January 29, 2025
FREE Printable Alphabet Pirate Worksheets for Kids

FREE Printable Alphabet Pirate Worksheets for Kids


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Have fun learning you’re ABCs with these super fun, free printable pirate worksheets. This pirate worksheets for preschool, kindergarten, and first graders allow children to use these abc worksheets to learn their alphabet letters from A to Z. On each of the pirate theme alphabet worksheets is a treasure map to find and color the clipart with the featured beginning sound, letter tracing by the pirtae skull and crossbone flag, and find the letter by the treasure chest. This alphabet activity is such a fun, no prep pirate printables that requires no prep work whatsoever. Have fun learning you’re ABCs with these super fun, free printable pirate worksheets. This pirate worksheets for preschool, kindergarten, and first graders allow children to use these abc worksheets to learn their alphabet letters from A to Z. On each of the pirate theme alphabet worksheets is a treasure map to find and color the clipart with the featured beginning sound, letter tracing by the pirtae skull and crossbone flag, and find the letter by the treasure chest. This alphabet activity is such a fun, no prep pirate printables that requires no prep work whatsoever.

Pirate Worksheets

Ahoy their matey! Is your little buchaneer working on learning their letters. These cute pirate worksheets are a fun, engaging alphabet activity to make learning fun! These free alphabet worksheets include a variety of coloring, tracing, and distinguishing the different letter. This pirate learning activity includes practice letter tracing, identifying words with the same initial sound, and letter find with bingo daubers part too. With all the cute pirate ship, treasure map, treasure chest, pirate flag and other cute images this is sure to become a favorite free printable alphabet worksheet of both parents, teachers, homeschoolers, and children too! Use these with toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, and grade 1 students for a truly epic adventure in learning!

Plus lots more letter tracing worksheets, free printable alphabet booklets, plus fun letter recognition worksheets

Free pirate printables

Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> _____ <<. The pirate printables pdf file will open in a new window for you to save the freebie and print the template.

Preschool pirate theme printables to help preschoolers and kindergartner learn their alphabet letters, beginning sounds, letter recognition, and trace alphabet letters too

Pirate worksheets for preschool

In this set of 26 pages, simply print the black and white worksheets that you with to work on. They are in black and white to save you on printer costs. There is a alphabet printables for each letter of the alphabet A-Z.

super cute pirate themed ABC Worksheets for toddler, preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten

Free pirate worksheets

Using crayons, markers, or colored pencils have your child complete the different activities on the pirate activity sheet.

  • Children can color the cute upper and lower case pirate alphabet letters to work on letter recognition.
  • There is a pirate treasure map with an island, trasure, and x marks the spot. Children will look at the items on the treasure map and color all the items that start with the same beginning sound. This initial sound activity shown above has children identifying socks, scissors, star, and salami. They can color the rest of the map if they like to work on strengthening hand muscles, but don’t colour items that start with a different beginning sound.
  • Using a dot a dot marker (also known as bingo marker, dabber markers, etc) or crayons color the gold coins that belong in the treasure chest by identifying all the upper and lowercase letters in this find the letter worksheet
  • Next to the ominous pirate flag is a row of uppercase letters and lower case lettesr for students to trace. This letter tracing worksheet is a fun way to get practice forming letters.

pirate activities for kids

Pirate alphabet letters

This free worksheet is a great way to help young children learn their alphabet from A-Z. This educational and fun activity is a great addition to your day of fun, pirate theme, or to make learning fun for children. Use just the letter of the week you are focusing on, use it as review in your classroom, extra practice, or as a pirate weekly theme. 

NOTE: Another option on the color by beginning sound printable part is to color everything EXCEPT the items with the featured letter. In the above letter r worksheet page the robot, rat, rain cloud, rabbit would not be colored.

i spy pirate worksheets paper plate parrot craft pirate color by number worksheets pirate coloring pages

Pirate Activities

 pirate Letter Sounds Activity Have fun learning you’re ABCs with this super fun, free printable pirate worksheets. This pirate alphabet learning activity is a great for your toddler, preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten age students to learn their alphabet letters. On each of the pirate theme abc worksheets is a treasure map to find and color the clipart with the beginning sound featured on the alphabet workheet, alphabet tracing by the pirtae skull and crossbone flag, and find the letter by the treasure chest. This alphabet activity is such a fun, no prep way to learn letters from A to Z. Simply download the pdf file for this preschool pirate theme printables that requires no prep work whatsoever. Are you in need of some Free Printable short vowel readers to use with your students or children at home? This super cute, free printable Pirate Themed CVC Words Short a reader is a great way to introduce preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, and first grade students to cvc short a words with a fun cut and paste worksheet style activity. If you are looking for a fun, engaging  parts of speech practice, you will love this parts of speech bingo! This parts of speech game is a hands-on language arts activity for kids to do at home, for busy bags, or in the car during a family road trip. This free prirate printables is perfect for first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, and 6th graders too. Simply print parts of speech printables and you are ready to play and learn with a fun pirate game.

