Teach your child about early explorers like the Vikings and Christopher Columbus with these super cute, free printable, Early Explorers Worksheets. These themed worksheets are perfect for preschool, pre k, kindergarten, and first grade students.

Early Explorers Worksheets
In Kindergarten we are studying about early explorers for kids. We’ve made masks, shields, and the coolest Viking ship ever (at least I think so). My toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergartners have really enjoyed the hands-on learning, but then wanted to do worksheets like big brother too. So I whipped up these FREE Early Explorers Worksheets.
Free printable explorer worksheets
Early explorers worksheet
Explorers Worksheet
Cut & Paste to figure out what items early explorers took with them on their journey. Introduce your preschooler to basic cardinal directions by cutting out the treasure chest and placing it to the N, S, E, or W of the explorer ship.
Practice colors by tracing the word with the correct color. Or print the sheet twice and make it a matching game! Improve fine motor skills with the prewriting page helping the explorer get to an item that represents them.
Practice letters by using a bingo marker (or color, circle, etc.) the letter S for ship. Trace the “V”s for Vikings.
Facts about explorers
You may also enjoy these other great activities:
- Leif Erikson for Kids Reader to Read, Color, and Learn
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- Learn about European Explorers for kids such as Amerigo Vespucci, Vasco de Gama, and Columbus with this hands-on history lesson
- James Cook Study
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- Don’t miss all our resources for learning about early explorers for kids
- Learn about 13 Famous Explorers for Kids Printable Reader to read, color, and learn
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- Early Explorers for Kids Pennant Posters
- FREE Printable Famous Early Explorers Coloring Pages
Preschool Worksheets
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FREE Early Explorer Worksheets
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>> Early Explorer Preschool Pack <<
The early explorers pack download takes me to Ohio to download.
sorry about that, it must have gotten crossed when updating afte the google drive updates. all fixed =)
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