November 12, 2022
Resurrection Garden Craft – Easter Activities for Families

Resurrection Garden Craft – Easter Activities for Families


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This beautiful, fun, and easy-to-make Resurrection Garden is a meaningful Easter Activity for Christian families. The resurrection garden craft is such a great centerpiece and reminder of what really matters this Easter. These resurrection activities for kids are fun to watch grow over 5-7 days.  This Jesus resurrection craft is perfect for toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, and 6th grade students.  This Easter activities for families is sure to become a new favorte annual tradition.

This beautiful, fun, and easy-to-make Resurrection Garden is a meaningful Easter Activity for Christian families. The resurrection garden craft is such a great centerpiece and reminder of what really matters this Easter. These resurrection activities for kids are fun to watch grow over 5-7 days.  This Jesus resurrection craft is perfect for toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, and 6th grade students.  This Easter activities for families is sure to become a new favorte annual tradition.

Resurrection garden craft

The last couple years I kept seeing different Easter gardens popping up on the Internet and I have been really excited to make one ourselves. So last year I finally did!  Here is ours resurrection garden and how you make one yourself. You will love making this Jesus is risen craft with preschoolers, kindergartners, grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, gade 4, grade 5, and grade 6 students.  You will need about 7 days to grow nice green grass on your christian easter activities. So start this easter activities for families  ASAP!

Jesus resurrection craft
Resurrection garden

Here is what you’ll need:

  • plastic drip tray (59 cents at Menards) or pie plate
  • pot for tomb (make sure it is a good proportion to your base – we ended up using a small canning jar)
  • branches to make cross
  • rope to make crosses, dirt
  • grass seed
  • rocks
Resurrection activities for kids

Resurrection garden activity

Goofy started by adding dirt to our plastic drop tray. We added our pot to be the tomb and then put dirt around and on top of the tomb.

Jesus resurrection craft

We used twine to attach to twigs together to make a cross. We made our center one for Jesus a little bigger. We pressed them in the dirt above the tomb. Then the kids sprinkled on the grass seed.

Jesus easter craftsJesus easter crafts

Minnie added the large rock next to the tomb and got to spray all the grass seed.

easter activities for kidsChristian easter activities

We added some additional rocks and here is our completed garden. We left if on top of our kitchen table in a sunny spot where the kids lovingly sprayed it with water daily.

Christian easter activities

Easter activities for families

Within 4 days we had grass and by 7 days we had our complete Easter Resurrection Garden. It was a beautiful centerpiece for our Easter table and a good reminder of the real meaning of Easter!

This is uch a fun and easy easter crafts to make  Super cute bunny mason jar craft  Peeps Play dough - such a fun, easy-to-make edible playdough recipe that makes a fun easter activity for toddlers, preschoolers, pre k, kindergarteners, first graders and more. Such a fun play recipe for Easter in April. #peeps #easteractivity #easterplaydough #playdoughrecipes #preschool

Easter Arts and Crafts

Looking for some cute and clever easter crafts? You will love these fun ideas! Plus don’t miss Over 50 Creative Ideas To Fill Easter Eggs , our cute bunny pancakes, or our traditional bunny cake.

FREE Easter Bingo - super cute free printable easter game that helps kids learn the true story of Easter and Jesus, work on visual discrimination, and as a fun easter activity for toddlers, preschoolers, pre k, kindergartners, first graders, 2nd graders, 3rd grders, and 4th graders. #easterprintable #eastergames #sundayschool #preschool #kindergarten suerp cute easter craft that you make by coloring by number Printable Bunny ears template Easter Egg Activity working on visual discrimination

Free Easter Printables

These fun activities use our free easter printables to save you on prep work!

FREE Easter Worksheets for Toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergartners. trace the easter themed picture and trace alphabet letters to strengthen fine motor skills and cordination with this easter activity for kids #easterprintable #eastertracing #easterworksheets #preschool #toddlers  easter worksheet preschoolFREE Color by Number Easter Worksheets - super cute free printable to help toddlers, preschool, pre k, and kindergarten age students work on number recognition and srengthening fine motor skills with a fun easter activity for april #preschool #easterworksheet #easterprintable #prek easter activities for preschoolers

Easter Worksheets

Looking for free Easter worksheets or educational easter activities? Check out these resources and don’t miss our Easter Lesson Plan for Preschool or our Easter Books for PReschoolers

free-easter-parts-of-speech-practice Easter word family worksheets easter color by number hundreds chart Planting Carrots Spring / Easter CVC Words ACtivity

Make learning fun by adding one of these engaging easter activity ideas to your Easter Theme

floating egg experiment egg in a bottle Have you heard of the egg drop challenge? My daughter has been begging to do it for months. I don’t know why we didn’t do it sooner. Well, I do. I thought it was going to make a giant mess that I would end up cleaning up but I was totally wrong. It was basically no mess at all. I will even say this Egg Drop Challenge was so much fun! Try this egg drop project with preschool, pre k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 4th grade students for a fun, hands-on science project for kids. jelly bean stem activity

Easter Science Experiments

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