April 17, 2023
Craft and Pray Around the World – A Christmas Experience for Families

Craft and Pray Around the World – A Christmas Experience for Families


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If you are looking for a unique, meaningful Christmas experience for your family this December you are going to want to take a look at my newest book – Craft and Pray Around the World.
Christmas Activities for Christian Families - Craft and Pray Around the World #Christmas #kidsactivities #homeschooling

Craft and Pray Around the World

A Christmas Experience for Christian Families

First, let me be clear, this is a “religious” book. The whole premise behind the book is to help families have a spiritually focused Christmas season. Secondly, there are lots of wonderful books that explore the events surrounding Christ’s birth; this is not one of those books. This book is unique in that it focuses on why Christmas.

For God so loved that world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him would not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

So in light of God loving us so much that he gave his only Son (Jesus) to be born on Christmas (and later die on the cross as an atonement for our sin) because he loved the world, we are going to learn more about the people of the world whom God loves.

We will learn what Christmas is like around the world, make an ornament for each country, and then most importantly we will pray specifically for the needs of the people in each of the 24 countries we are studying.

Craft and pray Around the World Sample Page

Christmas Around the World Activities for Families Craft and Pray Around the World

Each day you will pick one of the 24 countries around the world. Each day includes:

  • Traditional Christmas greeting
  • Christmas traditions
  • 3 specific things to pray about
  • Craft – a simple, unique ornament that represents the traditions of that country
  • Links to additional information
  • Paper ornament to hang on your tree (including the greeting, traditions, and 3 prayer requests)


Buy Craft & Pray Around the World: A Christmas Experience for Families

My desire with this book is that it is affordable so that every family can do this meaningful Christmas

I also really wanted to give back through this book. So from now through the end of 2014, all the proceeds from the sale of this book will go to help people around the world.  I am partnering with World Vision to hopefully (with your help) address areas that we pray for in this book – helping communities get water through a well and give towards the hope for sexually exploited girls fund to help vulnerable children.  These are two areas that are near and dear to my heart and with your help we can make a difference in Jesus’ name.

Craft & Pray Around the World Book1There are two ways to purchase my newest book:

Buy Craft & Pray Around the World in a full color, printed book  price  $14.38


Buy Craft & Pray Around the World in an instant download only $3.99

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  1. Meagan Winser Avatar
    Meagan Winser

    What countries are in this product?

    1. Beth Gorden Avatar

      Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Croatia, Egypt, England, Germany, Greece, Greenland, Guatemala, Iceland, India, Italy, Kenya, South Korea, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mexico, Philippines, Romania, Sweden, Ukraine, and Venezuela.

  2. Mary Judkins Avatar
    Mary Judkins

    Ive just paid for pray around the world to download- how do I do that??

    1. Beth Gorden Avatar

      Resent you the download link to the purchase email =)