November 12, 2022
Washed White as Snow – Snow Globe Bible Craft

Washed White as Snow – Snow Globe Bible Craft


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Kids will have fun making this Washed White as Snow craft to go along with a Bible lesson on Isaiah 1:18. This is a great addition to a Bible lesson on salvation and how God sees us. Use this fun snowglobe craft with preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first gade, 2nd grad students.
Kids will have fun making this Washed White as Snow craft to go along with a Bible lesson on Isaiah 1:18. This is a great addition to a Bible lesson on salvation and how God sees us. Use this fun snowglobe craft with preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first gade, 2nd grad students.

Washed white as snow

 “Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.” -Isaiah 1:18


Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. -Psalm 51:7

Jesus Washed me White as Snow

Ever since the moment Eve disobeyed God by eating of the tree, sin has left its dirty mark on the world and in the hearts of humankind. What a beautiful word picture we see written by David in Psalm 51 and from God himself in the words He spoke to Isaiah. We are washed white as snow.

The winter is the perfect time to dwell on this verse and teach it to children. A great time for this lesson would be after a fresh snowfall, when the world is sparkling white. Read these verses aloud and take in the beautiful sight, a wonderful image of our clean slate in Christ.

To further reflect on this concept, here is a fun craft for all ages.

Isaiah 1:18 Sunday School Lesson

For this craft you will need the following items:

  • Glass jars (any size or shape of recycled jar will do)
  • Hot glue gun or super glue (I recommend the latter)
  • Glitter (we used white, silver, and a little blue)
  • Figurine (we used LEGO men)
  • Printable tags (optional)
  • Water
First you will want to make sure your jars are clean and the labels removed. We used a larger jelly jar and a smaller jar as well and they both worked great!

Snow in the Bible

Next, have the child/children choose a figurine to place in their jar. I told them to choose a LEGO man to be a pretend them.

Once you have your figurine, you will need to glue it to the lid of the jar. We used a hot glue gun, but it didn’t like to stay adhered to the slippery surface of the jar lid very well. I would recommend using super glue instead if you have it.

Next, fill your jars all the way up with water.

Then sprinkle in some glitter. You don’t need a ton! The white glitter looked just like snow and the silver/blue added a nice sparkle.

Now put your lid on nice and tight! (If you need a little more glitter, feel free to unscrew and go back and add a bit more)

We added the printable tag to the back of the larger jar. You could glue it on the top or tie it on with a ribbon as well – or leave it off if you want!

What a fun and easy craft to help remind us that Jesus washes our sins as white as snow! A great song to sing along with the craft is “Jesus Paid It All”:

Jesus paid it all
All to him I owe
Sin had left a crimson stain
He washed it white as snow


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Learn the Books of the Bible

Here are several fun activities we’ve used to help the kids learn the books of the Bible. They are well suited to most kids in elementary school. You may also like or Books of the Bible Snack, Books of the Bible bulletin board, and books of the Bible bookmark.

FREE Sermon Notes for Kids - help kids follow along with any sermon with one of these free printable simple sermon notes printable #sermonnotes #church #sundayschool Kids will have fun practicing identifying the days of creation with this fun, free printable Creation BINGO game. This Bible game is perfect for homeschool families and Sunday school lessons for Preschool, Pre k, Kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade students. Cain and Abel Craft and bible lesson

Bible Printables for Kids

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