Pirate Printables

These fun pirate activity ideas help young children work on early litearcy skills like letter sounds, writing their ABCs, reading simple cvc words, and reading sight words too.

Make practicing counting, tracing numbers 1-10, and learning number words fun with these super cute, Pirate number worksheets for preschoolers. These pirate worksheets allow toddler, preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten age students to learn their numbers, number sense, and practice counting to 10 while having fun. These free printable pre k worksheets are so cute kids are going to be excited to learn! Simply download pdf file with number tracing worksheets and you are ready to start playing and learning with this cute, free printable pirate themes printables. Ahoy there! This fun reducing fractions game has a fun pirate them to help kids get excited about practicing simplifying fractions. This printable math game is such a fun reducing fractions activity for third grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, and 6th grade students. Simply download pdf file with free math games for kids and you are ready to play and learn. This is such a fun way to teach fractions for kids. Don’t worry, no plundering necessary to use these counting 11 to 20 worksheets. These pirate worksheets are FREE and super handy to use with preschool, pre-k, and kinderagrten age children. Young children will have fun learning to recognize teen numbers and count while working on their handwriting and fine motor skills. Simply print numbers 11-20 worksheets to practice counting, tracing numbers, number words, and more! Is your preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten age childen learning number sense? If so this super cute Pirate themed number sense activities is the perfect way to help learn number sense for kids while having fun. For this pirate printable children will move around the number sense games board to plunder gold coins to fill up their treasure chests - all the while working on a number sense activity! Simply download pdf file with number activities for preschoolers and you are ready to learn!

Pirate Math

Use these fun pirate themed worksheets and printable activities to help kids work on tracing numbers, couting, shapes, number sense, fractions, and more pirate math skills!

A to Z Letter Find Worksheets Playdough Letters Looking for a fun abc printable to help kids learn their alphabet letters, learn vocabulary, and work on phonemic awareness. These hugely popular alphabet hats are a great way to introduce students to the letters in the alphabet from A to Z. There is a different hat to make for each letter - perfect to go with a letter of the week program for toddlers, preschoolers, pre k, and kindergartners. Kids need lots of practice tracing letters to improve handwriting! These super cute,  free printable alphabet worksheets are a handy tool for preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, or first grade students. With these alphabet worksheets children will get the practice writing alphabet letters they need to write letters A to Z. Simply print pdf file with free alphabet worksheets and you are ready to practice upper and lowercase tracing letters.

FREE Alphabet Printables

Looking for more abc printables for kids? You have tons of free alphabet printables

alphabet coloring pages free-printable-alphabet-worksheets-1 Printable alphabet crafts Have fun learning you’re ABCs with this super fun, free printable pirate worksheets. This pirate alphabet learning activity is a great for your toddler, preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten age  students to learn their alphabet letters. On each of the pirate theme abc worksheets is a treasure map to find and color the clipart with the beginning sound featured on the alphabet workheet, alphabet tracing by the pirtae skull and crossbone flag, and find the letter by the treasure chest. This alphabet activity is such a fun, no prep way to learn letters from A to Z. Simply print the pdf file for this preschool pirate theme printables that requires no prep work whatsoever. 

Alphabet Activities for Kids

Have fun learning you’re ABCs with this super fun, free printable pirate worksheets. This pirate alphabet learning activity is a great for your toddler, preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten age  students to learn their alphabet letters. On each of the pirate theme abc worksheets is a treasure map to find and color the clipart with the beginning sound featured on the alphabet workheet, alphabet tracing by the pirtae skull and crossbone flag, and find the letter by the treasure chest. This alphabet activity is such a fun, no prep way to learn letters from A to Z. Simply print the pdf file for this preschool pirate theme printables that requires no prep work whatsoever. 

Pirate worksheets pdf

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  • Graphics Purchased and used with permission from Scrappin Doodles #94836 and Whimsical Inklings
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  1. Audy Avatar

    I would like to thank you for the lovely printable sheets that you have made possible for me to be able to print for my twins to use at home.

  2. Donna Avatar

    Love the packs of worksheets

  3. Sophie Liu Avatar
    Sophie Liu

    I love it! Thank you so much!