vocabulary.
  2. Use a dice that has 2 sides of the dice colored red. When your child rolls a red side they will remove the number of dice they rolled. Use math words like “minus” or “less” or “take away” or “subtract” to help enhance the learning experience.

TIP: Have children count out the number of new eyes to add and then count on from the number of googly eyes already on them. This will help them get the reinforcement with larger numbers that can be lacking for many children.

For example my daughter’s monster has 3 googly eyes on already. She rolls 2 googly eyes so she counts out two eyes from the pile. She will then count on saying “4 and 5. My monster has 5 eyes altogether”

Monsters don't have to be scary, in fact these monster crafts and activities are all totally friendly and super fun! So many cute monster craft ideas for toddlers, preschoolers, prek, kindergartners, grade 1, and grade 2 students. Use these with a monster theme, weekly them, for Halloween, or as a fun educational book extension. Monsters Inc Worksheets for kids Super cute monster themed shape playdough mats for toddler, preschool, and kindergarten age kids

Monster Activities for Preschoolers

Kids will love playing with these fun, interactive playdough number mats to practice numbers 1-10. These Number Playdough Mats allow children to use play doh to work on learning their numbers and counting to 10. This playdough numbers is a fun counting activity that also helps strengthing fine motor skills, and playing at the same time. These counting playdough mats are a hands-on, playful number activity for preschoolers and toddler, preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten age kids. Simply print pdf file with free playdough number mats to learn numbers to ten.  firefly counting worksheets for preschool Count to 10 Spider Playdough Mats FREE Count and Match Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches - this is such a fun math activity for preschoolers to practice counting to 10 with this math game for prek and kindergarten age kids. #counting #preschool #backtoschool

Counting Activities 0-10

If you are looking for some more fun, engaging, hands-on, and free printable counting activities for toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergartners – check out these great resources!

Help kids learn to form numerals with these lego numbers! These super cute, free printable, duplo number mats are a fun, hands-on math activity that uses bricks to practice counting, maeking nuumbesr 1-10, and tracing numbers to ten.  Use this lego number mats with toddler, preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten ange children! Simply print pdf file with lego numbers printables and you are ready to play and learn with number worksheets for preschool. If finding ways to make early math practice for your toddler and preschool child, you will love this counting bugs activity! , I have two words for you, counting books. We've made many different kinds over the past few years but this Count to 10 Bugs Counting Book printable is perfect for Spring and has quickly become a favorite of ours. Simply print pdf file with free printable bug books and you are ready to count and learn with creepy crawly insects! Rainbow Pom Pom Sorting Free Dump Truck Count to 20 Math Activity for Preschool and Kindergarten age kids

Counting Activities 1-20

Count to 30 Bugs Activity This super cute, free printable, Count to 100 Math Game will make it fun for children to practice counting to 100 and improve their number sequencing. This roll to 100 math game is a fun free math game for kindergarten, first grade, and second grade students as they learn to count to 100 using a interactive hundreds chart. Simply print pdf file with the roll to 100 free printable and you are ready to make learning fun with a math activity kids will enjoy! These no prep missing number worksheets are a handy tool for working on what number comes next with young children. There are lots of cute options for preschool, pre-k, kindergarten and even first graders with these fill in the missing numbers worksheet pages. Kids will love working on their fine motor skills while working on their math skills with missing numbers 1 to 100 and everything in between. Simply print the write the missing numbers worksheet and you are ready to play and learn with a cute, no-prep math activity.

Counting Activities 1-100


Printable googly eyes pdf

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  • Graphics Purchased and used with permission from Scrappin Doodles #94836
  • I offer free printables to bless my readers AND to provide for my family. Your frequent visits to my blog & support purchasing through affiliates links and ads keep the lights on so to speak. Thanks you!

>> Monster Mats <<

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  1. merritt Avatar

    i would love to use this in my class room. i went to your TPT site and could not find this game. can you tell me what it is called in your TPT store so i can get it for my class room?

    1. Beth Gorden Avatar

      This particular resource is free for all – enjoy!

  2. Connie Avatar

    Thanks so much!

  3. Christine Dredge Avatar
    Christine Dredge

    Thanks for all your amazing work & for sharing it so generously!

  4. Vicktory Avatar

    You are amazing! thank you very much!

  5. Libby Avatar

    I work with special thinkers in a preschool setting and would love to have this resource to use in the classroom!

    1. Paula Avatar

      Looks so fun! I can’t wait to try it!

  6. Jen Avatar

    Thank you so much for sharing!

  7. Cherie Avatar

    Looks like a fantastic game, can’t wait to use it on my classroom