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Make learning about blends fun for Kindergarten and first grade students with this springtime blends activities. Children will sort the cute blue birds into the correct nest by looking for the initial blends of the object the birds are holding.  This phonics blends practice is a great way to improve reading and spelling skills with young learners. Simply download pdf file with beginning blends game and you are ready to play and learn!

Make learning about blends fun for Kindergarten and first grade students with this springtime blends activities. Children will sort the cute blue birds into the correct nest by looking for the initial blends of the object the birds are holding.  This phonics blends practice is a great way to improve reading and spelling skills with young learners. Simply download pdf file with beginning blends game and you are ready to play and learn!

Blends activities

This is a blends activity is a practical and fun way for kids to practice identifying blends at the beginning of words. Plus this initial blends activity allows kindergarten and grade 1 students to practice phonics blends with a Low PREP game that makes learning FUN! Practice br blends, bl blends, cl blends, ch blends, gl blends, gr blends, pl blends, pr blends, sc blends, and sk blends too.

Whether you are a parent, teacher, or homeschooler – you will love this engaging blends activity for students! Use it at home as extra practice, literacy center in your classroom, spring theme, or extra practice for homeschool children!

Phonics blends

Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> Download <<. The pdf file will open in a new window for you to save the freebie and print the template.

Sorting Blends activity for Kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade

Initial blends

This Blue Bird Sorting Blends Activity is such a great way for kids to practice identifying and learning to hear blends in words. Print off the nests and birds in color on cardstock and cut apart.

Then you can either give them two  nests that start with the same consonant to help them focus on auditory discrimination or you can give them all 10 nests and let them work on them all simultaneously.

Beginning blends

Children will say the item the blue bird is bringing out loud and listen for the beginning blend sound and then place the bird in the correct nest. The 10 blends include:

  • br blend  (bread, broom, broccoli, branch)
  • bl blend (block, blanket, bleach, blueberry)
  • cl blend (clover, clam, clock, cloud)
  • ch blend (chicken, church, chocolate, chess)
  • gl blend (glass, glue, globe, gloves)
  • gr blend (grasshopper, graduate, groceries, groundhog)
  • pl blend (plug, plant, plow, pliers)
  • pr blend (princess, pricetag, pretzel, present)
  • sc blend (scoop, scarecrow, scarf, scissors)
  • sk blend (skateboard, skunk, skeleton, skyscraper)

Blends Transportation word family sliders  Consonant Blends Clip Cards If your child is working on words ending with ng, you will love this fun ng phonic sound game! Instead of bouring ng words worksheet, make learning phonics skills FUN with this rhyming game featuring ng words. Use this ng sound words with first grade and 2nd graders. Simply download pdf file with word with ng sound and you are ready to play and learn with a free printable rhyming game! FREE TH Worksheets - kids will have fun leanring to read th words in a sentece with this FREE printable for kindergarten, first grade students #thwords #firstgrade #kindergarten Consonant blends puzzles

Blends Activities

Looking for more blends activities for young learners? You will love these resources:

capillary-action-science-experiment-for-kids  Have you heard of the egg drop challenge? My daughter has been begging to do it for months. I don’t know why we didn’t do it sooner. Well, I do. I thought it was going to make a giant mess that I would end up cleaning up but I was totally wrong. It was basically no mess at all. I will even say this Egg Drop Challenge was so much fun! Try this egg drop project with preschool, pre k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 4th grade students for a fun, hands-on science project for kids.

Spring Science

Check out these outrageously FUN spring science experiments for kids:

sequencing worksheets spring-flower-sight-words

Flower Printables

Looking for some fun, educational spring theme ideas to make learning fun this April and May? Check out these fun resources:

free-alphabet-kites FREE Seeds Find the Letter Worksheets

Spring Printables

Plus, don’t miss all our other blends activities and over 300,000+ pages of  our 1st grade worksheets and 1st grade activities, plus over 1million free worksheets for kids of all ages!

Blends activity to help preschool, prek, kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade with reading and spelling

Download Blue Bird Sorting Blends Activity

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  • This is for personal use only (teachers please see my TPT store)
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  • Graphics Purchased and used with permission
  • I offer free printables to bless my readers AND to provide for my family. Your frequent visits to my blog & support purchasing through affiliates links and ads keep the lights on so to speak. Thanks you!

>> Download Blue Bird Sorting Blends Activity <<

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