Worksheets for Kids
Take the work and expense out of doing school at home with our VAST collection of free printable worksheets. We have over 1 million pages of free worksheets plus lots of hands-on, educational kids activites, printable games, and more to make learning FUN! You will find educational printables for all ages from toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, junior high, and more! 123homeschool4me has the BEST collection of free worksheets. Simply find the worksheets for kids you like and print it for FREE! Don’t miss our history project ideas, free homeschool tips, and free math worksheets

Free Worksheets
Short on time? Here are some of our most popular resources to add to your free homeschool curriculum for preschoolers and K12. Plus don’t miss our free math worksheets
Free Printable Worksheets
When I say we have lot of homeschool worksheets, I really mean it – we have over 1 million pages of printable worksheets. I have organized this page to make sure parents and teachers can easily find what they are looking for to make learning fun with preschoolers, kindergartners, grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4, grade 5, grade 6, grade 7, and grade 8 students.

Printable Worksheets
You can find more of our popular worksheets in the tabs below.
Organize your homeschool with these forms including homeschool attendance sheet, extra curricular forms, lesson planning, homeschool report cards, grade keeper, intent to homeschool and more homeschool record keeping printables
These back to school sign help you celebrate the 1st day of school and mark how your child looks so you can see how much they’ve grown throught the school year.
Homeschool Report Card Template
These homeschool report cards allow you to keep track of not only the courses your child took, but the grade they got in the subject. There are lots of choices to fit any age, subjects, and type of grading scale you want to use.
Whether you need a calendar to make plans or are teaching students how to use a calendar including months and days of the year – we have lots of free printale calendars to choose from!
Free Printable Certifiates for Kids
Various options including black and white certificates of achievement plus cute colorful Award Certificates for kids of all ages – sports, home, homeschool reading awards, coops science fair, geography bee, and more.
Free Printable Memory Book Templates pdf
Capture the special moments from your child’s life with this school memory book. Record their favorite books, food, interstest, friends, memories, and more.
Kids will have fun learning to form alphabet letters while strengthening hand muscles.
ABC book with pictures pdf free download
Kids will have fun making their very own alphabet book – just color, fold and read. There are 26 books – one for each letter of the alphabet.
These free printable phonics coloring pages are a fun, gently way to introduce kids to alphabet letters and the sounds they make.
Learn letters and sounds letters make with these alphabet coloring sheets.
Hugely popular alphabet hats are a great way to introduce students to the letters in the alphabet from A to Z.
Cut and Paste Alphabet Worksheets
Kids will love making this simple alphabet book – print the alphabet printables, cut out the alphabet picture clipart at and paste it on the correct alpahbet page
These pages help kids practice letter recognition, tracing letters, beginning sounds, and so much more.
Alphabet writing practice worksheets pdf
These pages help kids practice letter recognition, tracing letters, beginning sounds, and so much more.
Make learning your ABCs fun with Lego letters! These hands-on, mats allow children to form uppercase letters out of lego bricks and then practice tracing letters too.
Telling Time Puzzles
Make it fun for kids to practice telling time with these hands-on math game.
Use as no-prep worksheets or turn into 4th grade mad minutes to practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, word problems, and more.
Hungry Caterpillar Days of the Week
Are you helping your kids learn days of the week? Kids will have so much fun putting together this cut and paste printable of the days of the week.
Make practicing counting by 2s-10s with these fun math worksheets that have an increasing levels of difficulty
Shape Do a Dot Printables
Learn shapes and practice fine motor skills with these fun do a dot printables include 7 shapes that kids can learn to identify as well as the shape name too.
These color by coin worksheet pages help kids learn about money for kids by learning to tell the differences between coins
lots of fun, clever, and FREE money games and activities for kids.
Each of the number worksheets 1-20 includes number words, tracing numbers, counting, number recognition, what number comes next, and more!
We love making math fun with fun, hands-on math games! Instead of having your kids work on drilling multiplication tables, turn it into a fun activity instead with multiplication checkers!
Countries for Kids
Teach students about 13 countries from around the world as they color maps, flags, and major landmarks to make their own countries book.
This clever free printable helps kids recal what they have read to work on reading comprehension.
This epic human body project allows students to learn and review the bones of the body, what the major organs are and where they are located, plus have some fun looking under their skin.
The free book report template has a spot for students to write down book title, author, rate the book, tell their favorite part, give a summary of the book, and more.
We even have free printables to help kids learn to read notes! These flashcards will help kids gain fluency in recognizing notes on both the treble and bass clef.
Using cut and glue worksheets gives kids the opportunity to learn important skills in a fun way. We have options for all ages, covering many topics!
This huge pack is sure to get your little super hero excited about learning! Features Batman, Superman, Captain America, Green Langern, Flash, Robin, spiderman, and more!
Each of the free printable, 50 states coloring pages includes a state map, state flags, state flower, state bird, state landmark, and more
Print off the sight word cards for the grade you are teaching. These sight words can be used with any Candy land boardgame.
