November 12, 2022
Using Picture Books in Middle School and High School

Using Picture Books in Middle School and High School


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Did you think your years of looking at picture books where over? Here is a fantastic idea for using fantastic picture books to teach about literary techniques (like allegory, alliteration, hyberbole, idiomes,  imagery, irony, metaphors, onomatopoeia, and personification) with Middle School and High School homeschoolers.
Using Picture Books to Teach LIterary Techniques such as like allegory, alliteration, hyberbole, idiomes, imagery, irony, metaphors, onomatopoeia, and personification

I love picture books!

Picture books not only have some amazing illustrations that help stories come to life, but they are filled with sweet and simple beautiful stories that most of us remember our whole life.

Picture books are filled with such sweet memories of cuddling on the couch with my kids and reading.


Don’t pack up those picture books yet!

Here are 27 specific examples of ways to Use Picture Books to Teach Literary Techniques in Middle & High School from Our Journey Westward!

Wondering what in the world a literary technique is? Here are the ones included: allegory, alliteration, hyberbole, idiomes,  imagery, irony, metaphors, onomatopoeia, and personification


Book Recommendations for Kids

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