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This free printable Psalm 23 BINGO is a fun way for children to learn Psalm 23 and work on recalling Psalm 23 memory work. We used this Bible game in our Sunday school lesson to go along with our unit on the Psalms and David. This is a fun psalm 23 activity sheets for kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 4th grade students.

This free printable Psalm 23 BINGO is a fun way for children to learn Psalm 23 and work on recalling Psalm 23 memory work. We used this Bible game in our Sunday school lesson to go along with our unit on the Psalms and David. This is a fun psalm 23 activity sheets for kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 4th grade students.

Psalm 23 Bingo

It can be hard to find fun bible crafts and activities for kids each and every week before teaching Sunday School. I usually scour the internet first to see if anyone has any great ideas before spending time coming up with something myself. But this week, I couldn’t find just what I was looking for. If you are looking for a fun Psalm 23 Bingo Game to make learning about David and the Psalms – you will love this free printable psalm 23 worksheet. The psalm 23 printable is perfect for kindergarten, grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, and grade 4 students.

Psalm 23 activity sheets

Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> ____ <<. The pdf file will open in a new window for you to save the freebie and print the template.

free Psalm 23 printable

David and Psalms Bible Lesson for Kids

Our church is going through the entire Bible in 3 years with our current curriculum. This week we are tackling Psalms, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes. (A lot to tackle!)  We have a group activity for kids as they come in, singing praise songs, Bible teaching time (lead by my hubby), Sword Drills (we teach 2nd grade and they need to be actively using their Bible), small group time, and a weekly craft. If you are looking for some craft suggestions for a unit on David or Psalms

Psalms 23 Craft

We’ve already made a cheerio cereal sheep craft for the parable of the lost sheep and a cute stamped sheep craft for our lesson on Cain and Abel,  so for when we taught this lesson to pre k, kindergarten, toddler children we made the classic sheep where children use glue to stick cotton bolls (as wool) over the sheep’s body). We wrote Psalm 23:1 “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” on the back.

Psalm 23 Activity

We are making a gumball craft based on Psalm 119:103 similar to this free Gumball Machine Cut Out Craft.  Our kids are writing things that are sweet to them (chocolate, twix, cookies, ice cream, etc.) on their gumballs and pasting them in their gumball machine. Then every time they think about their favorite sweets they can be reminded that God’s word is sweeter than even their favorite treats.

Psalm 23 Activity Sheet Psalm 23 Memory Game

Psalm 23 Game

Our opening Bible game this week will be this Psalm 23 Bingo I put together.  There are pictures and words based on Psalm 23. This Bible game will help kids be able to visualize the different elements of Psalm 23. The printable is in color, but can be printed in black and white to save on costs. You can give out stickers, smartie candy, or a high five as a prize. The Psalm 23 Bible Bingo includes:

  • 17 unique boards – this way most children can have their own board (Our class usually averages 45 students so once they are all there, some will have duplicate boards, but that’s okay.)
  • Calling Pictures – cut them out and put them in a hat or bag
  • Sheep Marker Squares – Cut out and have children place over spaces that have been called

printable sheep

This activity is great for homeschool Bible, family devotions, or a Sunday School lesson for Preschool – 3rd Grade.

Books of the Bible BOokmark printable Beatitudes Sunday School lesson with bee bible craft Kids will have fun practicing identifying the days of creation with this fun, free printable Creation BINGO game. This Bible game is perfect for homeschool families and Sunday school lessons for Preschool, Pre k, Kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade students.

Bible Printables for Kids

FREE Printable Psalm 23 Bible Bingo for Kids - this is a fun Bible games kids, Bible games for children, and for Sunday School lessons for preschool, kindergarten, first grade

Psalm 23 Memory Game

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>> Psalm 23 Bible Bingo <<

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  1. Meseret Avatar

    God bless you !

  2. Amy Avatar

    Hi Beth,
    Thank you so much for the resources you so generously share on your site! These are fun, time saving and high quality materials.
    God bless,
    Amy L

  3. Laura Miller Avatar
    Laura Miller

    Dear Beth. thank you sooooo much for this Psalm 23 Bingo resource. I teach kid’s classes on Wednesday night. It’s been a hectic week with a funeral and cemetery visit in the pouring rain. I needed an easy-to-do lesson. We;ve been working on Psalm 23 so this just fit the need! Again thank you for your gift. It’s my first visit to your site….I will be back.
    God bless your ministry.

  4. Cathy Strout Avatar
    Cathy Strout

    Thank you Beth for providing this game for us to use. You are greatly appreciated.