80+ pages of early learning activities in these pre-k worksheets to get kids excited about learning with Anna, Elsa, Olaf, Sven, Kristopher, and a snowflake theme.
Looking for some no-prep, free printable simple coloring pages? We’ve gove over 1000 pages of easy coloring pages conveniently arranged by topic or theme.
Printable CVC Activities
We have lots of fun, creative, and free printable CVC Words Activities to keep kids engaged and learning all year round!
Organize your homeschool with these forms including homeschool attendance sheet, extra curricular forms, lesson planning, homeschool report cards, grade keeper, intent to homeschool and more homeschool record keeping printables
These back to school sign help you celebrate the 1st day of school and mark how your child looks so you can see how much they’ve grown throught the school year.
Homeschool Report Card Template
These homeschool report cards allow you to keep track of not only the courses your child took, but the grade they got in the subject. There are lots of choices to fit any age, subjects, and type of grading scale you want to use.
Whether you need a calendar to make plans or are teaching students how to use a calendar including months and days of the year – we have lots of free printale calendars to choose from!
FREE Printable Certificates for kids
Various options including black and white certificates of achievement plus cute colorful Award Certificates for kids of all ages – sports, home, homeschool reading awards, coops science fair, geography bee, and more.
Free Printable Memory Book Templates pdf
Capture the special moments from your child’s life with this school memory book. Record their favorite books, food, interstest, friends, memories, and more.
Kids will have fun learning to form alphabet letters while strengthening hand muscles.
ABC book with pictures pdf free download
Kids will have fun making their very own alphabet book – just color, fold and read. There are 26 books – one for each letter of the alphabet.
These free printable phonics coloring pages are a fun, gently way to introduce kids to alphabet letters and the sounds they make.
Learn letters and sounds letters make with these alphabet coloring sheets.
Hugely popular alphabet hats are a great way to introduce students to the letters in the alphabet from A to Z.
Cut and Paste Alphabet Worksheets
Kids will love making this simple alphabet book – print the alphabet printables, cut out the alphabet picture clipart at and paste it on the correct alpahbet page
These pages help kids practice letter recognition, tracing letters, beginning sounds, and so much more.
Alphabet writing practice worksheets pdf
There is a picture to color that starts with the same begining sound, lines of uppercase letters to trace, tracing lowercase letters, and tracing some words too.
Make learning your ABCs fun with Lego letters! These hands-on, mats allow children to form uppercase letters out of lego bricks and then practice tracing letters too.
Make it fun for kids to practice telling time with these hands-on math game.
Use as no-prep worksheets or turn into 4th grade mad minutes to practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, word problems, and more.
Hungry Caterpillar Days of the Week
Are you helping your kids learn days of the week? Kids will have so much fun putting together this cut and paste printable of the days of the week.
Make practicing counting by 2s-10s with these fun math worksheets that have an increasing levels of difficulty.
Shape Do a Dot Printables
Learn shapes and practice fine motor skills with these fun do a dot printables include 7 shapes that kids can learn to identify as well as the shape name too.
These color by coin worksheet pages help kids learn about money for kids by learning to tell the differences between coins
lots of fun, clever, and FREE money games and activities for kids.
Each of the number worksheets 1-20 includes number words, tracing numbers, counting, number recognition, what number comes next, and more!
We love making math fun with fun, hands-on math games! Instead of having your kids work on drilling multiplication tables, turn it into a fun activity instead with multiplication checkers!
Teach students about 13 countries from around the world as they color maps, flags, and major landmarks to make their own countries book.
This clever free printable helps kids recal what they have read to work on reading comprehension.
This epic human body project allows students to learn and review the bones of the body, what the major organs are and where they are located, plus have some fun looking under their skin.
The free book report template has a spot for students to write down book title, author, rate the book, tell their favorite part, give a summary of the book, and more.
We even have free printables to help kids learn to read notes! These flashcards will help kids gain fluency in recognizing notes on both the treble and bass clef.
Using cut and glue worksheets gives kids the opportunity to learn important skills in a fun way. We have options for all ages, covering many topics!
This huge pack is sure to get your little super hero excited about learning! Features Batman, Superman, Captain America, Green Langern, Flash, Robin, spiderman, and more!
Each of the free printable, 50 states coloring pages includes a state map, state flags, state flower, state bird, state landmark, and more
Print off the sight word cards for the grade you are teaching. These sight words can be used with any Candy land boardgame.
80+ pages of early learning activities in these pre-k worksheets to get kids excited about learning with Anna, Elsa, Olaf, Sven, Kristopher, and a snowflake theme.
Looking for some no-prep, free printable simple coloring pages? We’ve gove over 1000 pages of easy coloring pages conveniently arranged by topic or theme.
Printable CVC Activities
We have lots of fun, creative, and free printable CVC Words Activities to keep kids engaged and learning all year round!
Printable Worksheets
If you have a specific grade you are looking for, you can see school worksheets by grade by clicking on the thumbnails below :
Free Printables
To see all of our free printable preschool worksheets, scroll below and click on any image to see more about that resource and print the pdf.