November 12, 2022
Magic Melting Peppermint Candy Christmas Science Experiment

Magic Melting Peppermint Candy Christmas Science Experiment


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Want to add a little more magic into your Christmas holiday season this year? Your kids eyes will get wide with this fun Christmas science experiment. The best part? This Magic Melting peppermint science experiment takes literally 2 minutes to set it up! This Christmas science is perfect for toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, and first grade students to try in December.

Want to add a little more magic into your Christmas holiday season this year? Your kids eyes will get wide with this fun Christmas science experiment. The best part? This Magic Melting peppermint science experiment takes literally 2 minutes to set it up! This Christmas science is perfect for toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, and first grade students to try in December.

Christmas Science Experiment

I have nothing against science activities that require an extensive set up. There is a time and place for those, but it is really nice to have quick science activities that I can put together and let my kids explore! Because with toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, and grade 1 students the goal of a Christmas science experiment is to help kids get excited about learning, explore science, learn to ask questions, and remain curious about the wonderous world around them!

This Christmas science activities takes no time at all to set up and you don’t need much to do it either, so it is inexpensive! 

Peppermint science experiment

All you need for this STEM Science Project are a few simple materials you probably already have laying around your house:


  • Round Peppermint Candies
  • Plate
  • Warm Water
  • Christmas Tree Cookie Cutter (Optional)

That’s all you need!   Setting this up only includes making a ring on the outside rim of the plate. We chose a white plate so that we could really see the colors, but this isn’t absolutely required!

Christmas Science Activities

Christmas Science Activities

The next step, when you’re ready is to pour water over the peppermint candies and to slightly fill up the plate. Adding a cookie cutter is optional, but it is fun to see that the color starts to slow down (it doesn’t completely stop) when it hits the cookie cutter.

Christmas Experiments

Christmas Experiments

Slowly but surely the color of the peppermint candy is going to start melting to the middle of the plate. We found it very interesting that it made stripes as it went down. It seemed like this was created by the white and red colors of the candy.

As we watched, the clear water slowly started turning red- from the red part of the candy. 

Christmas Science

Christmas Science

This amazing experiment happens because the candy is made of sugar and food coloring. When the water meets the candy, it starts to dissolve the sugar and food coloring away from the candy itself. Since the plate has a slight angle down to the center, the color and sugar takes a slow ride to the middle of the plate.

Diffusion is the movement of a substance from an area of high concentration (the peppermint candy) to an area of low concentration (the water). Diffusion happens in liquids and gases because their particles move randomly from place to place. Although this is a simplified illustration, diffusion is an important process for living things.

fun peppermint science experiment
How fun is that? It is so pretty too! Oh and it smells AMAZING! If you like the smell of peppermint, you’ll LOVE this!! 

You can turn this into a Christmas science project by timing different liquids to see which one diffuses the red food coloring the quickest. Use a timer and try different liquids such as cold water versus warm water versus hot or try comparing milk or juice. What happens?

Christmas Science Experiments - fun, hands on, and EASY christmas science that is fun and festive. This science activity for toddler, preschoolers, kindergtartners, and elmentary age kids is perfect for december #christmasscience #christmasactiviteis #christmas This magical Melting Christmas tree project is sure to bring some magic and fun into your day this holiday seasons! Try this simple, easy Christmas Science Experiments with preschoolers, kindergartners, toddlers, and grade 1 students to sneak in some fun Christmas Learning! This Chemistry Christmas tree is such a fun Christmas activity for kids to try this holiday season!

Christmas Science Experiments for Kids

Looking for more fun Christmas science ideas? Check these out!

Alphabet-Trace-and-Erase-Christmas-Ornaments Christmas Worksheets for Preschool Kids are going to love these interactive, Free printable Christmas Playdough Mats! Let their creativity soar as they play, learn, and strengthen their fine motor skills while helping decorate the Christmas tree, decorating the gingerbread man, helping Santa Claus getting on his iconic red suit, and more!  Simply print the pdf file with the 10 different free Christmas playdough mats to have fun with toddler, preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten age students this December!

Christmas Printables

Looking for ideas for fun Christmas learning with free Christmas printables? Check out these fun resources:

Gingerbread-Christmas-Craft-for-Kids Snowman Keepsake Ornament free-printable-christmas-BINGO-for-families

Christmas Activities for Kids

Looking for more fun Christmas printables, Christmas Crafts, and Christmas activities to fill your holiday calendar? Check out these fun ideas!

FREE Christmas Around the World Activities for Kids - kids will have fun exploring over 30 countries while they learn about other countries holiday traditions, language, flag, geography, interesting facts and more. Includes Christmas crafts, recipes, FREE Christmas Around the World worksheets and more! #christmasaroundtheworld #christmasworksheets #free super cute, free printable, Christmas Worksheets are so much fun?  Preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, and 2nd grade students will stay engaged as they practice Christmas math, learn abcs, work on beginning sounds, fill in the vowel, letter recognition, make a printable book, play I spy, writing prompts, and more in December. Simply print the Christmas worksheets pdf and you are ready to make learning fun this holiday season! FREE-Gingerbread-Man-Printable-Pack

Free Christmas Worksheets

Looking for more huge Christmas Worksheets to make practicing math and literacy fun for kids? You will love these huge, free printable packs for December!

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