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Did you know that November is National Aviation History Month? The history of aviation, flight, and planes is of great interest to kids. Your preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 4th grade students will love learning about the History of Flight for Kids and how they work with these fun airplane crafts and aviation activities for kids!

Did you know that November is National Aviation History Month? The history of aviation, flight, and planes is of great interest to kids. Your preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 4th grade students will love learning about the History of Flight for Kids and how they work with these fun airplane crafts and aviation activities for kids!

History of flight for kids

Before starting in on this history of flight for kids lesson, check out some of the books about the history of aviation and planes to learn something about this wonderful invention. You may be surprised at what even you learn when completing this airplane unit study!  Then use one or two aviation activities for kids ideas to complete your study – or use them all if your kids are extremely interested in learning more about airplanes and flight. Maybe you are teaching a future pilot!

Take these ideas and use them to spark an entire unit study about the history of aviation and how we have conquered the sky all the way to space, the moon, Mars, and beyond. The brief history of flight is truly fascinating to learn about!

Books about Airplanes and Aviation

Read these books to learn the basics of aviation history and how we learned to fly.



Then, I’d encourage you to check out these lesson plan ideas on How Things Fly from the Smithsonian!

airplane crafts for kids

Aviation activities for kids

Your kids won’t realize they are learning when you complete these aviation crafts for kids and airplane activities!

airplane worksheets for kids

Free Plane Worksheets and Printables

Your kids might also like it if you make delicious edible airplanes!

This amazing color changing slime is going to blow your mind! This heat sensitive slime will actually change color as your kids touch it because it is heat sensitive! This is a super cool project for kids you MUST TRY! Must try summer activity for kids to add to their summer bucket list DIY Lava Lamp - super easy way to make your own lava lamp with simple things you have around your house. This homemade lava lamp is such a fun science project for kids of all ages to sneak in some summer learning. This science experiment is for toddlers, preschoolers, pre k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and kids of all ages at home, homeschool, summer camps, classroom, etc. dying flowers science experiment

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