Ocean Animals UNIT

(14 customer reviews)


Dive in to this fun Ocean Animals Lesson filled with fascinating information about the oceans, whales, star fish, sharks, and more amazing creatures. You will find engaging text, science experiments, printable worksheets, life cycles, printable crafts, label the anatomy, report templates, creative writing prompts, beautiful color flashcards, and so much more!

This huge, 250+ page Ocean Animals Lesson will allow you to learn about the ocean and aquatic animals. There are 7 units to allow you to more closely examine the wide variety of aquatic animals on our planet – from whales to sea urchin. Use this fun science unit as a semester long science curriculum, summer learning, or supplemental activity. This huge pack for K-8th grade comes complete with easy to understand information, fun worksheets, video links, science experiments, cute clipart, printable crafts, report templates, creative writing prompts, and tests.

You can print the pages and have children color the cute clipart as you go or save money by reading from your laptop. Print the worksheets, crafts, templates, etc. as you need them. Print as many as you need for your family!

This is a bundle of our aquatic animal lessons – see description for content!

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1 -All About the Ocean

Lesson one will give you an overview of the largest animal habitat – water! 97% of the water in our world is found in the oceans: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern, and Arctic Oceans. Learn the differences between salt water, fresh water, and brackish water.  Discover the continental shelf and abyssal plains. Make ocean currents come alive for kids with some fun science experiments. Get an overview of ocean animals and how they are classified as nektonic, benthic, or sessile.  Finally learn how filter feeders clean the water, food chains, and test your knowledge of what you’ve learned.

HINT: This introduction to the Ocean for Kids Unit is only found in our Ocean Animals Lesson!

2 – All About Whales & Dolphins

Continue learning about the oceans for kids as you learn about the largest animals on earth. Whales have a tongue that weighs more than most cars, a heart as big as a Volkswagen Beetle, and they spend most of their life in parts of the ocean no person can ever see.  Even though whales can dive thousands of feet below the surface of the ocean, they are mammals and must breath air just like you and me or they would drown. Join us on a fascinating study about these marine mammals.

3 – All About Pinnipeds

In the next of our ocean animals lesson plans you will learn about the marine mammals that have front and rear flippers – seals, true seals, sea lions, and walruses. These animals have big bulky bodies and a thick layer of blubber to keep them warm in cold waters. While their large bodies weigh over 1000 pounds,  they are great swimmers.  Learn about Harp seal life cycles and walrus life cycles. Then explore the coasts where these large aquatic mammals make their rookeries to bear about one pup a year. Try a science experiment to discover why blubber keeps them warm. In addition to engaging text and worksheets, kids will be excited to make a printable seal craft and play Pinniped BINGO game for review.

4 – All About Sea Turtles

In this lesson you will learn all about herps. Herps are creeping, crawling creatures that move about on their bellies. Learn science terms like ectothermic, oviparous,  viviparous, and brumation as you get to know more about sea turtles, sea snakes, frogs, toads, and salamanders. Compare and contrast aquatic amphibians the frog and toad, discover the sea turtle life cycle, label the tadpole anatomy, make a frog life cycle printable craft, fill in worksheets like true and false, colour cute coloring pages, look for clues in the text, fill out report templates, use creative writing prompts, and take a test to find out what you’ve learned.

5 – All About Fish, Sharks, & Rays

Fish come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Some look like rocks while others look like snakes, some have huge mouths with sharp teeth and others can fly! While we don’t have time to talk about the 28,000 different species of fish scientists know about, we will take a look at the types of features fish have, bony fish, fish defenses, fish shapes, spawning, sharks, and various rays. Did you know that about 40% of sharks will lay the eggs in an egg case called a mermaid’s purse? In addition to the interesting facts, tests, worksheets, fish life cycle, shark life cycle, shark anatomy, fish anatomy, coloring pages and more – make a printable shark craft and All About Sharks book.

6 – All About Crustaceans, Mollusks, and Cephalopods

Crustaceans are animals whose bodies are made of segments, a tough outer shell, two pairs of antennae, and limbs that are jointed. Most crustaceans spend a good part of their lives crawling along the bottom of streams, rivers, and the ocean.  Learn how their exoskeleton is made of calcium carbonate and eat the layer they molt.  Discover their three mouth parts, body parts (including cephalothorax and abdomen), carapace, and 2 sets of antennae.  Crustacean animals include lobsters, crayfish, crabs, shrimp, krill, barnacles, and horseshoe crabs.

Mollusks are soft, slimy creatures with squishy bodies. Every seashell you find on the beach was made by a mollusk,  but not all mollusks make shells.  Learn about the mantle, siphon tubes, pearls, and the animal that drills into other mollusk shells. Some examples of mollusks include snails, slugs, oysters, clams, mussels, sea slugs, and others.

Another type of mollusk in a category of its own is a kids favorite – Cephalopods. You probably know them better as octopus, squid, cuttlefish, and nautilus.  These intelligent invertebrates can change colors in a split second, change the shape of their body to fit in small cracks, have three hearts that pump blood, powered by jet propulsion, and even make their own ink.

