November 12, 2022
FREE Homeschool Checklist with Printable To Do Punch Cards

FREE Homeschool Checklist with Printable To Do Punch Cards


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Kids will have fun checking off things to do on their homeschool checklist with these Printable Punch Cards. (lots of choices!) These homeschool daily checklist work well for elementary age students who have typical subjects such math, spelling, chores, etc. We’ve also included blank templates for you to customize the homeschool printable in a way that works best for your children.

Kids will have fun checking off things to do on their homeschool checklist with these Printable Punch Cards. (lots of choices!) These homeschool daily checklist work well for elementary age students who have typical subjects such math, spelling, chores, etc. We've also included blank templates for you to customize the homeschool printable in a way that works best for your children.

Homeschool Checklist

Homeschool families have students of various ages to teach at the same time. That usually means kids do some independent learning and that there is a lot of things to track to make sure they get done. I came up with School Punch Bookmarks to help homeschoolers know when they finished a subject for the day. {pst… they are lots of fun for kids too!} This homeschool checklist idea has children use a hole punch to mark the tasks they’ve completed. I’ve included various homeschool printables of this homeschool daily checklist. PIck the tempalte that works best for your children, or add your own tasks in our blank option.

Homeschool Printables

Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> ____ <<. The homeschooling printables pdf file will open in a new window for you to save the freebie and print the template.


Homeschool daily checklist

What in the world are School Punch Cards?

Basically To Do Punch Cards are a fun way for you and your child to track the work they’ve completed. Just punch the subject / day and move on to the next task. There are various choices in the pack.


There are LOTS of choices! There are simple ones for younger children, ones with all the subjects for older students, and different themes / patterns.

You can also choose plain / blank (so you fill in subject/task or CHORE– you can do this in PDF instead of by hand).

Free Printable Punch Cards for Students

school reward chart
You can use this just to track what your kiddo completed or as part of a reward system. We use this chart below. The kids can save up their punches.

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Homeschooling Resources


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We are here to help! We have over 1 milliion free worksheets, games, and activities for students of all ages. Click on the links below!

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FREE School Punch Bookmarks - these free printable to do list for homeschoolers are a fun way for kids to keep track of chores, school subjects they finish, and more

Homeschool Daily Checklist

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  1. Wendie Avatar

    Thank you so much. preparing for a new year and thankful to have you as a resource!