March 3, 2023
Winter Themed Rhyming Words Puzzles with Pictures

Winter Themed Rhyming Words Puzzles with Pictures


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Grab this super cute, free printable, Winter Hat Rhyming Words with pictures puzzles to help children practice finding words that rhyme. These match the rhyming words activity add a fun twist to the matching rhyming words activity. Use this literacy winter activities for kindergarten, pre-k, and winter activities for preschoolers. Simply print the winter printables for a hands-on ractivity students can do over and over again.

Grab this super cute, free printable, Winter Hat Rhyming Words with pictures puzzles to help children practice finding words that rhyme. These match the rhyming words activity add a fun twist to the matching rhyming words activity. Use this literacy winter activities for kindergarten, pre-k, and winter activities for preschoolers. Simply print the winter printables for a hands-on ractivity students can do over and over again.

Winter themed rhyming words

This fun winter themed rhyming words with pictures is a great way to help preschoolers, kindergartners, and grade 1 students work on reading readings skills by listening for similar patterns in words. Rhyming. We find it all around us. In books, we read to our children, songs we sing, and in the phonics, we are teaching. It is an important skill and one that is fun to play with.

Winter rhyming words

Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> _____ <<. The pdf file will open in a new window for you to save the freebie and print the template.

Why Teach Rhyming

Do you know one of the indicators of a successful reader? It is knowing nursery rhymes.

Why? Because they rhyme and rhyming is a great skill that helps children read. You see most rhyming words end the same. And because they end the same, we are working on phonemic awareness when we practice rhyming. Rhyming helps us focus on the sounds of language.

Did you also know that rhyming helps children understand that words are made out of individual speech sounds, and you can change those sounds to create different words? Most of all rhyming is fun. Reading rhyming books, singing silly rhyming songs, and even creating your own crazy rhyming poems is just plain fun. And with that fun….our kids find joy in words and reading.


Winter rhyming activities

This activity requires a little bit of cutting, but if you laminate them, they can be used over and over.

  1. First, print off the hats on card stock paper.
  2. Next, cut them out and laminate.

Now it is time to call your kindergartner or preschooler and have some fun with this winter rhyming match.


Winter Activities for Kindergarten

First, it is important to determine what will be to much for your child.

Can you put all the hats on the ground and let them rhyme away, or do you need to only put a few hats out?


Winter Literacy

Next, our little ones need to know that words the pictures represent. You could show them the picture and let them guess, or you could just tell them and have them repeat (great speech practice if you have a child that needs this.)

Then, let them start saying the words and seeing if they can find the words that rhyme. Of course, some children will be able to do this with little to no help, while others will need support.


Winter Theme

One way to support is to slowly say the word while emphasizing the ending sound. You could even say the two words they are working on and emphasize the ending of both words. And if that doesn’t work….leave off the beginning sound and just say the ending.

It is a fun way to get children practicing rhymes. Enjoy!!!!

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Rhyming Activities

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Winter Printables

Looking for more free winter worksheets, winter activities, and winter themed ideas to make learning fun all winter long? Check out these fun resources:

Snowman CVC Words Activity free printable FREE Snowman Math Craft addition subtraction super cute alphabet snowman coloring pages for practicing phonemic awareness with prek and kindergarten age kids

Nothing says winter like snowman! Try these cute snowman printables:


Winter Rhyming Words Puzzles

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