November 12, 2022
Tower of Babel Craft for Kids

Tower of Babel Craft for Kids


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Kids will love this fun, unique, and easy to make tower of babel craft for kids. Just print, use scissors to cut along the lines, and tape together. Super cute for sunday school lessons for preschool, kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade kids.

Tower of Babel Bible Craft for Kids

Tower of Babel opening Activity

For our opening activity we had hundreds of red cups for kids to stack to build the tallest tower.

Tower of Babel Craft for Kids

Make a cone out of the brick paper in the free printable below and secure with tape.
Then, cut across the wide end of cone so the cone will stand on a table.
Finally, cut out the spiral verse and place over cone to make ramp up. Secure with tape at one or both ends.

Bible Lessons for Kids


Download Tower of Babel Craft for Kids

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    • This is for personal use at home, church, VBS, homeschool coop, etc.
    • This may NOT be sold, hosted, reproduced, or stored on any other site (including blog, Facebook, Dropbox, etc.)
    • All downloaded materials provided are copyright protected. Please see Terms of Use.
    • I offer free printables to bless my readers AND to provide for my family. Your frequent visits to my blog & support purchasing through affiliates links and ads keep the lights on so to speak. Thanks you!

>> Download Tower of Babel Craft <<

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  1. Becca Buchanan Avatar
    Becca Buchanan

    I was hoping to reproduce this for 100 kids for our summer vbs. I look at your store to purchase copyrights and noticed that you said all Bible resources are free for use anywhere but above it says “for personal use only”. Can you help me figure out what I should do? Thanks!

    1. Beth Gorden Avatar

      All our Bible crafts are free to use for your personal projects at home, church, VBS, coop, etc. Enjoy!

  2. Sherry Avatar

    Thank you! I was praying for God to provide me with a lesson appropriate for our very young to young children’s group. We’re few in number and this lesson is perfect. Thank you!

  3. Jo Avatar

    Thank you for all of the hard work that goes into making these craft ideas. It is such a blessing. I am not craft inclined so it helps me out very much when I have crafts for our junior church children. Thank you!!!