April 2, 2019

Making the most of Educational DVDs with stamps


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Today I wanted to share with you a simple idea to help Preschoolers be more active learners while watching educational television.

Leap Frog Letter Factory is one of my absolute favorite videos for Preschoolers. It helps kids learn the alphabet and the sound each letter makes in a fun, engaging way.  To help Minnie watch a little more attentively and to get the most out of the educational video I had her do an activity that went along with the video.
Best Educational DVDs and Extension Activities for Preschoolers Each time a new letter was introduced in the video, Minnie was to find the letter stamp that matched and stamp it on her paper. This time I had her do capital letters. You could of course do lower case, both or mixed. This was a great little tweak that helped may our TV time even more educational and FUN!

Our favorite early learning educational DVDs:

Additional Resources:

Reading the Easy Way – 10 week Preschool Dolch Sight Word Reading Program

What are you favorite educational Preschool videos?

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