7 – All About Echinoderms & Cnidarians

Echinoderms are sea animals with spiny skin. Animals in this group include sea cucumbers, feather stars, brittle stars, sea urchins, sand dollars, and starfish. All these spiny-skinned creatures have some things in common: no eyes, no brain, and tube feet. In addition, they have tube feet, radial symmetry, can clone themselves, and many other interesting features.

Cnidarians are boneless, brainless, eyeless, and footless; they mostly are made up of a mouth and tentacles. Some have tentacles that hang below them called medusae, while others wave above them called polyps. Explore the coral reef including jellyfish, sea anemone, coral, and more.

14 reviews for Ocean Animals UNIT

  1. Laura

    Holy Smokes! This is better than the “regular” curriculum I get. My kids loved the coloring sheets, science experiments, crafts, and videos (it would have taken me so long to find all those!) Home run. I’ll be watching for the next unit… hopefully soon!

  2. Sharon

    This is such a well thought through and easy-to-use program. We have just barely started to dig in and we are enjoying it so much. Thank you.

  3. Lherdt

    I don’t know how you find the time, but I am so glad you do. I couldn’t believe the size of this unit and there is no fluff, just interesting facts, great information, lots of different choices of worksheets so all my kids are engaged, and so much more. I am learning so much. God bless.

  4. Cindy

    This is a wonderful set of lessons with a lot of fun activities. We are really enjoying them, they are learning while having fun.

  5. Diane Roe

    WOW, My grandchildren LOVE to learn with your pages, I am so into your site. THANK YOU

  6. Serina

    These are awesome worksheets. Not to complex, but complex enough to keep older kids engaged as well as younger ones. We live in NZ and are homeschooling, and these are so cool! We have a 13 and 11 year old and they are enjoying these units! Even though they are simple, they supply excellent facts (even I am learning stuff I did not know!!) and a nice well rounded basis to expand on when required. They really enjoyed the science experiments and the links to the great videos which back up the learning. This is the first time in the three years I have been homeschooling that Ive felt intrigued enough to buy something like this, but it is absolutely worth every cent and will be purchasing other relevant subject units in the future. Very well done. Highly recommend!

    • Beth Gorden

      Thanks so much for your kind comments! We are so glad you are enjoying the units!

  7. Christine

    It looked like a really cool unit. I bought it but did not see how to download it, so I thought it would be emailed to me. How do you get to someone to fix this.

    • Beth Gorden

      sent you a new email… probabaly in your dreaded SPAM folder 😉

  8. Michelle Lex

    Excellent resource! Thank You.

  9. Megan Burkholder

    Oh my so excited for this unit. My girls were wanting to study the ocean and beach this summer. When I saw this unit at that price I thought it was too good to be true. It’s full of so much information and fun activities and I don’t have to search it out. It’s all right there for me. Thanks so much, I can’t wait to dive into it with my girls. 🙂

    • Beth Gorden

      SO Glad we can help out! We try to make things as affordable for families as we can =) My kids loved this lesson too!


    You will absolutely get your money’s worth on this product. It’s fabulous, thorough, adorable, and an overall impressive resource for a variety of ages.

    • Beth Gorden

      Thank you so much Kristina. We are honored you enjoyed our product!

  11. Leah Ude

    We are planning on using Apologia’s Zoology 2 book this year for science. I was so excited to find this resource because it lines up perfectly with most of the topics in the book. There are options in these printables for older and younger students. I think this is a much better resource than the “junior” notebook that Apologia puts out. I can’t wait to use this with my girls, thank you so much!!

  12. Katie

    Holy cow there is SO much in this unit! I was amazed by the variety, engaging images, fun crafts/activities, and quality information. Thanks so much.

  13. Cece

    Our favorite science program EVER!

  14. Jade Steely

    My only suggestion is to check the link within the curriculum. Most of the link that linked to National Geographic’s website did not work, and I had to search YouTube to find something else. I also noticed a few errors along the way but nothing major. I still give this one a 5 star review, and I have been posting our journey of this curriculum on my personally Facebook page. All my homeschool momma friends who have asked about it have received your link. I’m definitely saving this unit and will do it again and elaborate on it more as they get older.

    My kids LOVED this curriculum! Especially all the art projects that are literally covering my walls from the last 7 weeks. I wish I could attach a picture.

    For $10 this purchase was totally worth it! I purchased this, and I broke down each section into a week. I’m a homeschooling mom of four children. I went through each week, then went searching the internet to add is some worksheets for my younger children. For example, I found a work sheet for the Letter S and it was S is for Shark during the shark week. So I broke this unit up into a total of 7 weeks. Then each weekend I took them to see that live animals in person. We live in Florida and have passes to Sea World, Wild Florida, Etc. So it was very simple to take them to see all these animals. Sea World also had live shark eggs “mermaid purses” for them so see, and each egg was at a different stage, including a brand new baby shark in the next tank. So it was awesome to see what they were studying in person. This unit was an absolute blast, and I learned a lot as well. At the end of this “unit study” we are going to the Florida Aquarium as our “BIG” field trip! Thank you for putting such a wonderful curriculum together.

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