Sometimes there are just some spelling words that don’t stick. We need extra practice for these spelling words and unfortunately lots of extra practice can mean lots of complaining too. So I came up with this spelling nerf games which makes my kids want to practice their spelling words over and over again! This nerf gun games is great for kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grdae, and 6th grade students. Simply print free spelling worksheets pdf file with and you are ready for an outrageously FUN spelling activities for kids.
Spelling activities for kids
Spelling Printables
Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> _____ <<. The free spelling worksheets pdf file will open in a new window for you to save the freebie and print the template.
Nerf Games
Battle Mode. As you stumble upon words your child frequently misspells (or your weekly spelling list) write them down on the sheet with lots of dart gun lines. When you are ready to practice grab two dart guns – whatever kind you have on hand. Have the parent say the word they need spelled. If you child spells it correctly they get to shoot you and you can mark it off your list. If they misspell the word you get to shoot them.
This is especially great for active boys. You can also use water guns outside during the summer months.
Spelling games for kids
Single Player. Using the bullseye sheet write down four words your child needs to practice on the orange lines. Have you child stand back 10-15 feet. They can aim for the word they want to spell. If they hit it they need to spell it. If they hit a bullseye they get all new words (a nice relief if the words are difficult for your child). Note: I usually cycle through the words several times so hitting the bullseye doesn’t mean they will never learn to spell it.
Spelling Activities
Looking for more fun, clever spelling games and free spelling worksheets? You will love these resources:
- Short and Long Vowel Worskheets for hands-on Spelling Practice
- Connect 4 Spelling Practice Worksheets
- Fun, Secret Code Spelling Worskheet
- Consonant Cluster Spelling Practice
- Hands-on Spelling Practice with Mini Cups
- 25 spelling activities for kids
- Spelling with Legos activity for kids
- Kindergarten Spelling Words – add a vowel practice
- Sensory spelling activities
- 1st Grade Word Search– free printable with grade 1 spelling words
- Money Spelling Activity
- Free Kindergarten spelling words Printable
- Nerf Spelling Activities for Kids (w/ Free Spelling Worksheets)
- Jump and Spell – an outrageously FUN spelling activity
- Floss Rule Worksheet
- Spelling Long A Words Activity
- Lego Spelling Test for Kids Printables
- Free Spelling Dictionary
Don’t miss all our free first grade worksheets and our other printable worksheets for prek-12th grade students. We have free printable math worksheets, english worksheets, history for kids, cool science experiments, and even fun activities for kids to go with every season and holiday throughout the year!
Free spelling worksheets
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