January 26, 2024
Fizzy Heart Science Project – Valentines Day Activities for Kids

Fizzy Heart Science Project – Valentines Day Activities for Kids


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Sneak some Valentines Day Science into your valentines day theme with this fun and easy heart science project. Whether your child is a toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, or first grader – they will love this simple baking soda experiment with a fun twist for February 14th. So add this Valentines Day Activities for Kids to your plans and make learning FUN!

Sneak some Valentines Day Science into your valentines day theme with this fun and easy heart science project. Whether your child is a toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, or first grader - they will love this simple baking soda experiment with a fun twist for February 14th. So add this Valentines Day Activities for Kids to your plans and make learning FUN!

Heart science project

We love trying science experiments with vinegar. They are engaging for young children from toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, and grade 1 students and produce a fun WOW effect to keep kids engaged. We want kids to know that Science is fun and interesting so we need to keep them wondering, exploring, hypothesizing. These Frozen Baking Soda Hearts did not disappoint! Whether you are a parent, teacher, or homechooler – you will love this fun valentines day ideas for school. 

Baking soda experiments

It is fun when STEM can coincide with holidays or other exciting themes. Science is fun on its own but when you add in a fun theme, it’s even better. For this frozen Valentines Day activity, you’ll need: 

  • Baking Soda
  • Water
  • Food Coloring
  • Glitter or conersation hearts
  • Cookie Cutters, or molds
  • Vinegar
  • A baking dish
  • 2 bowls for mixing 

Baking soda experiments

Valentines Day Activities for Kids

Start this experiments with baking soda by coloring about a cup of water. We used red food coloring and mixed it together.

Next pour about a cup of baking soda in a bowl. Add in about a TBS at a time of the colored water and mix as you go. You want the consistency to be moldable. If you put a scoop in your hand and squeeze, it will hold its shape. If it is too watery, it will not work correctly.

Once the baking soda is mixed all the way, put the cookie cutters on a plate. Fill the cookie cutters half way with the baking soda mixture, and press in. Next add a layer of glitter. We used red. Then fill the rest of the cookie cutter with the baking soda mixture and press down. This should cover the glitter completely.

Put these into the freezer. We kept them in the freezer for about two hours.

Valentines Day Activities for Kids

Valentines day ideas for school

When you’re ready to experiment, take the baking soda hearts out of the freezer and pop them out of the cookie cutters. We had a hard time getting them out, so we ran a tiny bit of vinegar around the edges and they popped right out. Water may have worked too, but we tried vinegar.

Place the frozen hearts on a plate and grab your vinegar.

Valentines day activities for toddlers

Valentines day activities for toddlers

We put the vinegar in squirt bottles to start, but ended up pouring out of the jug. Each way worked equally well.

We did little squirts at first to watch the bubble reaction, but when we became impatient for the big show, we poured more vinegar over the top. The hearts would start to melt and the glitter started dancing around.

Valentines day ideas for school

Valentine’s day science

This was super fun and we will probably adapt and do for each season and holiday in the future! 


Valentines Day Printables

Valentines Day Activities

Science for Kids

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