February 5, 2024
FREE Printable Winter Coin Recognition Game

FREE Printable Winter Coin Recognition Game


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If you are looking for a fun teaching con identification activity, you will love this free printable coin recognition game with a fun winter theme. This math money game is perfect for preschoolers, kindergartners, and grade 1 students who are working on recognizing and adding up pennys, nickles, dimes, and quarters.

Teaching Coin Identification

Rhymes or Mnemonics: Create a simple rhyme or mnemonic device that associates the value of a penny with something memorable. For instance:

  • Penny (1 cent): “Penny’s bright, copper delight, worth just one in the light.”
  • Nickel (5 cents): “Nickel’s silver shine, worth five, never out of line.”
  • Dime (10 cents): “Dime’s small and thin, worth ten, keeps the change in.”
  • Quarter (25 cents): “Quarter’s bigger size, worth twenty-five, quite the prize.””Quarter’s broad and grand, worth twenty-five, always in demand.”

Repeat and Reinforce: It is important that we discuss the value of coins regularly. Repetition and reinforcement through flashcards, quizzes, or daily mental exercises can solidify the information in your little one’s memory. And that is where this game comes in.

Penny (1 cent): "Penny's bright, copper delight, worth just one in the light." Nickel (5 cents): "Nickel's silver shine, worth five, never out of line." Dime (10 cents): "Dime's small and thin, worth ten, keeps the change in." Quarter (25 cents): "Quarter's bigger size, worth twenty-five, quite the prize.""Quarter's broad and grand, worth twenty-five, always in demand."

Coin recognition activity

This game is very low-prep.

  • First, print off the pages that best suit the needs of your student. The first set focuses on just nickles and pennies. The next set adds a dime, and the last set has all four
  • Then gather up a spinner (a paper clip and pencil will work) and game pieces
  • Now you are ready to go.

Pennies and nickels

To begin, the first player spins the spinner. The player should say what the name of the coin is and what it is worth. They then move up the game board until they land on the name of the coin or the value of the coin.

Player two, then take their turn. They move to the word or number that matches what they landed on when they spun the spinner.

If they land on a snowflake they get to spin again!!! The first person who spins a coin in which the value or the name is not in front of their game piece, wins the game.

This coin recognition game is a great way to practice counting penny dime nickel. Use this activity with pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, and 2nd graders too.  Whether you are a parent, teacher, or homeschooler - you will love this fun activity!

Money Games

This game is a fun way to get in that repetition and reinforcement that our little ones need to be successful in learning and recognizing American coins.

There are three different board games so you can practice at different levels:

  • penny and nickles
  • penny dime and nickels
  • penny nickle dime quarter

Money Games

Winter Activities

Winter Printables

Check out this free printable coin recognition game with a fun winter theme for reviewing penny, nickel, dime, and quarter!

Money Activity for Kids

Before you grab your free pack you agree to the following:

  • This set is for personal and classroom use only.
  • This printable set may not be sold, hosted, reproduced, or stored on any other website or electronic retrieval system.
  • Graphics Purchased and used with permission from
  • All material provided on this blog is copyright protected.
> Winter Coin Recognition Activity <<

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