Help kids continue to practice math so they avoid the dreaded summer learning loss with these free printable, summer math.  These free summer printable is fun math board game that will help kids in kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, and fourth grade review addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and even/odd numbers. Simply print pdf file with summer game and you are ready to practice math!
Summer Math
Although summer can be a great opportunity to take a break from formal learning, it can also be the perfect time to play fun games and learn in a more relaxed way. LOW PREP! (like our 2000+ page of free math worksheets) This “Fun in the Sun” math games can help you do just that! On those days when the kids are bored, or it’s too hot to go outside, play one of these games to work on addition, subtraction, multiplication or division.
Summer Printables
Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> _____ <<. The pdf file will open in a new window for you to save the freebie and print the template.
Summer Math Challenge
Materials Needed to Play:
- Fun in the Sun Board Game of your choice (4 choices included in file below)
- Two Dice
- Game pieces (either from another board game, or use things such as coins, beads, unifix blocks, etc.)
Odd and EvenÂ
- Pick on of the four different versions, so that you can focus on a particular skill such as addition, subtraction, multiplication or division.
- Each version has basically the same rules, simply change the math operation.
To begin, place all game pieces on “start.”
The first player then rolls both dice and adds (subtracts, multiplies or divides) the two numbers together.
If the new value is odd, they move to the closest “odd” space on the game board. If it is even, they move to the closest “even” space on the game board.
Summer Learning
So on each turn, a player will be able to move forward either one or two spaces.
Players take turns rolling the dice, completing the calculation and moving accordingly until someone reaches the end space.
The first player to reach “end” (which requires an even value) is the winner!
Summer Math
A few things to note:
- To make playing easier and more enjoyable, you may need to review even and odd numbers before you begin, especially if you are playing with younger kids.
- If you are playing the subtraction version, make sure your child knows to subtract the smaller value from the larger value.
- If you are playing the division version, the value used to determine even or odd is the whole number part of the quotient. For instance, if a child rolls a 6 and a 4, 6/4 = 1 and 1/2. Because the whole number is 1, they would move to the nearest “odd” space.
- To make this more of a challenge, try using polyhedron dice that have more than just the numbers 1-6, or grab a set of blank dice and write larger numbers on each side.
- To win, you must roll an even value. If you are at the end and your roll gives you an odd value, you don’t move and play moves to the next player.
Suggestions for Playing with Older Children
- If you have older kids who are up for a greater challenge, see if they can determine the chances of rolling an even or odd value for each game board.
- Have them answer questions such as, “How many rolls will give an even value?” or “Are the chances still 50/50 if you add the numbers first? What about when you multiply?”
- This is a great opportunity to work on some probability questions!
- Free Printable skip counting worksheets
Summer Fun
Looking for more outdoor activities for kids and things to do in the summer? Your toddler, preschool, pre k, kindergarten, and elementary age kids will love these fun ideas to keep them busy all summer long:
- Marshmallow Shooters – go over 30 feet!
- 2 ingredient Easy Slime Recipe
- How to Make a Lava Lamp – it’s super EASY!
- Kids will no nuts over this simple Pop Rock Experiment
- Handprint Strawberry Craft for Summer
- Grow Your Own Crystals
- Water Balloon Experiment – exploring densit with an EPIC summer activity for kids
- Amazing Bubble Painting
- Mind Blowing Color Changing Playdough
Summer Activities for Kids
- Egg Shell DIY Chia Pet Craft – Silly Spring / Summer Activities for Kids
- Grass Head Craft for Kids
- Blow GIANT bubbles with this Homemade Bubble Solution
- Outrageously FUN Bubble Painting
- Bleeding Tissue Paper Fireworks Craft
- Beautiful Flower Suncatcher Craft
- 30 Fun June Crafts for Kids
- Must try Lego Zipline
- Exploding Watermelon Science Experiment
- Homemade Chalk Recipe
- 75+ FUN Scavenger Hunts for Kids
- Find activities by month with our June Crafts for kids or our June Activities for Kids!
Fun Summer Activities for Kids
- Ice Cream Edible Playdough
- Whip up a batch of Kool Aid Playdough – it smells amazing!
- I Spy DIY Bottles are quick, easy and FUN!
- Amazing Tin Foil Art Project for Kids of all Ages
- Vinegar and Baking Soda Rocket Science Experiment for Kids
- Summer Bucket List Printable with Ice Cream Theme
- How to Make Ice Cream in a Bag
- Ice Cream Playdough Patterns
- Head to the zoo with this FREE Zoo Scavenger Hunt – lots of choices for all ages!
- Make your favorite animal with one of these 100 animal crafts
- Try one of these fun Animal I Spy Printables
- Epic Squirt Gun Painting
- Play with your food using this goldfish counting activity
- After seeing the frogs at the pond, grab this free life cycle of a frog worksheet
- Avoid the summer learning loss by practicing math with these crack the code worksheets
- First Day of Summer Craft
- Create this gorgeous stained glass art for kids
- 107 Epic Summer Activities for Kids
Fun Summer Math Games
Before you grab your free pack you agree to the following:
- This set is for personal and classroom use only.
- This printable set may not be sold, hosted, reproduced, or stored on any other website or electronic retrieval system.
- Graphics Purchased and used with permission
- All material provided on this blog is copyright protected.
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