March 3, 2023
DIY Homemade Geoboard – Hands-on Math for Kids

DIY Homemade Geoboard – Hands-on Math for Kids


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Kids will have fun working on early math concepts by making a diy geoboard.  This homemade geoboard is a great way for toddler, preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten age children to work on spacial awareness, building shapes, and strenghening hand muscles. Let us show you how to make a geoboard that is both quick and easy with a block of wood, golf tees, and rubberbands!

Kids will have fun working on early math concepts by making a diy geoboard.  This homemade geoboard is a great way for toddler, preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten age children to work on spacial awareness, building shapes, and strenghening hand muscles. Let us show you how to make a geoboard that is both quick and easy with a block of wood, golf tees, and rubberbands!

Homemade GeoBoard

Kids love hands-on activities to grasp new concepts. This homemade geoboard is a great way for kids to learn about shapes, sizes, and more. You can make this diy geoboard out of a block of wood, golf tees, and rubberbands. Plus, after we show you how to make a geoboard, we’ll show you some fun ways to use your geoboard DIY for a fun math activity for preschoolers, toddlers, kindergartners, and more!

DIY geoboard

My kindergarten used our geo board to practice building shapes. With all the golf tees in their holes she used different colored rubberbands to make the shapes we were reviewing in homeschool.

Homemade Geoboard to practice Kindergarten Shapes

How to Make a Geoboard

Now I know you are all going to be shocked, but I don’t actually have step-by-step pictures of how we made it! {gasp!} I wasn’t actually sure if it would work, but it did and works great.
We used a leftover board from when we built our chicken coop. The board is 2” thick. We used a drill to make holes 5 week and 5 wide. How big of holes you need will depend on what tees you get.  (We bought the multi colored Golf Tee 3 1/4″ 75 Pack)

We liked the natural wood, but you could always spray paint your wood if you like. If you don’t have any wood on hand check with home depot that cuts wood for people in their store – they often times have scraps leftover they are willing to share.

Geoboard diy

  1. Using a GeoBoard to learn about Sizes – We made a small square, then a bigger one, and a bigger one, and the biggest square of all.
  2. Using a GeoBoard to Make Letter – If you have a Kindergartner or older who is ready for a challenge you can use the Geobard to make alphabet letters.
  3. Using a GeoBoard to Toddler fine Motor Skills – My toddler used the Geo board to work on her fine motor skills. First she put all the pegs in the small holes. Then she made the marbles balance on the pegs. (marbles are small and require supervision) I also used it to practice colors by having her put the marbles on all the yellow pegs.

DIY Lava Lamp - super easy way to make your own lava lamp with simple things you have around your house. This homemade lava lamp is such a fun science project for kids of all ages to sneak in some summer learning. This science experiment is for toddlers, preschoolers, pre k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and kids of all ages at home, homeschool, summer camps, classroom, etc. Looking for a really fun and memorable science experiment for kids? You will love these EPIC pop rocks experiment. Try this pop rocks science experiment with preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 4th grade students to try a simple chemical reaction. This Whether you try this pop rocks science experiments for homeschool science, at a science birthday party, or as part of a summer science project - this is a MUST try,  really cool science experimentkids will LOVE. Take your homemade playdough to a whole new level of FUN with this amazing Color Changing Playdough recipe. This is sure to be a hit with toddler, preschool, pre k, kindergarten, first grade, and 2nd grade children alike.  Bring some beach fun home with this super simple, sand slime. This sand slime recipe is quick and easy to make for your beach theme or a summer activity for preschoolers.  Kids of all ages, from toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, and first grade students will LOVE this beach slime!

Summer Fun

Looking for more outdoor activities for kids and things to do in the summer? Your toddler, preschool, pre k, kindergarten, and elementary age kids will love these fun ideas to keep them busy all summer long:

If you are looking for a fun unique activity using eggs, you will love this silly egg head craft. This egg shell diy chia pet is cute, simple and silly spring activities for kids. This egg shell craft is fun for toddler, prsechool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, and 2nd graders too! Whether you are having a doctor theme preschool unit, talking about germs, community helper activity, or are just looking for a fun and silly craft for kids, you will love this band aid art project for toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, and 2nd grade children. You are going to love this really fun, creative craft for kids! Use these super cute beach worksheets to sneak in some fun summer learning in between all your summer activities to keep up skills and avoid the summer leaning loss. These free beach printables include letter find, beach i spy, beach math, counting, addition, skip counting puzzles, and so much more. This HUGE pack of over 70 pages of beach worksheets for preschool, pre k, kindergarteners, and first graders is so handy! Simply download pdf file with summer worksheets for preschoolers and you are ready to play and learn with a beach activity for kids! Looking for a fun, engaging pasta craft? This pretty stained glass pasta project has so many different possibilities to let your children explore their creativity, create something unique and beautiful, and strengthen coordination with those little hands. In this pasta art you will use dyed pasta to creat a beautiful stained glass craft. This stained glass art for kids is perfect for toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, and 2nd graders.

Summer Activities for Kids

Edible Ice Cream Playdough Recipe - amazing 2 ingredient playdough recipe perfect for toddler, preschool, kindergarten and kids of all ages for an ice cream thing, kids activity, or summer bucket list #playdough #playdoughrecipes #icecream This vinegar and baking soda rocket is an out-of-this-world fun AND educational summer activity for kids! Preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, and 6th grade students will enjoy making the baking soda rocket. This how to make a bottle rocket project is one of those really cool science projects your kids will remember forever! Tin Foil Art Looking for the best sidewalk chalk paint recipe? We think this sidewalk chalk is perfet because it is super quick, only uses 2-ingredients, and makes such bold, vibrant colors for kids to color with. Use this diy sidewalk chalk paint with toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd graders to let their imaginations SOAR! Let them use the homeamade chalk to create dragons, butterlies, flowers, trees, aliens, and more. Creating and using homemade sidewalk chalk paingit such a fun, simple, and classic summer activity for kids of all ages!

Fun Summer Activities for Kids

This balloon painting has got to be the highlight of our summer! This summer craft for kids is the perfect blend of an art project and a summer activity for kids. It is quick and easy to get ready and loads of fun to try this water balloon painting! Plus when you finish this water balloon activity, you will have a fun keepsake of your summer fun. This balloon paint art is perfect for preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 4th graders too. paint and roll summer balloon painting activity for kids Nothing says summer like water balloon games!  They are cheap, quick, FUN, and a great way to cool off on a warm summer day! Bug if your kids are tired of playing balloon toss, let us help you take your water balloon activities to a new level of summer activities for kids with these fun games to play with water balloons. These fun water balloon games are perfect for toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, and elementary age students! balloon painting art project for toddlers

Balloon Craft Ideas

Looking for more fun ways to play with balloons this summer?

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