January 26, 2024
Balloon Valentines Day Science Experiment and Activities for Kids

Balloon Valentines Day Science Experiment and Activities for Kids


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This super cute and simple Valentines Day Science Experiment is sure to impress your kids. Leave your toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, and 2nd graders a secret message to be revlealed in the valentines day activity. This valentines day science idea is outrageously fun and EASY to try this February!

This super cute and simple Valentines Day Science Experiment is sure to impress your kids. Leave your toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, and 2nd graders a secret message to be revlealed in the valentines day activity. This valentines day science idea is outrageously fun and EASY to try this February!

Valentines Day Science

My kids love balloon experiments. This super easy science experiment is perfect for celebrating Valentines Day with kids. It is quick to prepare and allows you to send secret messages to children using a balloon and simple valentines day science. This valentines science experiment is perfect for toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, grade 1, grade 2, and grade 3 students. You can attach a balloon to your homemade valentines day card and instructions on how to reveal the hidden message in this valentines day activity. Parents, teachers, and homeschoolers will all enjoy this science activity perfect for February.

valentines day activity

Valentines Day Science Experiment

For this simple valentines day activities you only need the following simple materials you may already have on hand:

  • empty bottles (water, soda, etc.)
  • balloons in valentines day colors (Red, pink, white, purple, etc)
  • sharpie
  • alka seltzer tablets

valentines day activities for preschoolers

Valentine Activities for Kids

Start out by blowing up the balloon and hold closed or use a clothespin or chip clip to make sure the air doesn’t esscape. Use a sharpie to write a secret message. Some examples of a secret message you can write are:

  • hearts
  • I love you
  • be mine
  • True Love
  • XOXO
  • etc – pretty much any message you want or read conversation hearts for ideas!

valentines day science

Science Valentines

Let the air out of the balloon. You can now use these balloons in a science experiment, put them in a homemade valentine cards, or set them on your child’s plate for a fun surprise on Valentine’s Day.

valentines day science experiment

Valentine’s Day Activity

Inside each balloon put an alka seltzer tablet. HINT: You may need to break art the tablet to get it to fit – don’t worry it will still work just fine!

Now is a great time to ask students what they think will happen. We like to use these scientific method worksheets to encourage kids to think scientifically about the experiment – make a hypothesis, write down their procedure, and record their observations.

Valentines Day Activities

Valentine science experiments

Fill up a clean bottle 5/6 of the way up with water. We added food coloring to add to the excitement of this activity and asthetics, but it is not necessary! When you are ready to reveal the message with a fun valentine science experiment, put a balloon over the opening of the bottle (so it fits tighly). Now the balloon straight up so all the alkazeltzer falls into the bottle, let go, and watch what happens!

activity for valentines day

Valentines Day Activity

A chemical reaction is taking place as the alka seltzer tablets hit the water, carbon dioxide is released. The air needs to go somewhere so it will push out towards the balloons and fill them up – inflating the balloons.

valentines day science experiment for kids

Valentines Day Activities

Kids of all ages will be impressedas they watch the balloons fill up like magic, all on their own. Explain to them how the chemical reaction in this chemisty science experiment for kids has made the balloons swell up with air – carbon dioxide.

This super cute and simple Valentines Day Science Experiment is sure to impress your kids. Leave your toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, and 2nd graders a secret message to be revlealed in the valentines day activity. This valentines day science idea is outrageously fun and EASY to try this February!

Kids will be excited to see the secret messages appear with notes that may include their names, be mine, i love you , hugs and kisses, XOXO, etc. This is such a simple and fun heart science experiment everyone should try!


Valentines Day Printables

Valentines Day Activities

Science for Kids

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