November 12, 2022
Jesus Sandals Craft

Jesus Sandals Craft


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This free printable craft is perfect for a Sunday School Lessons where John points to Jesus being greater than he is in Mark 1:7.
Jesus Sandals Craft (free printable) for Sunday School Lesson focusing on Jesus is greater than John the Baptist from Mark 1:7

Jesus is Greater than I am

This Jesus is Greater than I am Sunday School lesson focuses on how John points to Jesus being greater than he is in Mark 1:7 with a fun, free sandal craft for kids.

We used it in Sunday School with our lesson on how John responded to his followers who were frustrated that people were following Jesus instead of them. John pointed to how Jesus is Greater than I am.  John 3:22-39

Jesus Paper Sandals CraftJesus' Sandal Craft for Sunday School Lessons

Sunday School Craft for Kids

The kids made sandals to remind them of how John said Mark 1:7 he was not even fit to untie Jesus’ sandals. John reminded the people that Jesus is greater that he was.

  • Just print a page per child on cardstock.
  • Cut along the solid lines and hole punch the circles.
  • Fold the sides of the sandals in to the sandal to create the shape.
  • Using about 3 feet of yarn lace the sandals like you would a tennis shoe

Sandal Template Craft for Kids

Note: These shoes should fit kids from PreK-2nd grade if they actually want to wear them!

Books of the Bible BOokmark printable Learn the Books of the Bible with Lego Books-of-the-Bible-Bookcase-Activity

Learn the Books of the Bible

Here are several fun activities we’ve used to help the kids learn the books of the Bible. They are well suited to most kids in elementary school. You may also like or Books of the Bible Snack or the Books of the Bible bulletin board.

FREE Sermon Notes for Kids - help kids follow along with any sermon with one of these free printable simple sermon notes printable #sermonnotes #church #sundayschool FREE Printable Bible Verse Cards - these free printable Bible verse cards will help your family hide God's word in your heart. Simply print on cardstock, practice, and meditate. #bible #bibleverses #sundayschool  Kids will have fun practicing identifying the days of creation with this fun, free printable Creation BINGO game. This Bible game is perfect for homeschool families and Sunday school lessons for Preschool, Pre k, Kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade students.

Bible Printables for Kids

12 disciples lesson becoming fishers of men jesus in the temple as a boy bible lesson craft activity Wordless Book Craft for kids making simple bead cross craft

Jesus is Greater Than I am Sandals Craft

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>> Jesus Sandals Craft Template <<

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  1. dianna Avatar

    How do I print the Jesus sandal craft ?

    1. Beth Gorden Avatar

      On the post you want to see. Then, on the post scroll to the bottom, under the terms of use, and click on the TEXT LINK under the terms of use that looks like >> ____ <<. For more help downloading including screenshots see here -